Women pushing 40 support and motivation!

I decided not to wait until after the holidays this year. I also decided that just because I’m almost 40 doesn’t mean I can’t lose weight or increase the intensity of my workouts. I also decided that it’s ok to enjoy the holidays without eating so much I hate myself for it later because I cannot move 😂😂. I had an awakening when I went to the drs office the other day and I just realized that it’s more important for me to listen to my body than to focus on the day of the year that’s coming up or make excuses for putting off what I want TODAY! This is definitely hard because I do eat ok for the most part and I workout regularly but I just can’t eat out like I used to be able to and I can’t drink beers or eat chips like I used to. Life is changing and I know there are more people out there going through the same things and scared to trek through the holidays bc of having to fit in this or go to that or what the pictures will look like. I know I’m not alone and I would like to make some fitness friends that I can connect with and help motivate and stay accountable! What are your goals for the next week? Do you set your weight loss goals to be small short term obtainable goals or longer term obtainable goals? What do you do differently to celebrate successes with weight loss? What do you do to celebrate holidays or birthdays without going overboard? Any tips, tricks, motivation or just chit chat would be greatly appreciated!!


  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    Well, the nice thing about being 42 is that I'm pretty familiar with myself and what I'm usually like. I know how many drinks I'll have on average and I know what brands I prefer. I know what restaurants my friends and I like and I know what I usually want to order when I'm there. And I have all the family cookie recipes and know which ones will get me in trouble and which ones will round out a day of hard cardio nicely.

    Experiment a little and pre-log a few scenarios that you know will come up. Figure out what you can change from your usual and still be happy. Figure out how many calories to pre-bank in advance if you know about something in advance. Know whether or not you're the kind of person who can bank calories for later in the week.

    Really, it's not too bad if you take a very frank look at what you're *usually like* and decide if you like that, and if you do, plan to be like that in a way that works long term.
  • jennlowe28
    jennlowe28 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you so much! This will help me immensely! Such great ideas and wow I never even thought about it. Lol that makes me feel so much less stressed about it and much more positive. Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day!
  • slbbw
    slbbw Posts: 329 Member
    Welcome to the journey. Last year around the holidays I had a firend who is a few months older than me mention being in the best shape of her life by 40. At the time I was struggling with my weight and decided that was a damn good goal. So I adopted it. The tricky part for me was the long term aspect, since 40 was almost 2 years away. I have lost weight before, but keeping it off can be a struggle for me. So I set my weight loss goal at 35lbs initially which would put me at the top of my healthy BMI range. There was an 8 week weight loss challenge at my new gym in Jan that I used for motivation. I lost the most weight in my gym and earned myself $500. I also realized that 23 lbs in 8 weeks was not sustainable and figured out how to adjust things for my long term goals. I hit my low weight at the 6 month mark with 45lbs lost. Then vacation and work stress hit and I gained about 10lbs back. But see, I have that long term goal of keeping the weight off. So now as I approach the holidays I am trying to be mindful and work to lose even a couple of the 10lbs I gained back, so when Jan hits and I know I have motivation and support I can smash those goals.

    So that was my long winded way of answering your small vs long goal question. Both! Set small goals to keep you going and long term goals for when life inevitable happens you get your head back in the game. Along the way I have added some other fitness goals. I ran the fastest half marathon I ever have in September. I am working to be able to do a pull-up. Still a ways away on that but making progress. I am thinking about trying for a sub 50 min 10K and there is a half iron-man I would like to complete either this year or next.
  • EmilyEnough
    EmilyEnough Posts: 67 Member
    Thankful to see this thread.

    I started trying to lose weight for the first time in 2006 when I was sitting around 190 lbs. In 2009 after an engagement broke up I was 211 lb at 5'3". Since then Ive been up and down and up and down and it has not been a fun ride.
    In 2017 I got down to 144 lb with a weight loss program for a professional photo shoot.... and since then I went through some serious unexpected life changes. My life was stable for almost a decade prior but the eating has always been a problem. so? Here I am again.

    Im ready to LIKE MYSELF in shorts again.

    Anyone relate to the rollercoaster but ALSO wanna get off?

    Add me. (:
  • childfree_cat_mom
    When I am actually in the swing of MFP (which, I have not been for awhile but trying to start that up again in the new year), I track my calories and stay under goal 6x per week with 1 day to eat whatever. When vacations and holidays come up, I don't bother tracking. What I find over time is that my appetite decreases when my calorie intake is down most of the time, so I don't eat THAT much more when I take days "off." Sure, in a week's vacation I will gain a few pounds because of extra food/salt/alcohol, but when vacation is over my food vacation is over and I'm right back to it and lose the vacation pudge right away.

    That's what works for me. I also try not to worry too much about the weight loss because it's slow for me. I'm hypothyroid with PCOS, and I'm in my 40s now so it's all going to be much harder.

    Anyway add me if you want :smile: And that goes for anyone reading this! I like having a network of friends on here to support/motivate.
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,174 Member
    I lost nearly 60 pounds after age 40 and have maintained it for about 4 years now. I also eat out probably 3-5 times a week, both while I was losing and now that I’m in maintenance. I don’t like to cook and I like eating alone even less, so I will take about ANY opportunity to avoid those 2 things. Still lost weight just as I expected to from my diet and exercise. If you want to make weight loss some daunting hard thing to white knuckle your way through, that’s certainly an option. Just remember that misery burns no calories and you’ll be fine.
  • Womanvsweight
    Womanvsweight Posts: 258 Member
    Age is just a number but if you have reached that ‘I need to look after myself better’ then do it, use that motivation now rather than later . Start today 👍