Weekly Exercise Routine - Help!

xDaynie Posts: 35 Member
edited November 2019 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi there,

I am dedicated to start exercising 5 times a week (Mon-Fri)

I have the plan on doing a leisurely 1.5hour walk every Wed & Fri with a friend (sometimes flat, sometimes hill and rural tracks) and plan to swim instead on the times she bails on me

I would also like to incorporate strength training as I have a gym membership, and swimming being the only cardio I really like, that too.

What would you recommend for me to do daily? I can only swim for about 15mins, but I dont want to swim every day as it is quite expensive. I would love to get to the gym more, but its my biggest struggle and least liked thing to do (not because I hate the gym, but because I am just starting out and its daunting more than anything but I will get over that)

My main goals are to lose weight and become fit, so please consider that. I am 26, 5.5", female weighing 85kgs. Most of my weight hangs around my mid section and it is my biggest priority.

I also already have two gym plans, one is upper and one is lower body, both include core exercises too, and they take about 30+ mins each to complete. So I do not need a "gym" plan, just a weekly plan if that makes sense.

Thanks all!


  • Shortgirlrunning
    Shortgirlrunning Posts: 1,020 Member
    If you hate the gym I think you’d have better luck with an at-home routine. You don’t need to go to the gym to lose weight. YouTube has tons of exercise videos available (FitnessBlender and PopSugarFitness are my favorites) and many don’t require any equipment.

    There are also paid services like BeachBody on Demand or Daily Burn.
  • xDaynie
    xDaynie Posts: 35 Member
    edited November 2019
    If you hate the gym I think you’d have better luck with an at-home routine

    I dont hate the gym, its just going to be a struggle getting back into it, but I will. I would be alot better off at the gym than doing it at home. Home is where I relax, and the only work is housework!
  • dyphydoo81
    dyphydoo81 Posts: 6 Member
    I do 3 runs a week, and 2-3 Beachbody workouts. I’m not a coach, but do highly recommend for their variety. They have strength training that I believe is easy enough for beginners as well as those needing modifications. I do the $99 annual subscription...nothing else as I’m not big on supplements.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,866 Member
    Please consider that you said that your main focus is: "to lose weight and become fit"

    You have detailed an excellent and comprehensive plan as to how you're planning to tackle becoming more fit.

    You have presented very little in terms of your plan to control weight.

    At your current level you're likely to reap some substantial improvements in health if you manage to apply an appreciable (say 500 Cal) daily deficit over a long enough period of time.

    While some of that can, and probably should, come from increases in activity and exercise, it is much easier to consistently create such deficits by managing caloric intake.
  • xDaynie
    xDaynie Posts: 35 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Please consider that you said that your main focus is: "to lose weight and become fit"

    You have detailed an excellent and comprehensive plan as to how you're planning to tackle becoming more fit.

    You have presented very little in terms of your plan to control weight.

    Eep, I should have included that sorry! I plan to log and track calories at a base of 1200, and eat back half of my total Fitbit exercise and step calories. I am not going to force myself to stick to that at first, but ween myself into it.

    It tracks my at work steps, gym, and also my swimming Cal's out.

    I will be eating a balance of fruit, veg, fish, white meat, and red meat each week with my main carbs coming from oats at one serving a day. Twice a week either slice of bread or a wrap around lunch too.

    I will use popcorn to battle my carb and junk food cravings, with dark choc (I love both so I'm hoping it will work okay)

    On the weekends I plan to have one dinner that satisfies the (long term having to eat healthy no junk) with something like Thai food or pita pit. And my goal is to have bad takeaways once a month at first (down from at least twice a week) until I can make it a very little occasion thing.

    At first, if I want to eat more, I will, but it will be nutrie t dense low cal food like carrot fruit ECT. I am known to over eat and emotional binge, so plan to change what I eat instead of how much I eat first.
  • xDaynie
    xDaynie Posts: 35 Member
    Good heavens!
    I thought my post had got lost in the netherworld B)

    Check my reply here

    Cheers, h.

