Hello there!

Hello, I am liliana from Colombia leaving in vegas right now. I just lost 10lbs, the hardest thing in my entire life. I am 45 140lbs right now. My goal y in my tommy....hate it. But I can’t get over it. So I need help with real tips. Lol.


  • Annie__Bananie
    Annie__Bananie Posts: 4 Member
    My stomach is my problem area as well! What really helped me was getting some core sliders/sliding discs (whatever you want to call them). They are very cheap around $10 and there are so many websites and YouTube tutorials with workouts that show you how to use them. They really helped with my belly and my balance.
  • MarissaRiv23
    MarissaRiv23 Posts: 406 Member
    Hola Liliana! 👋🏼
    I would try to continue to lose a few more pounds and incorporate some planks. I feel like planks made a huge difference for me.
    Also, when done correctly, most workouts engage your core.
    Good luck! If you need any more advice you can friend me!