do you love your job? if so, how come?



  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    I really enjoy the job I do. I work with great people and for a great company. There are lots of opportunities in the company to allow me to move up the ladder. Plus I am 3 min from home as well, no traffic and I go home for lunch everyday.
  • lgwmab
    lgwmab Posts: 274 Member
    I'm 50/50, one of my jobs just closed today, it was part time, but $. the other one is so-so, I work for my parents.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I do not enjoy my day to day work (the tasks I'm responsible for)... they are in my field, which I like, but are beneath me in terms of skilset and challenge. I do however LOVE the "extras" that come with my job. I work for a campus recreation department at university, so health and fitness are a big part of what we do. I have a locker room/shower right down the hall, I play basketball with guys from work 2x a week on my lunch break. Schedules are flexible which is super convenient wiht my kids schedule, riding my bike to work, etc etc.

    Not to mention the job security of working for the state and being in a huge union.
  • poisongirl1
    poisongirl1 Posts: 93 Member
    I love my job!! I work in a small options group home with mentally challenged adults. It's really rewarding, the people who live in the house are awesome, I think of them like my family, and my coworkers are pretty great too. I have a degree in psychology, and even though I had never thought of working with disabilities, I'm glad I gave it a chance because I really enjoy. The atmosphere is really good too, because it's small, it doesn't feel like an institution or anything. There's only 3 residents, and it's in a regular house in a regular neighbourhood. Sure, some days it's crazy stressful, and because we have so few staff, there are times I work crazy hours, but the rewards outweigh all that! :)

    I also have a volunteer job (does that count too?) that I really enjoy. I work at a crisis line once a week, it's also very stressful at times, but very rewarding!
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    My only "job" is to be my husband's hott wife. I love every minute of it.
    Why? He's amazing :)
  • polo_princess
    I love my job!!

    I work in a car dealership as a vehicle administrator, basically i do stuff like assign vehicle registration plates, tax cars in house, etc etc

    I have always worked in th motor trade, dont know why, i was never particularly fond of cars as a youngster, the job just kinda landed in my lap!!
  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    I don't LOVE my job, but I do like it a lot. I do marketing and admin work for Pepsi/Dr Pepper. The perks are nice... unlimited free Aquafina water, energy drinks, Gatorade and sodas (which I don't drink except Pepsi Max). My boss is amazing and is very laid back. I can take my lunches whenever I want, and if I'm gone over an hour it's really not a big deal. I'm always late in the mornings and it's never been an issue. A lot of times I will leave early too if it's slow. I listen to the radio and I can browse the net all day and my boss doesn't care as long as everything is done that I need to do. This location only has 4 employees that work in the office and the rest are the drivers that deliver the products. There really isn't any room for advancement here at this location, but I do plan on being here for awhile. I love ALL my coworkers! Also my son's daycare is just a stone's throw away. I can leave the house, drop him off and get here in about 15 minutes in the mornings. I get paid pretty well for an admin and in this economy, I'm just glad to have a job!
  • Arynamber
    Arynamber Posts: 162 Member
    Options get to train MILF's ewwwww.. so glad you are NOT my trainer.. I would hope my trainer would not be thinking about what he wants to do with me, unless its getting me toned.

    Anyways, Currently I have a job that I just started and it appears the only reason Im here is they need a warm bum in this seat. HONESTLY I have NOTHING to do and its making me a bit insane. My career is a social worker and I LOVE doing actually social work. I also model part time which is much fun. Before this job I stayed at home with the kids and i LOVED it.. before that I worked part time.. if I could choose thats what I would do.. part time then stay home with the kiddies.

    Wise person once says if you love your job youll never have to work another day in your life.. thats what Im striving for just need to find out how to get there :)
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    Options get to train MILF's ewwwww.. so glad you are NOT my trainer.. I would hope my trainer would not be thinking about what he wants to do with me, unless its getting me toned.

    Aww, in his defense I don't think he meant he actually wants to have sex with them.. I think he just meant it as a sort of compliment, like, he takes them from their mommy-bodies to having hott bodies... that sort of thing. I took it like he does a good job and was being complimentary of his trainees.

    As for my trainers in my gym, they're all pro athletes. They have awesome bodies. If they find me attractive ... then I take it as a compliment. I mean, c'mon I'm paying these people to help me be attractive LOL
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    I love my job, I am a teacher and I love the creativity I can draw out of all sorts of children with amazing and varied abilities. How ever I hate my boss, I mean ***** and then some- I think it should be about what's best for kids, she thinks it is about what looks good on league tables or on paper . So there's you quandary - LOVE my job, not very happy in it day to day!!! Hoping she will ladder climb soon!!!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    "You've achieved success in your field when you don't know whether what you're doing is work or play." - Warren Beatty
  • hillm12345
    hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
    I love my job. except on the days I'm sitting at my desk eating yogurt with a giant Popsicle stick because I left my spoon at home and I drop yogurt down the front of my shirt... oh wait. that just happened. FML
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Most of the time I really, really enjoy my job. I get to travel once a year (which is just a binge drinking week), participate in fundraisers-from formal events to golf outings and several times throughout the year have fun classes with lots of cool people and good food.

    Biggest bonus of all-my boss travel alot and we are a two person office. That means lots of days of me blaring music at my desk and enjoying my alone time!
  • BecksgotBack
    BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
    I love my job....really. It's the only place i hear "Becky you're the best, thank you!" at least once a day. And i don't have to get bruised doing it
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    I love my job. I own and run my own pet store. It's challenging and requires loads of motivation. If I don't get off my butt, there isn't anyone to cover for me or do it for me. If I fail, the whole business fails. But, I don't have to answer to anyone (except my customers), I get to do things my way, and I can't get fired. So, I love my job.

    Oh! And I can take my kids and my dog to work with me! Super Bonus!
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I love my job, the hours and location are flexible, I get to travel around the world, I have a lot of responsibility for only being 24, there's always something new and interesting to do, and there's always great espresso. :)

    I'm in charge of business development for our family business, but also working on a new tech start-up with my father. My dad and I are a great team and I couldn't imagine a better partner or colleague. That's really the best part of my whole job, I get to travel the world and go to work every day with my dad. Over the past few years we've really built an amazing friendship and business partnership.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Shockingly, I love what I do... And who I work for.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    My jobs ok, its civil service. I do financial quality assurance for the Dept of Defense. Good vacation/benefits, decent pay. But boring as all get out. Gives me a chance to check into MFP once in a while though..
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    Options get to train MILF's ewwwww.. so glad you are NOT my trainer.. I would hope my trainer would not be thinking about what he wants to do with me, unless its getting me toned.

    Aww, in his defense I don't think he meant he actually wants to have sex with them.. I think he just meant it as a sort of compliment, like, he takes them from their mommy-bodies to having hott bodies... that sort of thing. I took it like he does a good job and was being complimentary of his trainees.

    As for my trainers in my gym, they're all pro athletes. They have awesome bodies. If they find me attractive ... then I take it as a compliment. I mean, c'mon I'm paying these people to help me be attractive LOL
    Niner was just jesting. He won't MILF his clients just like I won't MILF my patients. I love my job also. 2 miles from home, make my own schedule, No weekends, No calls, 8-5, Awesome professional staff, and great pay. Scary thing is I am looking into another position that offers all this, with better pay and benefits. Awesome.
  • ladycomix
    ladycomix Posts: 104
    I LOVE my job. I recently turned down $dreamjob just to stay where I'm at. why? my commute is less than a mile, I can see the ocean from my desk, and I go into work every single day and know what I'm doing is valued and appreciated. I work lots because I like to go into shops that are broken and fix them. I'm a computer geek.