Anyone using Optavia?



  • LIFOtheparty
    LIFOtheparty Posts: 24 Member
    I tried it for about a week, and yes, it works. But only because you're consuming like 1,000 per day. You could eat real food at a 1,000 limit and lose just as much. I do think some people would benefit from being on a very structured plan that doesn't require them to think about cooking or grocery shopping. But honestly, the food is terrible. I think out of everything I tried, the 2 things I didn't hate were the Lemon bars and the Chocolate brownie. Part of that could be that I'm not a big sweets person. If you love sweets you might find the food more appealing.
  • kcmcbee
    kcmcbee Posts: 179 Member
    Has worked well for me.
  • Ginoa
    Ginoa Posts: 7 Member
    as others have mentioned, you're eating around 1000-1200 calories or so a day if you're adding in the 2 tablespoons of olive oil and protein serving. If you have a hard time choosing meals and prepping or tracking in general, it takes the guess work out of dieting. I would highly suggest changing your calories on MFP to match your daily macros and calories you are consuming on optavia. This way when you complete the month or however long you're doing it, you'll then be able to just log and track on MFP the same calories and macros. This will make it easier to add a couple hundred calories every couple of weeks to kinda reverse out of that large deficit.
  • Coleen312
    Coleen312 Posts: 322 Member
    Over the last 8 months I have lost 70lbs!! Optavia worked great for me. I was obese with a 34BMI. I needed the structure and the boundaries to stay on track. I also love the Habits of Health textbook and workbook that are part of the program. I learned so much about habits and how food and nutrition work and how to stay on track afterword. I just finished transition and am in my first week of maintenance (or as they like to call it now optimization). I am using MFP to track my stuff these first few weeks to ensure I stay in track. Also doing Pilates now and will increase my exercise activities. I am very thankful for the program.

    Way to go!! Very inspiring! I'm down 68 lbs with 8 more to go. Nervous and excited about transition!! Meanwhile having a ball coaching people. I love this program!!!
  • dotcomee
    dotcomee Posts: 36 Member
    My father used the Medifast (it was called Optifast when he used I think) several times. He always gained the weight back when he went back to eating regular food.

    He always felt really good while he was on it however, and had a lot of energy and in generally a good mood. So it seems healthy as long as you can learn to keep the weight off afterwards.
  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    I'm back on the plan friend me and let's encourage each other.
  • skydiverterri
    skydiverterri Posts: 6 Member
    I have bounced between counting calories, Optavia/Medifast, weight watchers and Isagenix for years since having babies and gaining weight from that. Optavia seems so hard to follow because much of the food is very sweet or very bland and it’s a pretty rigid program. I just can’t stay eating the same thing day after day. It got too boring. At least when I am counting calories I can eat a variety of food in moderation.
  • bossymomd
    bossymomd Posts: 38 Member
    I was on it and lost 40 lbs. I didn’t learn anything except to eat high protein low carb every 3 hours. When I tried to transition to real food I got no help from my sponsor and wound up gaining all of the weight back plus it’s expensive