Continuing: What are foods that you hate?



  • jrn1115
    jrn1115 Posts: 35
    I hate olives of all kinds, I think they taste absolutely disgusting. I also am not a fan of mushrooms and avoid eating them at all costs. Plus, fat on meat really annoys me, my family doesn't understand why I don't like to eat it and to me it has the consistency of rubber.
  • czarkeri
    czarkeri Posts: 16
    Salad. I hate the texture and taste of lettuce leaves with dressing on them...barf. I can eat lettuce if it's on a sandwich but not by itself.
  • jrn1115
    jrn1115 Posts: 35
    Brussel Sprouts :sick:
    Asparagus :frown:
    Beets :noway:

    I hate these foods too. I tried cooking brussel sprouts last week and I had to throw out the entire pot. YUCK!!! Who can stomach that!!

    Cooking them in a pot is the problem. I thought I hated Brussel sprouts for the first 50 years of my life. But it turns out I just hate them cooked in a pot. Steamed, boiled, sauted, it's all bad. But toss them in some olive oil, garlic powder, chili powder and roast them in the oven and they have a whole different taste and texture. They are now my very favorite veggie.

    They are very good when roasted! I'm addicted to roasted brussels sprouts
  • sixxx
    sixxx Posts: 39 Member
    - Meat of all kinds.
    - Most fruit grosses me out (i only eat pineapples and some berries)
    - Eggs on occasion. Its a love hate thing.
  • I'm a vegetarian but I just cant seem to like artichokes, sweet potatoes, or beets. I keep trying as I know the sweet potatoes and beets are super healthy but I cant seem to find the love for them. :)
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Eggs (unless they're mixed into something, like cake!)
    Salmon (and any other strong, oily fish)
    Blue Cheese
    Lima Beans
    Greek Yogurt (I love regular yogurt though)

    And the worst of all - TOFU! Just thinking of it makes me shudder with disgust.
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    Eggs (unless they're mixed into something, like cake!)
    Salmon (and any other strong, oily fish)
    Blue Cheese
    Lima Beans
    Greek Yogurt (I love regular yogurt though)

    And the worst of all - TOFU! Just thinking of it makes me shudder with disgust.

    I Love Tofu!!! You have to buy the extra firm, slice the block (about 1/2" slices) and marinate it. Try bbq sauce or a soysauce, garlic, ginger marinate. Then you can bake it or stir fry - Sooooo Gooood!!!
  • Gdzgal771
    Gdzgal771 Posts: 152 Member
    i really cant think of any..:huh: :huh:

    and yes i DO eat lima beans now and not just swallow them, dear daughter if shes reading this.. :laugh: :laugh:

    and to be honest- would i look LIKE i do if i hated FOOD?? just sayin'..:frown: :embarassed: :
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    I am right there with you on the pulp feels like you shouldn't be drinking something with bits of stuff in's so gross!......there isn't much I dislike, you may think it's weird, but I love fried chicken livers, but I refuse to go near a chicken gizzard. I will not eat beef liver,bananas(super gross!) The only way I'll eat bananas is if it's in banana nut bread! Rice pudding, grits, oatmeal(reminds me of vomit), I think my issue with food is texture and not flavor. I'll try anything once!
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    I hate olives of all kinds, I think they taste absolutely disgusting. I also am not a fan of mushrooms and avoid eating them at all costs. Plus, fat on meat really annoys me, my family doesn't understand why I don't like to eat it and to me it has the consistency of rubber.

    What's wrong with you? Olives are wonderful little balls of deliciosness!!!

    I am with you on the fat on meat! It's digusting!!!
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    Brussel Sprouts :sick:
    Asparagus :frown:
    Beets :noway:

    I hate these foods too. I tried cooking brussel sprouts last week and I had to throw out the entire pot. YUCK!!! Who can stomach that!!

    Cooking them in a pot is the problem. I thought I hated Brussel sprouts for the first 50 years of my life. But it turns out I just hate them cooked in a pot. Steamed, boiled, sauted, it's all bad. But toss them in some olive oil, garlic powder, chili powder and roast them in the oven and they have a whole different taste and texture. They are now my very favorite veggie.

