Question for first time half and full marathon runners...



  • Kloss914
    Kloss914 Posts: 27 Member
    This is a great post ! I've enjoyed reading all the responses and have encountered much of the negative responses as others.

    I run to feel alive, because I can, to be proud of myself, to keep fit ( I have a resting heart rate of 49), to clear my head, TO SWEAT out the bad stuff (and some wine, too), to challenge myself, to SHOCK others, to INSPIRE others, to have proud nods and "good" numbers from my doctor, and to, God willing, keep me healthy for so many years to come !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .... and lets not forget to obtain that "perfect" weight on the scale ???? !!! Whatever that is ???????????

    I am running my first half marathon in September and plan to finish in 2:15. Rock N Roll Philly here I come !!!!!!!!!! I will, I can only assume, want to run a marathon after that. I have little kids so to tackle the half first seemed doable; 3 and 4 hr. training runs don't fit anywhere. I have learned I CAN throughout this training and have enjoyed the training so much that I can't even imagine the elation the race will afford me.

    I'm new to myfitnesspal.... feel free to friend me if you also enjoy a very active life, are (clears throat) nearing 40, or just have that nagging 15 lbs that won't come off NO MATTER WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    I ran my first marathon in May and the reason I did it was not just because I can, but to prove that I can. I wanted to prove to my friends, family, co-workers, and most important of all, myself that I could do it. There have been many things in my life that I have given up on and I wanted to prove to myself that I can dedicate myself to something and see it all the way to the end. Marathon training takes dedication, more so than even the race itself. My 218 lb body started training in January after my 30th birthday and my 204 lb body crossed the finish line on May 1st. Now I am currently training to run the Honolulu Marathon in December and I would be stoked for my 175 lb (hopefully) body to cross the finish line in an even faster time.
  • "how far is that marathon?"

    Love that reply.

    Wendy, great link, of course.
  • LOL at the video.

    "lay out my running clothes for the next day" ha, my husband is always looking at me like i'm nuts when i'm setting my 5am alarm and laying my workout clothes out.

    i run because it makes me feel good. okay, so after i feel like puking, i feel good.

    i am in week 5 of a 10 week half marathon trainign plan. i do not have a race set. i just want to run 13 miles to prove to myself i can. i have always struggled with the mental part of running, so i want to make myself do it. perhaps only other runners can understand that part of it, because most people look at me like i'm completely crazy when i try to explain it.
  • horseryder77
    horseryder77 Posts: 224 Member
    Interesting thread!

    I'm running my first half marathon September 18th.
    Why? (I get asked this a lot too).
    Just cause.

    I'm a horseback rider-I don't get an insane amount of cardio.. It's more strength than anything.
    In June, I decided to start the c25k program. About 5 weeks in, my friend who has been an avid runner/swimmer/athlete tells me she's doing a half marathon in September, and she wants me to join.
    So.. I said.. what the heck?

    And now, I'm 2-3 weeks away from this half marathon. I've only been running for about 3 months... and I can run 7.25 miles without stopping (which is my longest).
    To finish a long run, and to feel so accomplished and to feel that incredible about running that long is what keeps me going. To say I completed a half marathon is going to take the cake for me. If I have to walk some of it, that's okay. I'm still a HUGE newbie to running. I only run at about a 11:40 pace (although on my long run Sunday I was able to keep 9:30 without a problem.. in the LAST mile.. I only went that fast to get away from all of the mosquitos that were swarming me hahaha).
    Running is free, it's good for you (if you do it right and are smart about shoes/form/etc.. do your research..) and it's something I can do whenever I want.
    I hope to complete another half marathon next year, and then perhaps start to train for a whole marathon for the following year :)
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Wow, some really incredible stories here.

    I completed my 1st full in May. I too got the typical "why would you want to run that far?" questions. And the ones that really got annoying is "you will wreck your knees"

    I really have no inspirational reason as to why I ran, other than I wanted to. The past couple years I turned to running as my primary form of exercise and I truly enjoy it. So I signed up for and did the Marathon. It ended up that the training came at a time in my life where I had a lot of things going on in life and a lot on my mind. My runs were a way to either escape the reality for a while, or sort out the issues I was dealing with. Either way it helped more than jsut from the physical benefit.

    Congrats to all who took the journey and continue on it.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Why, because I want to. I wanted to set a challenge and be able to complete it. Running for me burns stress, keeps me in shape and makes me happy.
    I am running my first half marathon this October. I am nervous and excited!
  • cariandy
    cariandy Posts: 175 Member
    And the ones that really got annoying is "you will wreck your knees"
    Me too!! So annoying! have bad knees! and guess what? with all of this training, they are stronger and hurt less! SO THERE~ to them!! ;oP
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
  • Ah, the blank stare. I can relate... I have a few people that can not fathom why I run. When I did my first marathon I had a few not very supportive people that would joke... laugh... and say "Are you still training for that marathon?" As if I would have given up. I just said... "Yes! Want to come cheer me on?"

