I’m a man that almost broke down crying in Walmart trying to find a shirt :-(



  • lois1231
    lois1231 Posts: 331 Member
    Just wanted to reiterate what others have said. You are not useless or a waste of space. You are not your weight. Posting here and being vulnerable took a lot of courage. I admire you for your bravery. You have already made the first step. You got this and we are here for you. You can do this. Many of us have been there. For me it was being in high school and trying to find a winter coat that fit. I would always end up with one in green because that is all they had in larger sizes where I lived. You are not alone and deserve to be here.
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    As others said I hope you seek someone out to talk to about your depression.

    As for the weight we all came here for a reason. To get healthy and fit. You can do it. Start tracking your meals, get moving. While we know eating fewer calories than you use is what causes weight loss exercise is so amazing for feeling good. I've been laid up recovering from some surgery but a workout today energized me, daily walks have been making me happy.

    Don't beat yourself up though....you joined here use the tools, you've already taken the first step now it's time make the new you
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    It's very hard-and brave-to write that down.

    I love this! It’s so true. You are very brave to be able to write this down. This is the place to be for support. You can absolutely do this, and always remember that you are worth the effort it takes!!
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    edited November 2019

    The rude UPS guy woke me up to exactly how massive I was, even after all my efforts. Announcing it to all and sundry, " Hot damn gurl, you're 5 pounds from a tonne. You're 995 lbs" Gave him a one finger salute, and refused to allow ANYTHING to come between me and reaching healthy weight.

    Eta: My sister told me, not to let anyone steal my light. My me. My essence. Me as my first priority.. This is bible to me today, when moments of my human-ness creeps in to weaken my resolve.

    Isn't it mind-boggling how people can be so thoughtlessly rude? Have they no filter or sensitive bones in their body??
    I used to go bar-hopping a million years ago with a group of friends. I couldn't tell you how many times a bartender would bring up the subject and point blank ask me how much I weighed. My BIL teases my dd whenever she goes to visit him and the man is over 70 yo!! Really?? What are you, 2? Or just a complete *kitten*.
    Sometimes I hate people. :( Best thing to do is rise above them, take care of yourself, and be who you want to be!