Motivation/Support Friends Wanted...feeling alone in this



  • christys03
    christys03 Posts: 22,785 Member
    Everyone here can add me...Im active daily, daily workouts, and public diary...lost 110lbs. Maintained for 2 years...
  • MrsCarter092911
    MrsCarter092911 Posts: 13 Member
    I have a lot more to lose then 20 pounds but I
    Could use friends for this weight loss journey as well! Anyone feel free to add me! ☺️
  • dinuattalage
    dinuattalage Posts: 4 Member
    I am looking for support too. Trying to loose 30 pounds. Please add me too. Haven’t been successful in sticking to a plan and following a proper regime. But trying my best.
  • KMumby
    KMumby Posts: 7 Member
    Count me in! I've got 10lbs to lose and some unfortunate eating habits I picked up that need to go. Would love to join a healthy community!
  • grahamfammommy
    grahamfammommy Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. I completely understand! About two years ago lost 25 pounds using this app.i only had 5 more to go. It felt so good! I was so sure I would be able to do it and keep it off.

    Fast forward a year... I was frequently experiencing pain in my hips, back, shoulders and neck. I was in a stressful situation at work. I started having GI issues. I had gained about 10 pounds back.
    I started sliding quickly downhill.

    In July I was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis (spinal arthritis). Since then I have been struggling with remaining active and emotional eating. During this time, I have tried getting back to tracking numerous times. I gave up and tried another fitness app. I realized how much more I like this one. I need to do this.

    The one thing I know I need right now is motivation and support. As much as I would love to do it on my own, this time I am asking for help.

    I am not giving up on self motivation (I just need a little extra nudge). This is my new daily mantra: "I can do this! I need to do this!"

    I am sorry this is so long. (Thank you if you have read this far) Hopefully it helps to know what someone else is going through. We all have unique personal struggles. It is nice to be able to connect on a more "human" level.

    Please include me. I promise I won't always be so wordy. 😉
  • alex6278
    alex6278 Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me! I had weight loss surgery 14.5 years ago and lost 100 lbs. One year later I was rear ended on the expressway. I sustained several injuries including my cervical and lumbar spines as well as my first TBI. I’ve kept off the weight but my physical challenges and chronic pain are getting in the way of losing the last 30-40 lbs. My goal is to be healthy and become as functional as possible. I’m super motivated - my daughter just announced the date of her wedding! I have 6-7 months to lose my weight before I HAVE to look for a dress. SO... I’m very open to suggestions from others who have or are kinda in my shoes. And I love new friends!
  • sunshinecicadas
    sunshinecicadas Posts: 28 Member
    I’m looking for motivation myself! I’ve been in a funk and I feel like no matter what I try, I fail.. so looking for some new people and maybe some new ideas! :) I’m as active as the app lets me!