Are you going to track FOREVER?@!



  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    67 inches height since sprouting up to at 12-13 years old. From active kid who never had a weight problem to sedentary post grad student who ballooned due to uncapped student labor hours/stress/vending machines to fit enough to comfortably pass APFTs in the military to now - the BMI chart has always been 100% accurate.

    When I was 200+ lbs, I was indeed clinically cat I obese. At the current low 160s, I am indeed still overweight. Once, when I dropped to 118 lbs. in undergrad because I never made dorm chow hours and had $12/week for shelf stable and microwaveable only groceries and smoked one of those $1.60-something packs of Marlboros a day to curb the hunger, I was indeed underweight. 135-145 lbs. is indeed my optimal weight since turning 30, up from the 120-123 lbs. when I was a teenager and hadn't matured secondary sex characteristic fat deposition-wise yet (aka, fully developed my "womanly curves").

    And, yes, I am going to track forever if necessary if it means I stay at a healthy mid-range BMI after I reach it. I am done being overweight or obese. There's a lot of internal as well as external baggage attached to it I've carried along with it for the past 13 years I am so effing over at this age stage in life. So, Done. So, whatever it takes.

  • poisonesse
    poisonesse Posts: 572 Member
    In answer to the question of the posts title... yes, I will be tracking forever. If I don't, over time I begin to slip, and I also want to make sure I get enough fiber and calcium daily. It only takes a few minutes a day, my health is worth that to me. As for the post itself? I've been on my journey since 2012, and other than a year with online WW, I haven't spent a cent. Don't fall for all that hype, you don't have to blow money to take care of yourself, lose weight, exercise, etc. You just DO it. ;)
  • jeffjeff85
    jeffjeff85 Posts: 118 Member
    dewd2 wrote: »
    At 5' 9" I weighed 225 pounds. I can tell you for sure the guidelines are not wrong. I was a fat *kitten*. Compare pictures from before to now. The difference is dramatic. I was so outta shape and I looked like hell. The thing is I didn't think I had an issue. Now it is obvious.

    Course, that raises the question ....
    If you 'didnt think I had an issue', then WHY the change?
  • aries68mc
    aries68mc Posts: 173 Member
    I don't know if I will track forever. Technically in maintenance now and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. I may taper off and not do it every day as I have a good grasp on calories but right now I am paying close attention to my sodium intake and trying to get that reduced.
  • jeffjeff85
    jeffjeff85 Posts: 118 Member
    dewd2 wrote: »
    jeffjeff85 wrote: »
    dewd2 wrote: »
    At 5' 9" I weighed 225 pounds. I can tell you for sure the guidelines are not wrong. I was a fat *kitten*. Compare pictures from before to now. The difference is dramatic. I was so outta shape and I looked like hell. The thing is I didn't think I had an issue. Now it is obvious.

    Course, that raises the question ....
    If you 'didnt think I had an issue', then WHY the change?

    I dropped 50 pounds over the course of 18 months and have maintained that ever since.

    I am back to tracking since I'm now focused on dropping another 10-15 pounds for performance reasons.

    Not sure how somebody 'didnt think there was an issue" with 50lbs, but if theres a 50lb difference between tracking and not tracking, then certainly.

  • mjglantz
    mjglantz Posts: 508 Member
    I have no plans to stop. Believe that tracking helped me to lose the 86 lbs and keeping it off (6 + years and counting). By now it's second nature and takes no time. Keeps me focused.
  • jeffjeff85
    jeffjeff85 Posts: 118 Member
    mjglantz wrote: »
    I have no plans to stop. Keeps me focused.

  • PrismaticPhoenix
    PrismaticPhoenix Posts: 65 Member
    I'm finding tracking a lot less irritating than I thought it would be, but so far I'm eating at home and cooking myself. I expect that things will get rougher when I'm in situations when I'm not making my own food and we'll see what happens then.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,953 Member
    I unfortunately see myself tracking long-term. I just hit maintenance and my weight is up after a rough week where I ate out a lot and ate other's meals and I must've underestimated. I normally eat at home so I'm pretty much in control of my food most the time. I'm on a medication that makes me think I'm hungry all the time so if I tried intuitive eating or eating until I'm full I'd be in trouble. I've found I don't mind logging, the data is interesting to me.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    I know if some poster, regardless of their personal situation/story, had told me when I first joined that I didn't/shouldn't track I would (A) be offended at the audacity of presuming to know *my* situation/story and, (B), likely be off-put enough to have decided this wasn't the website for me after all despite being directed here by Google when looking specifically for a CICO based weight loss community.

    did anyone tell anyone that??

  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited November 2019
    Oops, nothing to see here.