New to MFP

Hello everybody.

I'm new here and I want to lose about 35 pounds. I really need your motivations guys. Each day I need to fight against the sugar and I can't do it alone. So please help me to stay motivated.

If you have any advices to stay away from the sugar. I'll take it.

Feel free to add me as friend.

Thanks a million everyone and have a nice day.


  • Lyrinosis
    Being new here, you might not realize it, but MFP tracks sugar intake if you are careful on how you post your food. I started two weeks ago and I didn't realize I was over-eating sugar! I am so hyper aware as I go throgh my day on what has SUGAR and what does not.

    If you stick to this and mark down every food, you will gravitate away from sugary things and see foods with sugar as the enemy. It really is for me. I have yet to go through a day with less sugar then my goal!

    Great luck! Feel free to add me!
  • Zyhon
    Zyhon Posts: 13
    Thanks you very much I'm gonna try this right now :)
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    Eat fruit. Sweet fruit helps, too. I was sick with bronchitis once, and ate A LOT of fruit cups and applesauce. I did not crave any sugar, just fruit for a while. Then, one fateful day, I had a bit of sugar, and I started craving more sugar and less fruit. I am still trying to train myself to reach for the fruit when I have a sugar craving.
  • aph1234
    aph1234 Posts: 25
    sugar is my weakness also but you cant jst quit eating it what helps me is when i really want a candy bar i eat fiber one or granola bars it tricks my gravings into thinking they won
  • rolliepollie087
    rolliepollie087 Posts: 251 Member
    I have a serious sweet tooth as well! Feel free to add me, I just got started here as well.