Struggling with Sugar



  • jelleigh
    jelleigh Posts: 743 Member
    I find that if I eat carbs, I crave sugar (carbs break down into sugars anyhow). Maybe try to take a few weeks and eat LCHF or high protein? I find that kicks sugar cravings after a few weeks.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,079 Member
    psychod787 wrote: »
    I'm with you, @springlering62, and have the same problem(s) but this forum is just not friendly to food addiction.

    I think after spending a lot of time dealing with this I had to accept that just like alcoholism, people who don't have this problem tend to say, "Just don't drink. Just have one. Just have a small piece of chocolate every day. Why can't you have one beer and stop? Try having a small bowl of ice cream."

    As if.

    They don't understand because it is not their biological experience. They are able to stop.

    @cmriverside , I completely understand having trouble moderating certain foods. Funyun/Chips are one of mine. I fully abstain. I also state that many foods, especially those with high carb/fat combinations can use the same reward pathways as certain chemicals of addiction. Not just food, shopping, hell, even exercise can cause addictive like behaviors, but to call ones self addicted is hard for me to say. While ice cream may cause reward centers in my brain to light up, I won't go into a seizure, poop myself, and possibly die if I don't get it. While no expert in addiction, I have been a nurse for well over 100 people detoxing from alcohol and drugs.

    **edit** interesting blog here....

    And yet, that is exactly the conclusion of Guyenet's article...
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    Having lost so much weight, I think you must have become an expert and I'd like to hear more about how you've done so well!

    The bolded is rarely ever true.

    I have lost over 150 lbs and I would say I am an expert. If you lose weight by changing how you eat, what you eat and exercising I do not see how you do it without becoming an expert. It does not mean you are perfect, but you become pretty knowledgeable about what it takes to lose weight.
  • lizmcvey
    lizmcvey Posts: 64 Member
    I'm in the same situation right now. I've come to the realization that it's a lifetime sentence and I'll be fighting sugar until the day I die. Some days and stretches of time are better than others although I'm pulling out of a tough patch right now. I find that if I cut it off altogether it's the best result. As I don't eat it, I don't crave it. I do eat plenty of fruits though, both fresh and dried no sugar added. It helps to get some of natures candy when you're saying no to all the fake candy. It's hard to explain but I find that I'm very competitive with myself so if I look ahead a the week and say no junk, only packed lunches this week, I tend to want to 'win'. I also tell people around me and they eventually stop offering things they know I'm trying to avoid. People may say you have to live a little but I know myself very well, living a little is eating a piece of pie on Thanksgiving, what I do when I loose control is something else completely. I also make sure not to let me exercise go by the wayside. It at least helps counteract plus its really hard to run with a belly full of sugar.
  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    I think we all have those foods that are hard to limit. I agree that too few calories can set us up to snack on foods we want to limit. I have a problem with sugar. I lost 74 lbs three years ago. I handled it better then. Lately, I’ve avoided it because it just makes me want more. Hopefully, I’ll get back to the point that I can have some, but I try to up the fats and the protein and stay full. Also, eating at 12, 2 or 2:30, and 5 seem to be helping me avoid the snacks for now.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,079 Member
    But it's not insulin. :wink:
  • smhatton
    smhatton Posts: 1 Member
    I have sugar cravings and if I have no sweets in the house, I turn to the starch foods. I am a diabetic and this is dangerous for me. I am also on a restricted salt diet due to a heart condition. I struggle with these two problems constantly. I recently realized that I was using more and more Splenda, trying to satisfy that sweet tooth without adding all the calories. Well... my cravings went through the roof and it was during Halloween season I was attacking the candy bowl every evening. Now I have gained 10 pounds in a month and hating myself for it. Altogether in 2 years I had taken off 100 pounds and now is that 10 pound gain! :( Today I am resolved to cut out the Splenda, processed sugar and the salt. I did this two years ago and it worked... but I have to say that I remember that it was very hard work. Pray for me to regain control of my eating habits by the grace of God... I know that I can do it. I hope that my experience and what I just said here can be of some help to some one else who is struggling! We are all human with all the weakness that come with it and we are diffidently creatures of habit... but with a brain and will to overcome. Good luck and God bless each of you!
  • Shortgirlrunning
    Shortgirlrunning Posts: 1,020 Member
    You should check out the podcast We Only Look Thin. One of the hosts has lost 100 lbs and talks a lot about his struggle with sugar. He has a lot of great advice and tips for dealing with sugar cravings.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    But most people who lose weight don't actually know or understand the reasons why what they're doing works.

    Well, @carlos421, you might agree that learning to control your weight (particularly after many years of failing to do so) means you have learned something about yourself. So maybe your point is that it might not be helpful to someone else.

    But, on the other hand, maybe it would!