I know but I don’t know 🤦🏻‍♀️



  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    If I know what TO eat and what NOT to eat, what’s better etc etc .. why don’t I ever know what to buy at the grocery store?! Do you guys just buy random healthy things you like? Do you think of meals you want to eat & buy from that? I don’t know why it’s so hard to get started when I know what to eat and what not to eat!

    Once you are in the habit of cooking regularly it's pretty easy. I tend to make sure I have lots of veg on hand (this time of year I tend to have winter squash, various root veg like carrots and turnips, some greens, and broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, and brussels. I also tend to make sure I have some meat/fish on hand. I usually have eggs, greek yogurt or cottage cheese, frozen fruit and maybe some fresh, frozen greens, and staples like rice and pasta and canned and dried beans.

    When I cook or plan dinner, I decide the main meat and starch (say, I decide to make roasted chicken with potatoes or a stir fry with shrimp or a chili with chicken), and then I figure out which of the veg on hand to make with it and tend to make a lot. Fruit I tend to have on the side or on occasion as a snack. I have a standard breakfast (now 2 egg vegetable omelet with fruit and/or dairy on the side), and similarly just use the veg I have on hand for it.

    Being flexible in the ingredients you use and using what you have is for me the best advice I can give.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    edited November 2019
    I live alone, so whatever recipe I cook, I eat several times. That gets boring, so....
    I have several go to ideas.
    I go to the store and buy whatever meat is on sale/looks good—a package too big for one meal for one.
    For example:
    Hamburger meat-
    1. also get a roll or two from the bakery for one or 2 hamburgers.
    2. an onion, can of beans for chili a couple times.
    3. Veggies for soup, several meals.
    4. Mushrooms, noodles or rice for stroganoff
    Then I buy the usual staples for lunches, tuna, eggs, salad fixings, etc.
    Next week a different meat.
  • ellie117
    ellie117 Posts: 293 Member
    Wow @peachvine29 that is so organized, I love it.
  • peachvine29
    peachvine29 Posts: 400 Member
    ellie117 wrote: »
    Wow @peachvine29 that is so organized, I love it.

    :smile: The app is a lifesaver for me!
  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    I buy and eat what I like. Just in smaller quantities. And I have a bowl of cereal every night before bed...nothing is evil.

    I've lost 16lbs since Sept. 3rd 2019 and just entered into maintenance.

    Don't over think this - you'll find with experience what works for you and what doesn't. I basically by the same things I did when I was heavier, I just eat less and cook it differently.
  • Luke_rabbit
    Luke_rabbit Posts: 1,031 Member
    Personally, I get overwhelmed trying to plan a whole week of meals. Instead I plan 3 days and do 2 quicker shopping trips. We eat out on lunch Saturday, so dinner is something extra simple like PB&J. Our meals are pretty easy, fast, and boring.

    I also use the grocery store app to see what's on sale and download coupons. I will buy ahead on non-perishables that are good deals.
  • dawn__westbury
    dawn__westbury Posts: 46 Member
    I eat the same breakfast everyday (frozen Jimmy Dean light bfast sandwiches)
    I eat similar snacks daily (fruit, veggies and hummus, oatmeal, cottage cheese, yogurt, nuts)
    I also eat a lot of the same lunches (chicken breast and veggie, turkey sandwiches, leftovers)

    Every Sunday I make a meal plan with my Plan to Eat app, I have recipes stored on there, drag and drop into my calender, select serving number, and it makes me my grocery list. I also add my snacks and lunch ingredients to the list. It's so easy. Here's a screenshot of the site:


    When I go to the store I stick to my list and don't buy what I won't eat. I've learned what kind of foods I will actually eat. I've learned which foods I shouldn't buy because I will eat the whole box/bag in a day. It is a learning process.

    I'm a planner so this is what works for me! My boyfriend is not a planner and will eat anything which works well, he doesn't really like knowing what we'll eat ahead of time or planning future meals. So each night I surprise him with the planned meal. I couldn't stand coming home and having to make up some meal to cook, I like having all needed ingredients on hand. And I like cooking so it all works out.

    I will check out this app! Thank you! Planning helps me as well!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,677 Member
    I guess I'm a mix of a planner/unplanner. I use the grocery shopping app Out Of Milk, it has a list of my most commonly shopped for items so whatever I'm out of that I need replaced I select. I eat a very similar salad every day for lunch so the basics for that are needed. I get chicken, turkey, and fish in bulk from Costco so that leaves dried beans, Greek yogurt, and tuna if I'm out. I usually plan at least one pot of beans in the Instant pot and one soup/chili. From there I just see which veggies and fruit are on sale, in season, or look good. I stock up on frozen and canned with sales. I also get Imperfect Produce boxes every other week.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I'm inclined to think about what meals I want to have for incoming week and plan my food shop accordingly.
  • lalalacroix
    lalalacroix Posts: 834 Member
    I created a master list of every food I like to have in the house. Once a week I print the list and cross out everything I don't need. I then review the local grocery flyers and make notes of who has the best deals on which items. I also go through the online coupons to see if there are any matches.

    This method keeps my pantry easily stocked and helps me save a good bit of money.
  • SlayLikeAWarrior
    SlayLikeAWarrior Posts: 89 Member
    If I know what TO eat and what NOT to eat, what’s better etc etc .. why don’t I ever know what to buy at the grocery store?! Do you guys just buy random healthy things you like? Do you think of meals you want to eat & buy from that? I don’t know why it’s so hard to get started when I know what to eat and what not to eat!

    Hi dawn__westbury, I have never experienced your dilema but you are not alone. I have friends who struggles with this as well. Just like some have suggested in comments above, I will recommend sitting down with your 16yr old and make a list of what you would like to eat for the week. Break it down by days/meals (breakfast/lunch/dinner). Also include snacks as well. Better yet Walmart emeals can also help you plan better. There's a cost and it's very less expensive. You can do a 14day free trial and see if its for you. Here's the link below. Good luck!

  • SlayLikeAWarrior
    SlayLikeAWarrior Posts: 89 Member
    Here are some pros and cons to using Walmart emeals if you do decide to use it on a full time bases.

  • dawn__westbury
    dawn__westbury Posts: 46 Member
    Here are some pros and cons to using Walmart emeals if you do decide to use it on a full time bases.


    Thank you!!!!!