How much exercise is too much?

I have steadily been losing 2-3 pounds per week for the past 4 weeks, as the first week i lost 6 pounds. I am constantly worried about my weight though. I do 50 mins 5 times a week, and am thinking of doing 90 mins 3 times a week, and 30 mins in the days between. Should i change to this or stick to what i have been doing? Thanks:drinker:

Edit - I have been doing a Tae-bo dvd thats 51 mins 4 times a week, and 30 mins on my stationary bike in between the 4 days on wednesday. Im thinking of doing the tae-bo with 40 mins biking M,W,F and the stationary bike for 30 mins T,Th.


  • gabesky
    I have steadily been losing 2-3 pounds per week for the past 4 weeks, as the first week i lost 6 pounds. I am constantly worried about my weight though. I do 50 mins 5 times a week, and am thinking of doing 90 mins 3 times a week, and 30 mins in the days between. Should i change to this or stick to what i have been doing? Thanks:drinker:

    Edit - I have been doing a Tae-bo dvd thats 51 mins 4 times a week, and 30 mins on my stationary bike in between the 4 days on wednesday. Im thinking of doing the tae-bo with 40 mins biking M,W,F and the stationary bike for 30 mins T,Th.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    what kind of exercise.

    It's not recommended to weight train more then 45 minutes at a time but cardio is different.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I have steadily been losing 2-3 pounds per week for the past 4 weeks, as the first week i lost 6 pounds. I am constantly worried about my weight though. I do 50 mins 5 times a week, and am thinking of doing 90 mins 3 times a week, and 30 mins in the days between. Should i change to this or stick to what i have been doing? Thanks:drinker:

    I agree with the above poster...I myself am a cardio beast I do about 60-120+ minutes daily...I lose about 2-7 pounds per week...It all depends on how much you have to lose and what type of excercise your doing ....if you feel its dropping to fast just give your Doc a ring...
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I have steadily been losing 2-3 pounds per week for the past 4 weeks, as the first week i lost 6 pounds. I am constantly worried about my weight though. I do 50 mins 5 times a week, and am thinking of doing 90 mins 3 times a week, and 30 mins in the days between. Should i change to this or stick to what i have been doing? Thanks:drinker:

    Edit - I have been doing a Tae-bo dvd thats 51 mins 4 times a week, and 30 mins on my stationary bike in between the 4 days on wednesday. Im thinking of doing the tae-bo with 40 mins biking M,W,F and the stationary bike for 30 mins T,Th.

    thanks for staying could check and see what the Navy boot camp regimen/schedule is like, I imagine it is on the web somewhere and start doing it so you have a leg up when you join....advanced thanks for the Dad was in the Navy and saw the world on an aircraft carrier...while he served he was also engaged to be married to 4 women at the same time, glad he ended up with my Ma....good luck
  • gabesky
    Thanks. Yeah, in Recruit Training (basic) they do 1 hour 6 times a week alternating between cardio and strength training, but thats all they say
  • Mommy2Girls
    If you are still losing doing what your doing then keep with it. Switch your porgram when you hit a plateau.

    I do 45-60 min 7 days a week.....