    I found that some people actually cannot wrap their minds around the fact that you are going to run 26.2 miles... Yes, it is far but it is attainable. I actually have a few elite athlete friends that have trained and finished 50 mile ultra runs. Now, that is impressive.

    I used the haters to keep me going... My mom who is not fit actually said that she didn't expect me to finish. I told her to stay home. I finished and it was awesome and now I am hooked.

    Good luck with your training!
  • tigerbluefly
    tigerbluefly Posts: 257 Member
    This quote kind of captures it for me-the super hero part ;)

    In the midst of regular life, running is the touchstone that breathes adventure into my soul. I can feel the trail under my feet, the press of the hill, the gallop of the track, the burn of my lungs, the stir of wonder and possibility. Running reminds me that there is more to me than what is readily apparent much of the time. I don't always need to see it, but oh how I need to know it's there. Like having an alter ego, or a super-cool super-hero identity.
    Kristin Armstrong, Author and runner

    Thanks again Wendy! I'm borrowing this! :)
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member

    My first response is "Why not?" and my second response is "Because I can".

    This is my answer too. I started running to lose weight then I fell in love with running. Never thought I would be a runner. I even thought runners were crazy to run in the rain, scorching sun, cold of winter...well that's me now.

    I like distance running, calms my mind, gives me some alone time. I am currently training for my first half marathon ( I started running in April) and a full some time next year.
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    I am training for my first half marathon right now.


    Well, why not?
    I mean there are so many reasons that I am doing this, so many so that there reasons not to might be shorter.
    Briefly --- Its proving it to myself, its helping me obtain my weight loss and fitness goals, its the love of the running sport, and so much more.

    I ran a lot in high school and college. I got away from it. Sustained a couple knee injuries. Put on 45lbs over the last few years. I am out to prove to myself that despite weight gain, age gain, and knee problems I can get back into the best running shape of my life and beat my personal times and distances.
  • Kacy
    Kacy Posts: 43 Member
    This is pretty much exactly how I would have answered the question!
  • I started running after a miscarriage. I felt really let down by my body so I wanted to use it to do something I could be really proud of. When people ask why I run I usually say "because it's cheaper than therapy".
  • Kacy
    Kacy Posts: 43 Member
    I never ever thought that I would ever want to! But now that mine is just 6 weeks away I am more excited about it than I thought I would be. I don' t know how to quote but someone answered by saying this:

    "Why? Because it's going beyond what I ever thought possible. It's working up to and COMPLETING something many people wouldn't dream of ever doing, I want to feel unstoppable. I want accomplishments. Fitness goals are becoming an addiction (a healthy addiction, not one that rules my life).

    I dream of the day I cross the finish line of my first marathon. :)"

    I completely agree and find that every day I think of another reason that I run and race and set goals! (and meet them). I love running and am so thankful that I discovered that I love it as much as I do.
  • Scoobiesnax
    Scoobiesnax Posts: 148 Member
    And the ones that really got annoying is "you will wreck your knees"
    Me too!! So annoying! have bad knees! and guess what? with all of this training, they are stronger and hurt less! SO THERE~ to them!! ;oP

    I get the "You'll wreck your knees" response a lot as well.
    Usually from people who suffer from recurring bed sores from laying on the couch for so long...
  • CCGwald
    CCGwald Posts: 35 Member
    Why? Because the hot neighbor chick is doing it and I can't go 4 hours WITHOUT staring at her butt!

    I like having the hot neighbor chickS staring at my butt as I run by!!!:wink:
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Yesterday at work someone asked me why I ran so many races...AHHHHH.

    And I said, with all seriousness "What else am I going to spend my money on?" Yes, I'm slated to run about 30 races this year, some I've won entries into...but running is what I do, it makes me happy...just like spending money on my soccer league! I don't really drink, so that $20 for a 5K is what some people spend on just 2 drinks at a bar. My $65 half marathon - 2 nights of drinking. Granted if I go out, I usually don't buy my own drinks...but that's besides the point:wink:
  • bloodstar
    bloodstar Posts: 29 Member
    I'm not quite ready to jump into a half, full, or Ultra marathon quite yet. I've run half marathons before. I'll aim for the 2012 Atlanta Half on thanksgiving next year.

    I run because it feels right. I feel like it's what we're supposed to do. Not sit around waiting to die.

    I run to push myself, to discover my limits and to find out that the limits I thought I had, aren't.

    Same reason I want to get into triathlons and trail running. Push the limits. I'm not doing to make someone else happy,
    I'm doing it to make myself happy. :)