Kid friendly fiber recipes



  • rkhanson2014
    rkhanson2014 Posts: 3 Member
    My daughter is 5 and kinda picky too.

    Recently I made savory roasted chickpeas using a parmesan garlic seasoning and she loved them! They turned out slightly crispy so very much like popcorn. High fiber with 2.2g per tablespoon serving.

    I also made a black bean butternut squash chili (mild version!) that she really liked. Found the recipe in the MFP blog. Super easy and quick! Top with a couple avocado slices and dollop of sour cream/tofutti sour cream replacement and it was fabulous!!
  • littlegreenparrot1
    littlegreenparrot1 Posts: 693 Member
    How about porridge or overnight oats? Lots of toppings to choose from, you could try grating an apple or carrot into it.

    Muffins are easy to make, make them with half wholemeal and half white flour, stir in some berries.

    Is it a texture thing? The flavour? Sometimes it helps to get them more involved. Maybe at the weekend everyone tries a new fruit she can choose. Slices of carrot/ cucumber/ sweet pepper with flavoured hummous. Cherry tomatoes.
    Wholemeal breads.