Fall Group to finish the year strong! Who is with me?



  • cbolin2015
    cbolin2015 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in! I recently got married, and pre-wedding I got down to 142lb with consistant diet and exercise (starting weight was 197lb). Post-wedding, I've gained at least 10lbs, so I'd like to get down to at least my pre-wedding weight again.

    Weight: 152
    Goal by 12/31/19: 140
    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: I love weight lifting. I don't enjoy cardio, but I do it because I know it's necessary to reach goals 😝
    Biggest Challenge to meeting your Goals: Eating when I'm not even hungry.
    A Guilty Pleasure: cheesy romantic comedies
  • cbbrowns86
    cbbrowns86 Posts: 4 Member
    Let’s do It!!

    Weight: 230
    Goal by 12/31: 205-210
    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: Strength training and Muay Thai
    Biggest Challenge to meeting you goals: Pizza and Rum on the weekends
    Guilty pleasure: pizza and rum on the weekends lol

    From 280 to 210 18% BF, summer bulk 2019 went GREAT 230 19% bf. need that support to stay discipline before brothers wedding come new year. Cheers all! Love, Respect, Believe
  • OkieFitness
    OkieFitness Posts: 43 Member
    edited October 2019
    Weight: 186.8
    Goal by 12/31/19: 170
    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: Gardening / Yardwork
    Biggest Challenge to meeting your Goals: The psychological of the fight!
    A Healthy Reward you enjoy: A walk through a nature trail or forest.
    Guilty Pleasure: BBQ!

    Nice to find a group with this short term goal. I need it! Man, it’s been a roller coaster ride the last couple of years but when I hit nearly 200 in April I said, “Enough is enough...”. So I’m proud to be down 10 since. I felt great in my 20s at 160 but giving myself some liberty in my 50s for the 170 goal. Heck, if I decide to go for the 160s at 170? That’ll be gravy after losing 17 from this point right?!?
  • IAmTheGlue
    IAmTheGlue Posts: 701 Member
    Weight: idk- last weight was 254 at the Dr in September. I'll get a new weight when I see the Dr in November unless I have occasion to see him before that.

    Goal by 12/31/19: 200? I don't actually have a set goal, I just am pressing forward with activities and calorie counting.

    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: Walking with my husband. Walking with my toddler in his stroller.

    Biggest Challenge to meeting your Goals: We like to eat out (restaurants not fast food).

    A Guilty Pleasure: World of Warcraft.
  • nhgrl68
    nhgrl68 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm definitely in! Thank-you for starting this...

    Weight: 151.5
    Goal by 12/31/19: 140lbs
    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: Walking. I need to add in the strength training again.
    Biggest Challenge to meeting your Goals: A slow metabolism & lack of consistency.
    A Guilty Pleasure: Red wine 3 nights a week...
  • Shortgirlrunning
    Shortgirlrunning Posts: 1,020 Member
    Weight: 155
    Goal by 12/31/19: 140
    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: Running
    Biggest Challenge to meeting your Goals: I like food a lot lol
    A Guilty Pleasure: Reese’s Peanut Butter cups
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,628 Member
    Weight 160
    Goal by 12/31: 148
    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: walking my dogs (looks like there's many lucky dogs on here)
    Biggest Challenge to meeting Goals: snacking at night BUT I'm hooked on sunflower seeds now so it's been good
    A guilty Pleasure:I don't know
  • LoKoMi
    LoKoMi Posts: 51 Member
    Age: 50

    Height: 5’ 4”

    Weight: 157

    Goal by 12/31/19: 150 and that’s also my final goal weight. I’ve gotten as low as 152 and as high as 159 over the past five months, mostly hovering around 155

    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: Sh’Bam- a hip hop dance fitness class at the Y

    Biggest Challenge to meeting your Goals: my needs often come last- so I often miss my gym time when something else is going on or needs to be taken care of

    A guilty pleasure: I chug Hershey’s Dark syrup straight from the bottle

    A Healthy Reward you enjoy: clothes shopping! I have lost about 70 pounds in almost two years so NOTHING fit anymore, I even went from 8.5W to 8 in shoes!
  • jainsworth10
    jainsworth10 Posts: 1 Member
    Also late to the party but would like to join in! I gained a lot of weight before and during my last pregnancy due to hormone treatments then regular baby weight. I’ve lost about 40 lbs and baby is almost 2 so it’s time to get all that weight off!

