Continuing: What are foods that you hate?



  • kaylynn54
    kaylynn54 Posts: 141
    :sick: celery , spinach and type of fish. Ive tried to eat them all cause i know they are good for me but i just cant do it

    Not even tilapia??? I could eat tilapia every night!!!! :happy:
  • kaylynn54
    kaylynn54 Posts: 141
    how can you hate celery? It doesn't have a taste. Was just meant to be a holder for peanut butter and hummus.

    What does hummus taste like? I almost bought some the other day but then I decided not to because I really didn't know what to do with it.

    Thanks! I might pick some up next time and give it a try.

    I get the roasted garlic (there are different kinds and easy to make) and it tastes like roasted garlic. It's creamy without dairy or sugar. Very few calories. It's great.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Fava beans

    The perfect side for liver and Chianti!

  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    how can you hate celery? It doesn't have a taste. Was just meant to be a holder for peanut butter and hummus.

    What does hummus taste like? I almost bought some the other day but then I decided not to because I really didn't know what to do with it.

    I get the roasted garlic (there are different kinds and easy to make) and it tastes like roasted garlic. It's creamy without dairy or sugar. Very few calories. It's great.

    It's essentially ground chickpeas (garbanzo beans) with essential oils, tahini, and whatever added seasoning/nuts/veggies you may want.

    If done right, it's very creamy, a great source of protein and healthy fats, and has tahini (which is extremely good for you).

    There is a great roasted red pepper or pine nut one I like at most grocery stores.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    :sick: celery , spinach and type of fish. Ive tried to eat them all cause i know they are good for me but i just cant do it

    Not even tilapia??? I could eat tilapia every night!!!! :happy:

    What do you do with your tilapia? I have never actually made it.
  • colbiegirl
    colbiegirl Posts: 138

    Makes me gag.

    Me too! Unless it's cooked in ultimate?

    GREEN OLIVES!!!! They even LOOK like the color of puke.....ugh...:sick:

    They don't only look bad... They TASTE bad. Nasty, vinegary, bad after tastey... Lol
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I hate spinach and brussel sprouts.

    While this may not be "normal" for my area, many of my coworkers eat it and it makes me barf: Sashimi (raw fish). I can choke down sushi rolls that don't have raw fish, but once the raw meat comes in, I just can't digest it. It tastes ok, but I never ever want to have that violent experience again!
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    thats exactly my problem, i love most foods. the only thing i don't like is raw onion, custard and anything that is an organ (like livers, kidneys, brains, etc... and i probably would like them too if i could bring myself to eat them, but i'm happy to stay away).

    If i had more food that i didn't like, i probably wouldn't have gotten myself into this predicament.
  • kristidem
    kristidem Posts: 160 Member
    Fat on steak, any fungus (mushrooms) or mold (blue cheese), rosemary (they look and taste like pine needles), and cilantro (reminds me of my mom's Zambucca burps... yuck).
  • gr8grl68
    gr8grl68 Posts: 417 Member
    Wax beans and Lima beans--GROSS! Also agree on the olives, unless they are stuffed with blue cheese drowning in a martini :tongue:

    On the other hand there's alot of my favs listed here: blue cheese, avocados, and BACON! Seriously, I think it's un-American to not like bacon!! :noway:
  • Getting_Fit_4_Life
    Getting_Fit_4_Life Posts: 401 Member
    Brussel Sprouts :sick:
    Asparagus :frown:
    Beets :noway:

    I hate these foods too. I tried cooking brussel sprouts last week and I had to throw out the entire pot. YUCK!!! Who can stomach that!!
  • michaelachallis
    michaelachallis Posts: 137 Member
    eggs (by themselves, i like fritata, quiche etc)
    heaps of seafood
    raw tomatoes

    wish i liked eggs and salmon, would be good for my diet. sigh
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    MMM, Brussels sprouts are good, y'all must be cooking them wrong! :laugh:

    Green bell peppers are gross too. I can eat the other colors but not the green. :sick:
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Crazy I liked sushi before I had my son. During pregnancy it was all I could think about. I would indulge occasionally even thought you aren't really supposed to have it. The second this kid popped out I couldn't freaking stand it. So so so weird.
  • Anything coconut - blech!

    I'm another pea hater and I also think mushrooms taste like erasers - the consistency is just gross.

    I also don't like fishy tasting fish - I love fish if you can flavor it up with spices and rubs and marinades but fishy fish is just icky. Probably also why I can't do sushi - barfola!
  • Aross83
    Aross83 Posts: 936 Member
    Butter is probably the thing i hate most..the taste and ohhh the smell.. cant handle
    I hate all Cheese except mozarealla.. mayo anything with dairy really.. except i will eat yogurt.
    hot dogs are just nasty..
    the smell of mac and cheese can make me puke....
    mushrooms are just nasty...
    i really dislike pees as well..
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    Lima beans or raw cauliflower.

    oh, and mayonaise. Oh how I hate mayonaise.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Peas, lima beans,most fish, liver....gag!!!!!
  • MLEme
    MLEme Posts: 45

    Makes me gag.

    Me too! Unless it's cooked in ultimate?

    GREEN OLIVES!!!! They even LOOK like the color of puke.....ugh...:sick:

    both of these... .ewwwwe
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Bananas and skate are the only foods I can think of that I really hate.