What do you know about "juice fasting"?



  • adiczhazy
    I did a 5 day fast and lost about 6 lbs. I felt AMAZING during the fast!! The first night I had a bad headache, but other than that I felt great. Slept great, had lots of natural energy, my skin cleared up - just GREAT! I transistioned back to solid foods for a few days and then went on Vacation. I am back now and starting a 30 day fast tomorrow.

    Make sure to stick to about 80/20 ration if you are doing this to lose weight. So make your juices about 80% veggies/20% fruits. My fave is carrot/apple strawberry juice for breakfast. And I like to keep my green juices pretty basic with 4 ingredients tops (always including an apple or lemon).

    Good luck!!
  • brhiannalee
    brhiannalee Posts: 13 Member
    I am on day 4 of a juice fast and I feel great! Honestly my cravings are more mental/emotional than physical. My body knows it's getting all the nutrients I need, but the carbaholic in me would kill for a piece of bread right now. lol It is harder I imagine for carnivores, my hubby (who is also fasting with me) and I have been vegan almost a year now so we eat a pretty much plant based diet already. The way we did it was 3 days before the fast we only ate fruits and veggies, and for four days after we will work our way up to solid foods. Just fruits and veggies the first couple days, then start adding some nuts. From what I hear properly breaking the fast makes it or breaks it! If you're doing it to start a healthier diet than that's good! Going back to eating unhealthy and overprocessed foods will defeat the purpose. Another thing I've found is I will definitely appreciate food more. That I am blessed to be able to buy and eat whatever I chose, and to be able to live the flesh-free life, because there are those that are not so fortunate. Those are just my thoughts. :) Happy Fasting!
  • noelbergeron
    if i were you id go for a vegan diet for about a month , it will clear out your system and boost your energy , and you get more key nutrients than on juice only . i did it and i felt amazing i stayed on it for two months at the very begining of summer and i plan to start again on monday and im goin to try to go9 vegan for the first month or two of every season , just a suggestion , bc i dont think their s anything that bad with the juice fasting
  • sdtul
    sdtul Posts: 24
    Okay, I try to keep positive on forums, but what is up with all of the negativity? If someone wants to do a juice fast (which in all actuality, isn't a fast), it's an option they would like to consider. Let them consider it and let them experience it. I understand opinions were asked but instead of stating them politely, it's like everyone has to have their claws out. Weight loss is unique and what might not work for other people, might work for me or the OP or anyone here. And whatever works for me might be a terrible idea for anyone else.

    Sorry you feel people are being negative. I didn't get that. The OP asked for people's opinions, and that's what he got.

    Having been involved in fitness and healthy eating for the last 8 yrs, I think juices/fasts/colon cleanses whatever you would like to call them is a waste of time, and money. Put simply it is a quick fix gimic. The weight you lose is mostly water, and of course people feel 'lite' etc after, there is nothing left in them as they haven't been eating a regular balanced diet. Weight loss isn't unique. It's quite simple. Eat healthy, at a calorie deficit (if you're trying lose weight), get in some good ol fashioned exercise, and you're good to go (this method is free by the way).

    It bugs me that people try to make it so complicated. Stick with it and the weight will come off.
  • Vegan_Chick
    Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
    I did an all fruit fast for 4 weeks and I had so much energy I couldn't stand it! The first couple of days were a drag but after that it was amazing. It was extremely hard to do though. I would go to my Turbo Kick class at the gym and once the class was over, I felt like I could've done it a second time. Most people who have taken this class know that you would die trying it a second time because it is intense cardio.
    After watching Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, I thought about doing a juice fast too. I am still thinking about it. I would do a smoothie fast instead though.
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    I'm also going to do the reboot! (jointhereboot.com!) . In the entry program, you can still eat and juice.

    Juicing isn't a fad or at all unhealthy. It helps prevent disease by getting a TON of fruits and veggies (enzymes, vitamins, antioxidants!) in which you can't normally consume that much in one sitting. Not all all the same as store bought juice that has no enzymes and they add in (fortified) vitamins that were removed during processing plus they add sugar.

    Even if you don't do a 'fast', just incorporating fresh juice into your life is going to be beneficial to you.
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member

    "if you intend to keep a healthy diet afterwards, then why not just start the healthy diet right away, and skip the whole juice business? "
    -This is to be a kick start to replacing the junk in my body with nutrients. I feel that this would do that far faster and more efficiently than simply changing my diet.

    Kick starting won't make it more effective.

    This could also turn into an excuse to eat junk again in the future... I know I shouldn't eat this *insert crap food here* but I'll just detox again next month and it won't matter.
  • Steelytop
    Steelytop Posts: 145 Member
    I'm doing my juice fast in three phases. And I'm conducting an experiment as well. One goal is to get off of bp and cholesterol meds. And another was to get my brain to quit craving all that crap that I had ate in the past and give me plenty of time to change my thinking that these things should be seldom, or never. I'm in the 2nd of 3 phases now. Just another 30 days that breaks on Sept. 27th. So far I've lost 39.8 lbs since July 23rd.

    3rd phase is just eating all the things I'm juicing and continuing to avoid red meat and focus on fruits and veggies the majority of the time. I don't know exactly what to expect but during this juice fast I've had time to compile recipes for just about everything I might eat in the 3rd phase. The 3rd phase will be mostly vegetarian. I'm well aware of where all the protein is. And I'm not saying 'never' to anything. But I am saying I've had my fill of certain things and do not plan to return. Goodbye milk, hello almond and soy milk! (For example) We've already moved over to mostly organic and when possible local farmer's markets. (All stores for a given chain grocery are not created the same even on the same side of town. I still cook all the family meals too while doing this juice diet. It just makes me a better cook in the long run.

    I've been doing lower body exercise for over a year now on elliptical trainers at the gym. Low impact. And you can wear a watch for exacts on what you're burning. I've started adding some dumbbells routines as well on odd days. I have plenty of energy on juice only. And if I want more, I can drink more. I have all kinds of green leafy meals planned but I still plan on using my blender and juicer regularly. Why? Because it's hard to eat THAT much fruits and veggies on a daily basis. And the juice is a nice back-up. If I find a way to interject everything I juice without juice, I'll be doing that as well. But if not, the juice is awesome!