    I'm going to have to try that....but, I'm one of those weird people who loves Brussel sprouts! How long do you roast them for?
  • bens_mommy
    bens_mommy Posts: 219
    Avocados. Nasty, nasty booger green mushy things.

    Oh, I LOVE them :)

    Me too! I don't like avocados by themselves, but when I make guacamole out of them and spread them on Triscuits and celery, OH MY WORD!
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    I can understand most of the things people have listed... except bacon... how can you not like bacon?! That has to be some kind of sin lol.
    Most of the things I don't like are based on texture and not on taste... things such as pears and coconut... oysters and grits. I also do not like juice with pulp.
    I'm not big into most beans... kind of depends really. I don't like avacado, olives, or brussel sprouts.
    Certain things I don't like on their own but can do them if its IN a recipe like mayo and sour cream... you will never find my putting a dollop of sour cream on anything.. yuck! Me at the Mexican place goes something along the lines of no sour cream, no gaucamole, NO refried beans... extra rice please lol.
  • SusM321
    SusM321 Posts: 141 Member
    Honestly I LOVE FOOD! although there are a few on my list.

    Lima bean tops my list...they make me want to vomit!
    Anchovies (Unless in a Ceaser Salad)
    Cantaloupe (used to make me gag) I make myself eat a lil now for the health benefits. I've learned to love Salmon!
    Love eggs but I have to be up 3-5 hours before i can smell them being cooked (Thanks to when my lovely daughter was in utero; is that TMI? or as my daughter would say VIOLATION!)
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Seafood.... the only thing I can stand is tuna from a can. The smell is just gross and the seafoody taste makes me want to throw up. :-P

  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I Love Tofu!!! You have to buy the extra firm, slice the block (about 1/2" slices) and marinate it. Try bbq sauce or a soysauce, garlic, ginger marinate. Then you can bake it or stir fry - Sooooo Gooood!!!

    Sorry... but gag! That still sounds utterly vile to me. LOL

    I've also found out in the past year that I'm actually allergic to soy. I was eating SoyJoy bars as snacks and my mouth kept getting itchy and inflamed, so I talked to my allergist and had it tested. Sure enough... I'm allergic to soy. I remember thinking at first 'Thank GOD! Now no one can make me eat tofu ever again!' But in reality, it's sort of been a hassle, because soy is in everything! Thankfully, I'm only mildly allergic so even if I do eat some soy, nothing truly awful happens.
  • Olives! They make me gag if i even just taste one =X

    I also dont like raw zuchinni, lima beans, and anything with noticable grease.
  • Be careful about eating it again because the more you eat something that you are allergic to the higher the risk of a serious reaction occuring.

    I Love Tofu!!! You have to buy the extra firm, slice the block (about 1/2" slices) and marinate it. Try bbq sauce or a soysauce, garlic, ginger marinate. Then you can bake it or stir fry - Sooooo Gooood!!!

    Sorry... but gag! That still sounds utterly vile to me. LOL

    I've also found out in the past year that I'm actually allergic to soy. I was eating SoyJoy bars as snacks and my mouth kept getting itchy and inflamed, so I talked to my allergist and had it tested. Sure enough... I'm allergic to soy. I remember thinking at first 'Thank GOD! Now no one can make me eat tofu ever again!' But in reality, it's sort of been a hassle, because soy is in everything! Thankfully, I'm only mildly allergic so even if I do eat some soy, nothing truly awful happens.

    Also, I hate overly sweet foods like cake and most icecreams. The food I hate most though is green bellpeppers, such nasty things. Yellows are my favorite.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Cheese! Stinky, gooie, nasty, fatty stuff!
  • princessputz
    princessputz Posts: 283 Member
    Beans & Lentils
    Red Meat (Hamburger, Steaks ETC) - I haven't had a steak in over 10 yrs!!
    Ground Pork
    Dark Meat on Chicken and Turkey
    Eggs (I do try and consume a few every so often to appease the other half)
    Blue Cheese
    Milk (I'll put it in cereal but I throw away any the cereal hasn't soaked up)
    Mashed Potatoes
    Cooked Tomato Anything!!!!
    Casseroles ** My food can't touch
    Greek Yogurt
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