Do you eat right after working out?



  • tusher2011
    tusher2011 Posts: 201 Member
    thanks everyone. i just went and bought the pure protein (frosty chocolate). hope i like it!
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    I have heard that you should eat w/in an hour of working out.

    I heard it was "within 30 minutes"

    But yes, I eat -- take in 100 calories. Often 1 cup of Whole Raw Milk
    I bring it in the car with me - toss a couple of ice cubes in the glass so it is Still Cool 90 minutes later.

    So it's ready before I even begin to exercise :laugh:
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    I'm curious...

    how many calories do you all Intake after exercising?
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    ok, i'm new (and i mean, *really* new) to this whole working out thing (if you want to call using the treadmill "working out"), so i can use any advice i can get. i thought eating defies the purpose of working out, but i'm reading that you *should* eat afterwards. can someone tell me why - what the logistics are? any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks! :flowerforyou:

    Well...a girl's gotta eat! If you exercise, you need to fuel your body, and you're going to have to eat anyway. The purpose of working out is more than just working off's also to get your body moving, to tone muscles, to stretch, to burn calories, to condition yourself to be able to do more, etc. If you exercise and don't eat, and your body is not properly fueled, you could get into some trouble with blood sugar and actually put your body into starvation mode which won't help with weight loss.

    It's all a balance- you have to make sure you eat the right things to fuel your body to be able to exercise and so forth. Cindy- if you have access to a trainer and nutritionist, you should really talk to them about getting on a program that's right for you. Otherwise, just ask your doctor :)

    thank you - i suppose that's just common sense that i don't have. lol

    when you workout your muscles essentially tear.. You are breaking down and tearing the muscles. The muscles need fuel to help repair them. That's how we get toned and bigger muscles. The right foods though!! You cant run on the treadmill and then eat a piece of cake lol. Muscles need protein to rebuild, hence the reason for protein shakes and bars and such!

    thank you so much for the explanation:)
  • jmlabuda
    jmlabuda Posts: 4
    I recommend taking a protein shaker with you to the gym. Throw in some ice, a scoop or two depending on your protein needs of whey protein (fastest digesting protein) and I use orange gatorade which is high in sugar and carbs to spike your insulin level. Your 1 hour window of opportunity for replenishing your muscles is vital to get a fast digesting protein source. If you eat food instead you will lose this opportunity due to the body having to digest these nutrients and thus you will miss 1 hour window. Always go with a protein shake, and then an hour or so after your protein shake then take in your meal. Hope this helps.
  • greatginew
    After reading all these posts I think I've been doing it all wrong :(
    A typical day for me:
    4am - Cardio or Stretch - I drink 1/2-1 bottle of water during
    7am - 4egg whites 1 yolk, 1c broc, 1/2 slice "good" bread
    10am - 2tbs Smart Bal PB & 13 Fiber Select crackers
    12 pm-1pm- Cardio - Jog on beach or walk w/weights
    1:30 - Salad w/canned chicken craisins, croutons, feta & 1tbs ranch
    3:30 - Kashi Go Lean Protein & Fiber bar
    5:00 - Sensible High protein green veggies dinner
    6:00-7:30 - Work out w/weights
    Then shower wind down & bed by 9 - 9:30pm

    Any advise on how to tweek this is much appreciated!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,663 Member
    Hell yeah! I'm starving after a workout! Best time to eat!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,663 Member

    Why "must" you eat after working out? I've never eaten after working out because exercise takes away my appetite. I drink plenty of water after a workout, then eat later when I start to feel hungry, which is usually more than an hour.
    You don't HAVE to eat after a workout. Science just shows the "window of opportunity" is better during this time for the absorption of macro nutrients.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,663 Member
    I'm curious...

    how many calories do you all Intake after exercising?
    Shake 200, then I eat, 460.