Have a Nintendo Wii? Please Help!



  • spaztastic13
    I have zumba and just dance for wii they r awesome!!!!
  • rainyday99
    Zumba - best ever!! this is a for real work out!! I also have the biggest loser which is also really good and motivating for me. I dont have the dance ones but after reading all these notes i feel like a should buy it!! Thanks everyone :)
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    Just Dance is a fantastic workout not to mention great fun - you can also do a party mode with friends, or the hubby and I like to have a 2 player contest as to who scores the highest :D

    Hubs and I do that too! Winner gets a back massage (after showering off the sweat, of course)
  • cbuscema
    Check this website. it gives you some basic calories burned for Wii games
    including ones not using the board.


  • joey72talk
    joey72talk Posts: 23 Member
    i can highly recommend the Wii biggest loser..... its a great way to kick start yr exercise programme, you can set it to yr personal preferences & target the arears that you want to tone....

    i used it for two weeks along my fitness pal and lost 5lb!!

    give it a go, you have nothing to lose but the weight :)

    good luck Hun :flowerforyou:
  • Molly_Louise
    Wii Fit is so much fun, the Zumba game is good too. I also recommend Just Dance 2 :)
  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 839 Member
    My Wii has been collecting dust for the past month, but I plan to restart tomorrow with my diet and exercise. I don't have Wii Fit. I am not a dancer, but I tried Just Dance at a friend's house and quickly realized this is a great way to get some exercise. I also purchased the Zumba for Wii and am hoping to use that shortly, too.
  • Sepheara
    Sepheara Posts: 208 Member
    I have EA Sports Active (1) and woah is it great. I REALLY feel the burn when I go through their exercises.
    I also have (and love) the EA Sports NFL Training Camp, it came with a heart rate monitor like Sports active 2 does.
    It puts you through similar exercises like they do in the fnl training camp (though probably not as intense), I feel pretty sore after I do it also. I like how it mixes up normal exercises by making it feel like part of the game. In fact, since football season is here again, I think it's time to dig it out. it was expensive (I think it runs 100) but if you're a football fan it's probably worth it. (being able to run around with Peyton Manning was worth it to me ;) )
  • coatsie79
    coatsie79 Posts: 187 Member
    I have Wii Fit and Biggest Loser. Wii Fit is fun, but the workouts on the Biggest Loser when you follow your fitness programme are intense and I'm finding they are working for me.
  • beaner1st
    beaner1st Posts: 229 Member
    I love my Wii Fit. We have come a long ways together. :)
  • becky_turcotte
    I have the orginial Wii Active and Zumba! I love them both. Hoping to Get the Active 2 soon.
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    I have EA Active and Just Dance 2. I like them both, but I prefer Jillian DVDs over the EA Active (they are similar moves but hers incorporate more at one time). She does have a Wii game, but I haven't tried it yet. And Just Dance is SO MUCH FUN!!