Many the miles: Week 1 [CLOSED GROUP]

Welcome to week 1 of our challenge!

To get started, the plan is to get everyone out on the road for 8 miles this week. It doesn’t matter how you do it: a mile a day, 8 miles in one day, it’s all good as long as you do it!

In my opinion, planning is one of the most important aspects of success, so what are your plans to successfully complete this week? Personally, I’m planning on a 2 mile walk today and then I’m walking home from work on Wednesday, so that’s another 4 miles and I’m sure I’ll walk some more over the weekend. I won’t even attempt to jog until at least Thursday. I’m getting my stitches out and we’ll see what the surgeon has to say!

Like I said, please keep coming back to this thread for discussions and you bet I’ll be asking for progress reports!!

Happy walking!


  • kbeach08
    kbeach08 Posts: 184 Member
    My plan is to take My daughter out on our evening walks atleast 4 times this week. Also we are going to Cedar point on Wed. So I am sure I will get plenty of walking in then and I am in a parade this weekend well next Monday I so lots more miles :)
  • sineadangele1
    sineadangele1 Posts: 97 Member
    i planned on going for a 4 mile walk on saturday or yester day but hurricane irene kind of complicated new plan is to go on that walk today. I've got about 2 miles down already so after those 4 miles later today I'll be almost done for the week =]
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    My goal is to do 2 miles/4 days out of the week.
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    I like to do things in big chunks. I'm going to my parents' house to do laundry this afternoon so I think I'll do the 3 mile loop around their neighborhood while my clothes are in the dryer. :)

    I didn't get a chance to post on the other thread, but hi, I'm Samantha. :) I'm 23. I've been sedentary and overweight all of my life. I lost quite a bit of weight through diet alone but now I'm ready to incorporate exercise. I'm doing a combination of strength training, cardio dvds and walking/running outside. :) I've dedicated myself to at least 4 hours of exercise per week and I'm looking forward to making this challenge part of that routine!

    My plan is 3 miles today, 2 miles on Wednesday, 2 miles on Friday, and 1 mile on Saturday.
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    Went for a 40 minute walk during my lunch hour and managed to go 1.65 miles. I'm a little tired, but it could also be because I'm a little hungry. I'll probably walk another mile in the afternoon!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    ok so i went for my run today, managed 5.5k or 3.4miles in my best ever time of 27:20! very pleased with that! considering i was struggling to run 3mins in may!

    everyone's got to a good start. my plan is to run x3 a week and each time running 5k or 3.1miles. my 5k run is on the 11th so im in training mode!

    maria: its only the start of the week! you will get there!

    samantha: you sound very similar to me! i lost most of my weight by diet and zumba. and since i started maintaining in april- my goals are more fitness focussed, so i do a lot of jm dvds, running zumba! im also a fan of big chunks! gets it out of the way quicker!

    kbeach: walking with the kiddos is the best exercise ever! i go for long walks with my daughter during the weekend as thats when she naps for me! so normally out of an hr and a bit! have fun!

    thamre: sounds like a good plan to me!

    sinead: hope the weather clears up for you guys soon. scary stuff

    lets do this ladies!!!
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    I ran 2 miles & walked 4 miles tonight. whoo hoo!
  • patriot201
    patriot201 Posts: 117 Member
    Wore my pedometer today (as I do every day) and logged 12000+ steps, which equaled 3.8 miles. :)
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    Yay! Everyone did great and you guys have all made significant dents on this week's goal!
    Seems like 8 miles was way too easy for this crowd, so we'll definitely be increasing the mileage next week and make this more fun!

