What are your 2020 Fitness Goals?



  • nursadrn
    nursadrn Posts: 2 Member
    Dump some fat.
    Fit back in my time trial suit.
    Race IM Cozumel.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,735 Member
    Upright, and still rowing, as a baseline goal. I haven't gone to rowing camp in a few years, but I coach I know is running several camp sessions at a nice spot in my state this year, so going there for a week would be a good goal.

    It'll be my Medicare sign-up year (late 2020), and I think my former employer's Medicare supplement insurance will cover Silver Sneakers gym membership. I'm a Y member now, will probably keep donating, but it changes the options. Not quite ready for the Silver Sneakers classes, I think, wonderful though they are as a community resource.
  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 584 Member
    Marathon in spring. Goal: finish and not die.
    Half marathon in spring. Goal: better than last year's 2:28.
    Drop a few more kgs. Sub 60 would be nice.

    Overall goal: consistency (3 runs, 2 bike commutes, 2-3 strength sessions per week)
  • Cricketmad88
    Cricketmad88 Posts: 415 Member
    Goals for next year are:
    1 - hit GW of 150ish and get BF to 15% so I can start recomp/possibly bulk
    2 - run 5k in under 25mins
    3 - run 10k in under 1 hour
    4 - hopefully find my abs that have been lost for a decade
  • cupcakesandproteinshakes
    1. Carry on with my existing lifting programme
    2. Bulk slowly adding about 1 to 1.5 pounds a month.
    3. Start dieting this time next year or possibly a bit earlier depending on whether I stick to (2) or put too much on too soon....
    4. End up with a bit more muscle and a bit less fat this time next year.
    5. Rinse and repeat in 2021, as long as I’m happy and 1 to 3 were enjoyable.
  • ovrjoyd4u1940
    ovrjoyd4u1940 Posts: 2 Member
    Make eating keto my permanent lifestyle. Started on 9/25 and I'm down almost 23 pounds. Easy for me to follow and not cheat. Also want to build in strength training especially push ups....(it's a struggle now). The biggest goal is to continue on with the healthier choices I've made in 2019 and not to give up or give in.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    I'm deciding still. My original goal was to compete at Indoor Rowing nationals at 55 (which I turned last week). However, a long term back injury recovery has made it where I'm no longer that competitive. Then, I was going to row in San Diego as a consulation and my "special needs" dog is not doing all that well, so that might put that that hold.

    I think, for now, it's best for me just to continue on improving performance while watching the back at the same time. As I age, I'm more continually grateful just that I can exercise and train as hard as I do moving into the second half of my fifties.

    I do want to get back to more regular and progressive lifting. Thinking about taking on a couple 1000 heavy KB swings in a month (on top of all the rowing -- getting back to over 200K meters a month).
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Survive Mont Tremblant half-iron triathlon.
    Love the goal, the place and the race!
  • mikehildebrand73
    1. Maintain a consistent healthy food and exercise program which fits my nutrition and ability to still enjoy life while fueling me and allowing to become stronger and healthier
    2. Create a productive mindful program and stress relief outside of workouts for strong mental health
    3. To conduct the above in order to harass and play with my wife and kids as much as possible outdoors
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,711 Member
    Chieflrg wrote: »
    MrThin13 wrote: »
    I would like to be 20lbs lighter and not feel so much in pain.
    I know it's not a marathon run or lifting mark. I would like to be in better shape to do a mud run this coming 2020.

    As a person who has dealt with chronic pain 24/7 for the past couple decades I feel this.

    There is established evidence that resistance training helps with pain. I encourage you to reap the benefit of resistance training.

    Good luck with your goal(s).

    I second this. I've had back surgeries and deal with nerve damage. I've had to compensate for what I can't do but strength training has helped by strengthening my body and increasing my mobility. It hasn't touched the nerve damage.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Loved reading everyone's goals. Some great stuff!

    I've dusted off the goals that I put on hold last year to allow for a year of injury rehab. While I'm just about recovered, I'm also "de-conditioned", a.ka. overweight and slow. :)

    So, my goals for 2020 are:
    1. Maintain a regular yoga practice.
    2. Stay healthy during my training builds.
    3. Get to a 5:59:59 finishing time in a half iron distance triathlon.
    4. Get to a 1:54:59 finishing time in an open half marathon.
    5. Help our training group's "men's team" beat the "women's team" in both the race and the costume competition during the RiMaConn Relay in August. (95 mile relay from Mass to RI to Connecticut). This won't be easy, since the women are seasoned marathoners with far better creativity and fashion sense than the men. :)
  • runnermom419
    runnermom419 Posts: 366 Member
    Wow! All these are great! Thank you everyone for taking the time to share your 2020 goals!
  • bobchicoria
    bobchicoria Posts: 4 Member
    As a 70 male in 2020
    Drop 5 lbs to 135
    Complete a half century ride
    Bench my weight
  • cyndit1
    cyndit1 Posts: 170 Member
    Finish the 9+1 for NYRR and get a guaranteed entry into the New York Marathon for 2021. Ran it twice before and want the third for my last .

    Also, finally do it right and lose these last stubborn 10 lbs and keep lifting regularly.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I want to break 4 hours for the marathon. Current PR is 4:01:30. After that I want to drop pace goals and just race for fun. I'd like to race more, because I enjoy it, but feel so much self-imposed pressure to PR I don't do many, especially when my health is iffy.

    I am very much in this same boat. I have tried in the past to run races for fun and forget about my time, but then I ultimately end up feeling lost without a goal. So I am trying a different approach of balancing the two. Thus my goals for next year:

    1. Run Big Sur marathon without any regards to finish time. Enjoy the scenery and take lots of pictures.

    2. Get entry into New York marathon and run it well. A PR would be nice, but I feel like I may be aging myself out of that hope.

    3. Run a sub 7 minute/mile 5K.

    4. Run a trail marathon or similar distance for fun.

    4. Continue to do plyo and strength training and regain some of my flexibility. Would love to be able to do full plow again (yes, I have become that inflexible).

    5. An overnight kayaking/camping trip with my husband.
  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Touch my toes whilst standing up. Fit into / onto at least some gym machines. Try to reach the bottom of the swimming pool - I am still floating like a giant whale.
  • PennyP312
    PennyP312 Posts: 161 Member
    Improve my bench, OHP, squat, and dead numbers while keeping pain at bay.

    Stick to 6 days working out, 4 lifting 2 spin.
    Get to goal weight (that maybe 2021...I want to go slow so my lifts don’t suffer too much)