The Diamond Challenge: Round 5: Wk 2 - Little Diamond's



  • michelle_eiz
    michelle_eiz Posts: 100 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: What is one of your favorite smells? Why?

    I would have to say the smell of a baby....not the poopy diaper smell! :noway: I don't know if it is the baby powder or what, but they just smell so good.

    That and of course homemade chocolate chip cookies :blushing:
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I love the smell of cinnamon, cloves and ginger (pumpkin pie spice). I think it reminds of being a little girl and baking with my mom. It just reminds me of the holidays and family.
  • LoraEllen
    QOTD Tuesday: What is one of your favorite smells? Why?

    When I was a little girl my Daddy (yes I said Daddy...still call him that!) used to come in every morning and give me a kiss before heading to work. He went to work very early before we woke up for school. I was usually only half awake but still remember the smell of his Old Spice after shave and it brings me memories of love and comfort that he kissed me goodbye every day even though I wasn't awake.

    So, on Christmas I gave him a gift set of Old Spice but with it a note that explained why Old Spice was so special to me. His eyed welled up with tears because he obviously had no idea just how much that goodbye kiss really meant to me.

    So now I'm crying typing this story.........LOL But that is why Old Spice is my absolute favorite smell!

    Tell those that have given you special memories what they are and why........they might not realize just how much it meant!

    Have a great day Little Diamonds!
  • bbrwneyes
    bbrwneyes Posts: 45 Member
    I love the smell of vanilla, fresh cut grass and the smell of pine sol after cleaning the house, it just gives a feeling of relaxation :smile:
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: What is one of your favorite smells? Why?

    Cinnamon and vanilla. I think it has to do with the baking done as a kid not just with my mom but on visits with my grandma too. Grandma also taught me bread baking, so the yeasty smell of rising and baking bread also reminds me of those times!

    Lora - love the Old Spice story - that always makes me think of my dad too!
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    I think I would have to say the smell for me is freshly done laundry. Especially towels or sheets and getting into them right after they come out the dryer.
  • Mommyof3loves
    QOTD Tuesday: What is one of your favorite smells? Why?

    I have some many different smalls. First I LOVE the smell of Christmas, I love that time of year and the smells just make me happy. I also love the smell of a wood burning fireplace, reminds me of when I was a kid and my family and I would go every summer to the Poconos and that's all you would smell on cool nights. And I also love the smell of Fall, my favorite season. There are others but we'd be here all day lol.
  • Mommyof3loves
    Oof, drinking 8 glasses of water a day is hard for me,and its not because I drink OTHER stuff, just because I don't drink that much. I think its partially because I don't really sweat. Some kind of weird gland thing.

    I do drink 8 on SOME days - I'lljust have to try extra hard. Today I'm up to about 4 or 5.

    You and me both... I actually didn't make it yesterday :-/ I'll try again today.

    What about adding crystal light to your water?? It adds 5 calories per cup but it's basically flavored water, at least to help you with some of the water intake. I used to be the same way but since starting drinking it regularly I really don't drink anything else. Good luck you can do it ladies!!
  • Latoyamary
    Latoyamary Posts: 140
    QOTD Tuesday: What is one of your favorite smells? Why?

    My favorite smells are vanilla, cinnamon, lemongrass, and aveda shampure. These smells are just calming and relaxing..
  • cassiejoyy
    QOTD Tuesday: What is one of your favorite smells? Why?

    Hmmmmmm, I would have to say either the smell of cinnamon, or anything fruity, because fruity things just smell fresh. And cinnamon I don't know it just smells good! Haha.
  • lyntello
    lyntello Posts: 19
    I love the smells of pine and vanilla. Sooo soothing! I also love the smell of laundry.
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    HI All!

    Lets GEAR UP!!!
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    Hello ladies!

    QOTD Tuesday: What is one of your favorite smells? Why?

    The smell of fresh rain when it hits the dirt. It reminds me of the days of chillin' on my Grandmas porch.
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    QOTD Tuesday: What is one of your favorite smells? Why?

    For me it is fresh laundry and fabric softener, I just love getting into bed when the sheets have just been changed. I also love the smell of my Mum's perfume, I smell it on me when she kisses me goodbye and on my son when she looks after him. She is such a precious lady!

    Water challenge going pretty badly for me.... do you guys only count pure water? I drink way too much coffee (I know I can't count that) and today I have been worse than normal :( !
  • stepbystep6
    stepbystep6 Posts: 88 Member
    Favorite smell is freshly baked bread - we used to come home from school and the smell of fresh bread filled our house. To me it reminds me so clearly of my mother's love.
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: What is one of your favorite smells? Why?

    My favorite smell is the smell of fall. It's hard to explain but Bath and Body makes a candle fragrance called Leaves which is pretty close :) For me, fall means the start of football (Go Browns!) as well as my birthday. I love the fall chilly evenings with the windows open, wearing a sweatshirt and snuggling under a blanket. I love taking my labs for a run in the woods with all of the colorful leaves.
  • Rubyjjones
    QOTD Tuesday: What is one of your favorite smells? Why?

    I love the smell of Thanksgiving dinner is such a special time for our family because we all get together and cook and eat and fuss and fight and hug and is just a good time!
  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: What is one of your favorite smells? Why?

    Well, a lot of my favourite smells have already been said - vanilla for sure (my favourite "flavour" of candles), the smell right after a warm summer rain, and the smell of laundry after it has been hung outside in the spring!

    I also like the smell of coffee and cinnamon - makes me think of a warm house on a cold winter day!
  • LadyByrd77
    LadyByrd77 Posts: 115 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: What is one of your favorite smells? Why?

    I would say that one of my favorite smells is the smell of pine. I like to use pine to clean and it also reminds of things being clean. I also love the smell because it reminds me of Christmas. I dont purchase a Christmas tree but I purchase pine cones to place around the house.
  • blueillusion3
    blueillusion3 Posts: 151 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: What is one of your favorite smells? Why?

    the smell of a baby, they smell so clean. the smell of chiles poblanos being roasted, reminds me of my mom and her cooking. the smell of gas, i have no idea why, but i like it... oh and the smell of pine. whether it's the christmas tree or pine-sol, lol.