Deployment weight loss

Hi I'm Annie. Just got married to the most amazing man Aug 10, 2019 & it's been quite the adventure. We found out Sept 15 that we were pregnant which was the best & scariest news!! Unfortunately we had a miscarriage Oct 9th which was devistating, my body & mind are still healing. My husband shipped out Oct 14 for a 10 month military deployment and I'm needing to get not only my mind but body healthy for his return. We would love to try again to have a family and I want to be the healthiest oven for our future buns. I'm a healthy woman based on all my blood work but I'm not feeling healthy. It's time to gain my confidence back and knock the boots of my hero of a husband when he returns next August.


  • sharshie87
    sharshie87 Posts: 4 Member
    Sent you a friend request
  • justsmile535
    justsmile535 Posts: 10 Member
    My husband just left for deployment last week. Definitely want to lose the weight before he gets back. We’ve talked about possibly having another child. Our son is about to turn 2 in March. But I don’t even want to think about trying until I’m at a healthier weight. Having extra support would be awesome! 👍