"Goal Dress"

So I had an hour to waste before heading out for school and decided to look at some dresses on the JCPenny website that I would like to buy once I am at my goal weight. They have some pretty cute dresses!!

I was thinking of challenging myself to get to my goal weight with the motivation of one of the dresses I want to fit in one day. If you have a dress or outfit in mind I would love to see it!

I am going to change my profile pick to my "Goal Dress" for inspiration!


Links below to some of the dresses I really like!!






  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    I LOVE the first one :D
  • kizzy67
    kizzy67 Posts: 19 Member
    I agree...I like the first one as well. Good luck, and great motivator you are setting for yourself :)
  • Aeliyah
    Aeliyah Posts: 247
    I think that having a goal dress is a great idea :) My goal dress is my wedding dress... And considering I've probably got another 2 years before that takes place, I should be ready for it at the right time :) Here's a link to one that I've been considering:


    I love colour on wedding gowns... and for mine, I want a white dress with a dark blue accent. This one may not be "the" dress of course... I'd have to see it on... but it's so pretty :heart:

    Good luck in reaching your goals :)
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    Great idea! Non-food rewards are the way to go!!
  • ebonaskavi
    ebonaskavi Posts: 42 Member
    I am doing this same thing! I've wanted this dress for forever!

    When I drop 20lbs I'm going to get it. I have a picture of it stuck to my fridge to remind me when I go to get a drink or a snack.
  • Aeliyah
    Aeliyah Posts: 247
    I have a picture of it stuck to my fridge to remind me when I go to get a drink or a snack.

    There's another fantastic idea! Have a picture of the dress posted where you can see it frequently would be a great motivator! Thanks!
  • jernigan51
    First one is my fave too, love it! Good luck, you're working so hard, you'll get there in no time!