How do we know that the nutrients I do is right for our body. Meaning how do we determine the right amount of macros?

Is what is callculated based on the goals info accurate to the weight ration that I entered.


  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    When I started on MFP I learned about "trigger food" - in my case bread - a loaf or two over lunch time was no problem. So I decided to take it easy with carbs - stay away from bread as much as possible and stick to vegetables / salads / fruits. Initially my carbs / far / protein was around 20% / 40% / 40% and over time my carbs slightly increased. Now, after 570 days and a weight loss of 43 kg (95 pounds) my body is very happy with about 1/3 /1/3 / 1/3. I have no food cravings and don't need any cheat meals. I'd say - listen to your body and over time you will get to your unique macros composition and body requirements which you can happily live with.
  • key2beingfit
    key2beingfit Posts: 2 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss. I appreciate the reply my thing is I don’t know if what was five. To me is the suggestion for my weight and height or if I need to adjust it. And if I do need to adjust it how do I determine the right ration for me.
  • KarenSmith2018
    KarenSmith2018 Posts: 302 Member
    Start with the MFP recommended breakdown. If you are feeling hungry and not able to stick to realistic calorie goals try reducing carbs and upping fats and proteins as they are generally more filling. If you are lacking energy try a few more carbs. It’s about finding the right balance for you over time. If you have entered your stats correctly and a realistic goal into MFP that’s the best place to start
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    There is no specific macro ratio that is correct based on height and weight.

    Height and weight will affect total calories. Individual preferences will really determine macros, and MFP's starting point is a decent one. One possible thing to look at is protein: to maintain muscle as well as possible while losing, you might want to aim for at least .65-.8 g per lb (yes, I mean lb, not kg) of a healthy goal weight. For some people who get recommended 1200, you might want to bump up protein (although the bigger issue is that 1200 might not be right in that case).

    Worth noting, since you mentioned nutrients, that "fat" and "carbs" don't tell you anything about micros. If you are concerned about eating sufficient micronutrients, I think focusing on macros isn't important (other than protein), but focusing on good food choices like eating a good amount of vegetables, some fruit, healthy sources of fat like nuts and seeds and avocados and olives/olive oil and fatty fish can often be a better focus.
  • lgfrie
    lgfrie Posts: 1,449 Member
    Honestly, MFP's simple default 50-30-20 (carbs-fat-protein) is an OK starting point, if a bit old school. Try that out for a while, and then tweak it to suit your own preferences. A lot of people eat less carbs than that nowadays, and end up modifying the goals. So for instance I do 35-35-30 and it suits my eating habits and preferences quite well. I know there's at least a few other people here who also do 35-35-30.

    Macros don't matter much as long as you're eating generally well balanced meals and are getting enough protein to fuel your workouts.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    I did 40-30-30 when losing and liked it. At 1500 cal, that was about 112 g of protein, which is more than I needed for any purpose, but was a comfortable way to eat.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I don't remember which are which but mine are 35,35,30. They may not even be the same each time I go back through the guided set-up. I think protein is always a 35 but the other two probably swap around. I care mostly about protein and fiber and on my heavy fish days I keep an eye on fat.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I hit my calorie goal, then my protein. Carbs and fats fall where they may. I don't really give them much thought as long as I'm getting all my protein and staying under calories.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,187 Member
    Only calories matter for weight loss (especially in the short run), but nutrition is important for long term health, energy level, body composition, and satiation. Macros are the foundation of nutrition (but not the whole story).

    I'd suggest dialing in your calorie level first, then working toward the MFP default macros (as others have said, they're decent for most people). I'd note that close on macros is fine: It doesn't need to be exact, or identical every day, as long as you're not consistently far under on protein or fats (both of which are essential nutrients . . . many people here don't pay much attention to fats, but I'd be under them very often, if I didn't).

    Personally, after a few years of tracking, my goals (at any calorie level) are 0.6-0.8g protein for each pound (yes, I mean pound, not kg) of healthy goal weight, 0.35-0.45g fats per ditto (preferring healthy sources like avocados, nuts, olive oil, etc.), and a minimum of 5+ daily servings (10+ better) of varied, colorful veggies and fruits. For convenience, I round that up to 100g protein, 50g fats as minimum, and count 80g (raw) veggies/fruits as a serving. If, when I get close enough to my calorie goal, my MFP totals are a mix of red and green when I hit/exceed those, I just pretend it's Christmas. :lol:

    It's fine to gradually work toward better nutrition in your way of eating: Everything doesn't need to be perfect all at once. It can be more achievable to gradually modify eating, to keep things manageable and practical, rather than trying to revolutionize it to perfection all in one jump (stressful! ;) ). Humans are adaptive omnivores. Unless you have some acute health problem at the start that's a priority, you have time to get to better nutrition by gradually changing things over a period of weeks or few months.

    If that appeals to you as an approach, there's a more detailed discussion of it here:

    Best wishes!
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,473 Member
    No one macro breakdown is going to be perfect for everyone. What is appropriate/optimal for me is probably not likely to be appropriate/optimal for you. I don't even keep my macros the same all the time, but adjust them as needed as I progress toward my goals. I also change them for my deload weeks, etc. Don't get too hung up on macros right out of the gate; go with whatever MFP suggests and run with that for a bit. See how you feel and then start tweaking.