CRUISIN' FOR LOSIN' Sept. challenge (Closed group): Team For



  • ShaoonaRae
    ShaoonaRae Posts: 60 Member
    Wait, so what day is our official weight in? I've had mine set to Sunday for awhile.

    Also, random question. I fluctuate my calorie intake. This week I'm at 1200 calories a day, then next week it's 1400, after that 1600, then back to 1200. Is that a problem at all? Should I just switch it to a steady calorie intake for this month?
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    globe jumps....ohhhh boy :grumble:

    do we put our weights here or a private message to you? and even though we are weighing in by tomorrow morning are we also weighing in on friday as well?

    lets bring it team

    Haha yup Globe jumps! Tons of fun!!

    I would like it if you sent me a private message when weighing in. As for now i decided to just leave to weigh in day on Sunday until we all decide if/when we'd like to change weigh ins to Friday. So send me your starting weight tomorrow and then send me your weight on Sunday as well. :)
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    Wait, so what day is our official weight in? I've had mine set to Sunday for awhile.

    Also, random question. I fluctuate my calorie intake. This week I'm at 1200 calories a day, then next week it's 1400, after that 1600, then back to 1200. Is that a problem at all? Should I just switch it to a steady calorie intake for this month?

    We'll stay with Sunday for now.

    No that shouldn't be a problem. As long as you don't go over your daily calories. If this is what works for you then I’d say don't change a thing. :)
  • areittinger
    areittinger Posts: 69 Member
    Hi everyone! Im so ready for this My goal is to lose 10 lbs this month!
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    Hi everyone! Im so ready for this My goal is to lose 10 lbs this month!

    Hello!! You can totally make that goal if you stay committed! I'd love to do the same but i'm getting down to my goal weight so it might be hard to lose 10 pounds. I'll still give it my all though! No matter what the stupid scale says!
  • verair
    verair Posts: 63 Member
    THESE ARE THE BASIC EXERCISES for Week 1. more youtube videos will be posted tomorrow!

    This should be done in addition to your normal workout routine. This is a challenge and is not a replacement!
    Week One Daily Exercise Challenge
    Each team member that completes their daily exercise challenge receives one point, if all team members complete each daily exercise for all 6 days the team is then awarded an additional 5 Bonus Points.
    Day 1 Exercise Challenge - 30 Squat Kicks* and 50 Jumping Jacks
    ( )
    Day 2 Exercise Challenge – 2 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses + 1 Extra Mile jog, walk or run ( * You may use cans of soup, tomato juice or bottles of water if u don’t have weights
    Day 3 Exercise Challenge – 50 Crunches* + 20 Mountain Climbers
    ( )

    *******Please watch the videos as they may differ from your version of the exercise! *********
    Week One Weekly Team Challenge
    Each team member in order to get the weekly team bonus points must all log every day and not go over their target calories and log at least 64 oz. of water each day. If each team member does this all 6 days your team will be awarded 5 Bonus Points.
    *Feel free to do these exercises in sets if you are unable to do them all at one time. Please do your best as you are much stronger than you believe.

    Alright! Can't wait! Hope I lose at least 8 lbs this month. Just so I'm clear... there are only 4 days of set required exercises, right?
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    verair you are correct...since we start thur and the week will finish on sunday but one of them is a day off :)
  • dids01
    dids01 Posts: 93 Member
    hi all
    got problems with internet at moment so will be logging on when I can but am writing every thing down to put on when I get on the net.
    ggod luck everyone xx
  • janiecorona
    Hi, everyone. My goal this month is to lose 10 pounds! I did it in August and I'm confident that I can do the same in September. Also, that will put me under 200 lbs finally! I'm so excited.

    PS. I looked at the Bushman Series and I got overwhelmed. I didn't know what half of those exercises even were! I think for the first week at least, I'm going to do the basic pygmy exercises.
  • lirpa1976
    Well thats where i come in!! Now track your water!!! haha

    I'm currently (for the 5th time-No Joke!) working on our team banner! Right when i think i have everything perfect.... something gets screwed up!! But i hope/pray/think i have everything right this time. The only thing wrong now is Lirpa1976 hasn't logged on for 6 days! and i'm afraid to add her name to the banner becuase if we need to replace her then i have to make the whole thing over agian!!!!! ERR! But i think I'll look for a new teammate right now!

    Hey Hey Hey-- I am here! I was on vacation but now I am back and ready to start this challenge!
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    Glad to see the rest of the team finally showed up!! haha Well except for dannysilvetre. But Lirpra1976 will take her spot since she is now back from vacation and still a part of this team! Glad to have you back Lirpa! (Now i have to fix that damn banner agian!:grumble: woohoo) :laugh:

    With that being said, since we start this challenge tomorrow (WOOHOO) please contact me in the future and let me know if/when you will not be able to have internet access. That way i know what’s going on and there is no confusion. Last Month we had a lot of people drop out of the challenge so i don't want to see that happening to our team this month! If something does come up please let me know. Thank you for your understanding.

    Now for those of you who have not yet sent me a message with your starting weight/how much you'd like to lose this month Please make sure you do so by tomorrow.

    Thank you everyone for your time and dedication!

    NOW LETS ROCK THIS B*TCH!! :drinker:

    (Can you tell i'm a little excited??)
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    Hi, everyone. My goal this month is to lose 10 pounds! I did it in August and I'm confident that I can do the same in September. Also, that will put me under 200 lbs finally! I'm so excited.

    PS. I looked at the Bushman Series and I got overwhelmed. I didn't know what half of those exercises even were! I think for the first week at least, I'm going to do the basic pygmy exercises.

    I felt the same way when i started my first challenge last month but it's super easy to go onto youtube and type in "How to do _______ exercise". That's how i learned last month and that is how i will continue to learn this month. So if and when you'd like to try the bushman series you can. It's really not that much of a harder work out (i think) just more work outs to do in one day. But you can chose whatever one you'd like. :smile:
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member


    p.s. make sure to change the IMG to lower case img for it to work.

    If your a part of this team i hope to see the banner on your signature!
    Thanks Cruisers!
  • JessieAnneMarie
    is this group open!?!
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    No. I'm sorry it's a closed group.
  • bubblybabeuk
    bubblybabeuk Posts: 216 Member
    Ok Ladies its here!!!!!

    Day 1 here goes, GOOD LUCK :o))

    For anyone having trouble drinking 8 glasses of water day, here are a few tips:

    Start early in the day, I take a glass to bed with me and drink it the next morning while getting ready.
    Liven your water up with lemon or lime juice, I have two mugs of hot water with half a lime squeezed in it a day
    Don't just down a glass in one go, if you do you will just pee it out
    Use a bottle and just take small sips during the day
    Herbal teas count but black tea and coffee are dehydrating so don't count

    Remember if you are thirsty you are all ready dehydrated!

    I have been drinking well over 8 glasses a day for years now and my body loves me for it and boy does it let me know if I slip up!

    In any case think of the extra exercise that you will get running to the bathroom!! :o) Seriously that does settle down once your body gets used to the water intake. Your body will love you for it too!!

    Have a great day everyone

    Mandy xxx
  • dannysilvestre
    bump :D
  • bubblybabeuk
    bubblybabeuk Posts: 216 Member
    Day 1 exercises nailed :o)))
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    gonna do my exercises after I get out of work this afternoon....and then go for a run outside... cant wait :)

    Let's do it!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • npatel160
    npatel160 Posts: 233 Member
    Just wanted to wish everyone the best for the start of something great!!! I really hope we all reach our goals at the end of this!!! :)