    Ugh yeah, I put it in the wrong category, then pasted it to the right one, and then realised I can't delete it!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,866 Member
    edited November 2019
    Sustainable small changes introducing items you want to increasingly eat (while crowding out things you want to eat less off) may be a strategy to explore.

    Fitbit and MFP trade information, and your Fitbit calories are an independent estimate of your total caloric expenditure for the day. They are not actually exercise calories.

    Assuming your Fitbit accurately reflects your daily expenditure and MFP your daily intake you would need to eat 100% of your adjustment in order to meet your goals.

    Keep in mind that weight level changes can be seen by looking at your weight trend over time and not by looking at single weight ins that may represent an exceptionally low or high individual sample value.

    And that while 25% caloric deficits can be well enough tolerated by people who would be correctly medically defined as obese, overweight and normal weight people are often better served by keeping their deficits to 20% or less of TDEE.
  • xDaynie
    xDaynie Posts: 35 Member
    [quote="PAV8888;c-44424793"Fitbit and MFP trade information, and your Fitbit calories are an independent estimate of your total caloric expenditure for the day. They are not actually exercise calories.

    Assuming your Fitbit accurately reflects your daily expenditure and MFP your daily intake you would need to eat 100% of your adjustment in order to meet your goals. [/quote]

    In MFP when I am in my diary it says;

    GOAL 1200 - FOOD 0 + EXERCISE 0 = 1200 REMAINING

    The exercise is steps and tracking exercise through Fitbit, so do I eat 100% back of exercise that shows in MFP? I have been told most only eat back half to combat the inaccuracy.

    That often confuses me, how they work and link together.

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,866 Member
    edited November 2019
    xDaynie wrote: »
    In MFP when I am in my diary it says;
    GOAL 1200 - FOOD 0 + EXERCISE 0 = 1200 REMAINING
    The exercise is steps and tracking exercise through Fitbit, so do I eat 100% back of exercise that shows in MFP? I have been told most only eat back half to combat the inaccuracy.
    That often confuses me, how they work and link together.

    Based on the numbers above you have 0 exercise for that day, so you would not be eating back anything at all :smiley:

    I've covered your question in my previous response. The inaccuracy you're combating is the numbers for exercise in MFP's database that are expressed and entered inclusive of the base activity calories you have selected when you manually enter an exercise in MFP.

    Fitbit's exercise adjustment does not correspond to any particular exercise.

    It is an accounting transaction to replace the TDEE estimate originating from MFP (and which was based on your choice of activity level during guided setup: I am sedentary/lightly active/active/very active) with the TDEE amount estimated by your Fitbit (which is based on the inputs it has detected by itself and to the changes to those inputs you make with exercises you manually enter).

    Personally I've found it easier to take the inputs as they come as opposed to modifying them or pre-guessing how far off they may be.

    After a few weeks (2-3 for males, 4-6 for pre-menopausal females) I compared my expected weight trend based on the deficits/surplus I recorded on paper and my actual weight trend based on my trendweight.com data.

    This I then expressed as an error and an estimate of how far off my Fitbit TDEE and MFP logging were from reality!

    In my case I discovered the error to range from 5 Cal a day, to 98 Cal a day, to 147 Cal a day over 3 consecutive 12 month periods and 80 Cal a day over the 5 month period that followed (i.e. 0.15% to 4.77% error). After that I stopped tracking as closely. But your mileage can definitely vary!
  • 76Crane76
    76Crane76 Posts: 133 Member
    I get on youtube daily and do Yoga with Adriene. It's free & you can fit in short workouts when you don't have much time. She's patient and not one of those intimidating pretzels and i love her humor.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    xDaynie wrote: »
    Good heavens!
    I thought my post had got lost in the netherworld B)

    Check my reply here

    Cheers, h.

    Ugh yeah, I put it in the wrong category, then pasted it to the right one, and then realised I can't delete it!

    No worries! Another member reported this to moderators so we could help. The two discussions have been merged and duplicate posts removed. If this isn't the category you wanted you can use the Flag > Report > Other option to ask us to move it for you.