    Weight: 202
    Goal by 12/31/19: 190
    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: 21 day fix videos or Peloton spin classes
    Biggest Challenge to meeting your Goals: spread too thin and never enough time in the day 2 young kids, husband, full-time job + taking care of myself
    A Guilty Pleasure: wine and chocolate
  • go4itjoanna
    go4itjoanna Posts: 69 Member

    Been off of My Fitness Pal for a long time. I have gained back most of what I lost when I frist joined years ago so now it is time to get myself back on track and logging my food is the best way to do so even if I think that it is time consuming and time is something that there is never enough of.

    Goal by 12/31/19: 205 (going to make my goal by the 24th of dec)
    More important that then number on the scale... feel comfortable in my own skin again and recognize my reflection.

    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: Hiit workouts and walks in the woods.
    Biggest Challenge to meeting your Goals: Food and getting distracted by life and all the musts and being social.
    A Guilty Pleasure: Chocolate and ice cream.

    I'm 6'1'' and 43 years old (it's so much harder loosing weight now days).

    Good luck everyone!
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,631 Member
    lrsirius wrote: »
    A little late to the party but I’m in! Are we supposed to check in weekly, whenever, or on 12/31? Good luck all!

    Weight: 160
    Goal by 12/31/19: 150
    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: Pretty much anything outdoors: Cycling, speed walking, kayaking.
    Biggest Challenge to meeting your Goals: Getting distracted by other goals and life events-I guess I don’t multi task well?😬
    A Guilty Pleasure: Anything with sugar but ice cream is #1

    I'm not sure?
  • shelly0078
    shelly0078 Posts: 16 Member
    edited October 2019
    Just what I need right now. Count me in!

    Weight: 186
    Goal by 12/31/19: 176
    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: Walking, Zumba
    Biggest Challenge to meeting your Goals: Not getting discouraged because I didn't do everything perfectly
    A Guilty Pleasure: I watch way too much TV
  • bhop2982
    bhop2982 Posts: 9 Member
    Yay, fall!! Been putting off losing these last few pounds for a while. Time to get back at it. Would love to have some accountability buddies so please feel free to friend me!!

    Weight: 155
    Goal by 12/31/19: 147.5
    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: Strength training at my gym - kettlebell swings!
    Biggest Challenge to meeting your Goals: Craft beer and that most of my socializing centers around booze :/
    Healthy reward I enjoy: massages and pedicures!
  • skipwa
    skipwa Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in too! Could use some accountability and encouragement. I've been on a training program for the last 7 weeks, but have been eating out of control!

    Weight: 148
    Goal by 12/31/19: 140
    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: Jessica Smith cardio walking workouts
    Biggest Challenge to meeting your Goals: Sugar cravings and overeating!
    Guilty pleasure: reality tv

  • amn0619
    amn0619 Posts: 211 Member
    I've been lurking around MFP again, was active earlier in the year and needed a bit of a break (I tend to get in the restriction/binge cycle). But I think I'm ready for a goal again. Seems like a good forum to join.

    Weight: 146.6
    Goal by 12/31/19: 138
    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: boot camp/HIIT class at my gym
    Biggest Challenge to meeting your Goals: binge eating. I tend to do well counting calories for a while, lose weight, then get that "restriction" mindset and start bingeing again. Will allow more calories per day than in the past, knowing weight loss will be slower but hopefully more sustainable.
    A Guilty Pleasure: too many shows I'm in to on Netflix right now
  • Funlovingwyou1
    Funlovingwyou1 Posts: 9 Member
    Let's do this!!!
    Throwing out the Pecan Pie!!!
    Weight: 164.4
    Goal by 12/31/19: 147 lbs
    Favorite activity is taking long walks, hikes.
    Biggest Challenge: Eating carbs late at night. If I don't see it I won't eat it!...
    A guilt pleasure: sitting all day watching TV.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    ufonut wrote: »
    So the other day I gained 2.2 pounds and I was about to whine about it here and ask for advice but then I decided no, I’m not going to be David Downer on this thread. Not today anyway. After all, I KNOW what the problem was, right? Poor eating choices and not exercising. Plain and simple. Yesterday? Totally different attitude and initiative. Lifting in the morning - smarter although certainly room for improvement eating choices - then walking three miles last night. The result? Down 2.6 pounds this morning! Back on track baby!

    Thanks for keeping it real and self-analyzing. Many of the boards here are filled with, "I don't know why". Several responses later it's for the reasons you mentioned.

    Glad you're keeping motivated. I am finding the exercise motivation is waning and this reminds me to step it up and keep going.
  • laceycrow900
    laceycrow900 Posts: 1 Member

    Weight: 152
    Goal by 12/31/19:145
    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: elliptical
    Biggest Challenge to meeting your Goals: alcohol
    A Guilty Pleasure: binge eating