    Here's another question for you guys: when do you prefer to walk/run? I personally love morning runs (5:40 am), but I can't do it anymore because it's getting light way too late and I have a set schedule at work :(

    kbeach08: Did you end up walking with your daughter? It seems like you won't have a problem getting to 8 miles with Cedar Point and the parade! Have fun!

    sineadangele1: I hope Irene didn't damage anything more than your walking plans!

    thamre: I'm glad you ended up working out yesterday! It was a great burn and you knocked down quite a distance!!

    defygravity531: Excellent work yesterday! Were you pushing or was that your regular pace?

    mariababe81: Amazing run yesterday!! You're gonna rock the 5k with no problems at all. You've got quite the speed!!

    patriot201: Great job! Halfway there :)
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    I prefer to walk/run in the morning...much cooler and less crap in my body. It seems that no matter what I eat or how much I drink during the day, about a half a mile into my walk or run I have to go to the bathroom (and not always #1 either). It really sucks, cause I walk out in the country - no place I can really relieve myself...LOL!

    It would be nice to know where you are all from. I live in Minnesota.
  • kbeach08
    kbeach08 Posts: 184 Member
    I love walking in the mornings, but have kind of gotten out of getting up early enough to go. Going to start having to get my butt out of bed to get it done again! :laugh:
    I didn't end up getting my walk in with my daughter last night we cleaned and danced around the house last night though. Tonight as soon as I get her from school it is home for dinner and then out we go since it is just the 2 of us and the house is alot cleaner than it was! :flowerforyou:

    Need to get more miles today to catch up to you gals for sure!! :flowerforyou:

    You all are kicking butt!!

    Oh and I am from Michigan
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    I went for a 2 mile walk during lunch and made great time! My focus today was on my posture as my back has been hurting since I've been walking a little slouched to be more comfortable around the belly area. Well, I walked 2 miles standing up straight! I realized, however, that I'm not ready to run yet when I kinda jogged to cross a street before the light changed and I was rather uncomfortable.

    So I'm up to 5 miles and I'll prob be walking some more this evening,so I'll be done with the weekly challenge by tomorrow!!! I would've chosen a higher number, had I known I'd be recovering this fast lol

    And to answer thamre's question: I live in Maryland :)
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    It was raining last night so I didn't get my walk in. I attempted using the treadmill, but was very bored after 1 mile. Hopefully the weather cooperates tonight.
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    Good morning! Halfway point of week 1 already?! crazy, huh?

    Here's the stats I have and please correct me if I missed something and I apologize if I missed anyone! I promise I'll get better at this.

    mariawells: 5 miles
    mariababe81: 3.4 miles
    thamre: 7 miles
    patriot201: 3.8 miles
    defygravity531: 3 miles

    What about the rest of you guys?! Where have you been hiding? :)

    Now, how fast do you guys normally walk and why? Do you go for a nice stroll, or do you power walk?
  • fit_chica69
    fit_chica69 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi everybody,

    I didn't forget you guys. I've been doing short 15 minute morning walks. I'll try waking up earlier so I can try to catch up with you guys before the week is over. Working 2 jobs this week sucks!! I only do this one week a month so, I'll be back on track starting this weekend. You guys are doing great! This will be fun trying to catch up!! :happy:

  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    I got in one more mile yesterday. It's definitely hard to fit in walking along with my other workouts. I may get some more in this afternoon.
  • sineadangele1
    sineadangele1 Posts: 97 Member
    I finished my 8 miles yesterday =]
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    mariawells: 9 miles-DONE
    sineadangele1: 8 miles-DONE

    mariababe81: 3.4 miles
    thamre: 7 miles
    patriot201: 3.8 miles
    defygravity531: 4 miles

    fit_chica69: Unknown distance, but has been walking :)

    kbeach08: No info :(
    CharlotteintheUSA: No info :(
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    Had a school thing going on last night but still managed to run 2 miles and walk 2 miles.
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    Happy Friday!!
    Still waiting for some of you guys to finish!
    Do you have any good plans for the long weekend?

    mariawells: 9 miles-DONE
    sineadangele1: 8 miles-DONE
    thamre: 11 miles-DONE

    mariababe81: 3.4 miles
    patriot201: 3.8 miles
    defygravity531: 4 miles

    fit_chica69: Unknown distance, but has been walking :)

    kbeach08: No info :(
    CharlotteintheUSA: No info :(