Back fat

What can you do to get rid of it?? Do you only need the caloric defecit? Do you need to do specific exercises for this?!


  • jelleigh
    jelleigh Posts: 743 Member
    edited October 2019
    I second this. I've had some exercises tighten things which may make it appear smaller but my back fat roll was literally the last thing to go on me last time I lost all my weight. I think I was at like 19% body fat or lower before they were all gone. :#:'(
  • Lobsterboxtops
    Lobsterboxtops Posts: 92 Member
    Agree with the others that spot reduction isn’t a thing... that being said exercises that focus on your core and upper back can’t hurt (but don’t expect miracles...I’ve been rowing every day for a year and still have back rolls and flabby arms...less than before but still there)

  • SSFx19
    SSFx19 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone!!!! I understand.... I guess patience is the key
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,716 Member
    “Tragically”. LMAO. How true.

    My thighs, calves, arms and back are tightly strung. I can lay on my back in a mat class and my belly is taut and concave. Yet I have a jelly roll that would do the Michelin Man proud. The thinner I get, the bigger and floppier it seems to get. No matter how the pant size decreases, that roll is always there to tease me.
  • iheartmyyorkie
    iheartmyyorkie Posts: 163 Member
    Back fat on a roasted duck is delish.
  • nighthawk584
    nighthawk584 Posts: 2,005 Member
    edited October 2019
    i have lost around 76 lbs and back fat is slowly and I mean slowly disappearing. I exercise 6 days a week but staying consistent with calorie deficit is the only thing that matters. My problem areas are "moobs" and armpit fat! Hopefully the more I lose it will go away or at least be less noticable. We are most all in the same boat..those of us that had a lot to lose or have bad genetics. It's the price we have to accept for letting ourselves get obese.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    edited October 2019
    When I was at my heaviest of ~300 lb, I practically had C-cup boobs on my back, but that went away pretty quickly for me when I got in the lower 200s.

    Now I notice that when I'm on the lower end of my maintenance range (160s) I have zero visible "back fat" but when I get into the higher (175+) I can see small rolls there again. Not terrible, just enough that I steer clear of certain dresses and tighter tops.

    FWIW I did nothing specific exercise-wise for my back, just calorie deficit.
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,879 Member
    Back fat on a roasted duck is delish.

    Leave the poor duckies alone!!!! :#