Too many diets in my head



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,004 Member
    I didn't last a week on South Beach. I had some success with WW, and was looking to do that again but balking at the cost, and my sister recommended MFP.

    I'm much happier with MFP than any named diet, which all have rules about what food cannot be eaten that often feel capricious and arbitrary. Don't get me started on the logical failures of Paleo!
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    I'm sure I'm repeating posts but at least I'm not repeating myself(on this particular thread). :)The easiest method that I've found, has been using MFP. Honestly. It's versatile, keeps me (pretty)honest :) and I can see right where I need to improve, cut back, whatever. If I see my calories closing in on my day's total, then I either stop eating or turn to something very low calorie. If I choose to fill a day with junk then so be it. :( But personally I like to see how many gr of protein, sugar, etc. I've taken in. It gives me goals to reach for, knowing every small step is towards better health. I've tried so many diets out there, trying to find THE perfect fit for me, but never did. It all comes down to what everybody says. You have to find something that works for YOU for the long haul because if you stop and go back to your regular ways, you'll gain it all back. You've been there. I've been there. And many others have been there.
    So for me, my success stems from being on MFP and having a strong mindset. I wish you the best of luck to find what you need to make this work for you.
  • peggy_polenta
    peggy_polenta Posts: 325 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Have you tried the 7 day egg diet yet? I started last week and can now cluck the entire score of the Lion King.

    I'm continued to be amazed at the Disagrees you rack up for posts that are clearly jokes.

    Your post was only 24 words...I wonder if the disagree-ers read the last 10.
    i read the whole thing. i hit disagree because he is being an *kitten* and its not necessary.

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Same diet y exercise worked for decades after decades after many more for me.Then after Post Menopause (whole change in my hormones to body) Bam 💥 pregnancy!!! Lost it miscarriage then Bam 💥 mom died then Bam 💥 pregnancy again all in 3months!!!
    Hard pregnancy on bed rest whole time then bam 💥 uterus torn apart from a placental abruption! 3months of surgeries to Frankenstein me together again told no exercise or extreme dieting till fully healed! Got doctor to bend a little bit here y there on his rules. 2 1/2yrs to heal up finally can exercise y eat right .Started my cycle all over again Doctor announced I’m back in Perimenopause noooooooo! Not again!! I was through not fair but oh well 😔 !!
    Mybody chemistry fully messed up my tried y true diet wouldn’t work!!! Nothing from before is doable or works.Diet makes me gain!! Opposite moment! Exercise I used to do not allowed ever again according to doctors.My procedure he has me on hysterectomy type exercises.

    So new plans new start.
    Research up a storm found a few I like so combined then eliminated what wasn’t working. Played around with it all till got it figured out for my body.

    1.Soccer with baby,indoor walking, when we go out running after a 2yr old is exhausting (my Daughter is 20 so huge gap ), y dancing with baby.

    2. Diet- Fresh foods as natural as possible, Keto for cold months (hit a snag my diet wasn’t filling me up like it did this summer), vegan to meat dishes all healthy less sugars ,salts,seasoning,fried anything,etc.
    Figuring out ways around issues at family dinners to eating out so it’s sustainable permanently when I move from diet to maintain catagory. Well families learning to deal with it if I don’t want anything but salad with ham on it for thanksgiving or vegan stuffing from a cousin with veggies then that’s what I’ll eat. Trying to discover things restaurants offer on the menus I’ve missed out on so can have better healthier meals. At the moment halfing the meals taking half home for tomorrow but rather just get a plate of low cal options eat all I want not have a doggie bag...researching up a storm.
  • lgfrie
    lgfrie Posts: 1,449 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Have you tried the 7 day egg diet yet? I started last week and can now cluck the entire score of the Lion King.

    I'm continued to be amazed at the Disagrees you rack up for posts that are clearly jokes.

    Your post was only 24 words...I wonder if the disagree-ers read the last 10.

    People are extremely literal here. If someone wrote "I'm eating 400 calories per day, is that good?" and you responded "sounds great! In addition to losing tons of weight, you'd be in peak health, and eating disorders are highly underrated" you'd get 30 down votes.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    I have read all of your posts and your all right (except for the 7 day egg thing haha... funny😉)
    I answered my own question in my post. Balanced diet , exercise, calorie deficit. It’s true the white noise of the ‘fad’ diets gets pretty loud sometimes. The pressure to be that perfect body type screaming at you, wanting the weight off so bad you lose sight of what’s actually working. I’m sure I’m not the only person that has the same thoughts and deals with the same issues!! Keep the comments coming. ☺️

    I am in much the same situation -lost the weight through MFP, kept it off for over a year, some serious work stress happened and gained almost all of it back. Haven't really been able to get properly back into the swing of things since - I know exactly what I need to do, but just have a hard time consistently sticking to doing it for some reason so trying to work on stress-management side of things more and keep trying at the consistency thing lol.

    Hope you find your way back to it!
  • bishopjulia
    bishopjulia Posts: 205 Member
    I have read all of your posts and your all right (except for the 7 day egg thing haha... funny😉)
    I answered my own question in my post. Balanced diet , exercise, calorie deficit. It’s true the white noise of the ‘fad’ diets gets pretty loud sometimes. The pressure to be that perfect body type screaming at you, wanting the weight off so bad you lose sight of what’s actually working. I’m sure I’m not the only person that has the same thoughts and deals with the same issues!! Keep the comments coming. ☺️

    I am in much the same situation -lost the weight through MFP, kept it off for over a year, some serious work stress happened and gained almost all of it back. Haven't really been able to get properly back into the swing of things since - I know exactly what I need to do, but just have a hard time consistently sticking to doing it for some reason so trying to work on stress-management side of things more and keep trying at the consistency thing lol.

    Hope you find your way back to it!

    I hope you find your rhythm too. It can be frustrating to lose then gain and have it take longer to come off. I guess that’s why they have this community section for help and great suggestions and support, and others that have gone through it and are succeeding... and for us who feel stuck sometimes. Sending good energy your way 🥰⚡️✨✨✨✨✨⚡️
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    I agree. I have so much trouble figuring out what is best for my body. Everyone seems to believe that their way is the best. The most success I’ve ever had in my life was with MFP.
  • mlsh69
    mlsh69 Posts: 31 Member
    I would stick to calorie counting on here. Just my 2 cents
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    I've had this too,one if my friends mentioned cutting out gluten,sugar,dairy etc not necessarily for weight loss but just some overall health concerns I have, well I got caught up on the gluten thing and started buying alternative foods without it and wow talk about calories! I dunno if they add other things to make it more edible or what but I found myself inching up on the scale,I honestly think the common sense approach of MFP is the way to go,if that is you're honest in your logging(I haven't been lately😔)
  • bishopjulia
    bishopjulia Posts: 205 Member
    whitpauly wrote: »
    I've had this too,one if my friends mentioned cutting out gluten,sugar,dairy etc not necessarily for weight loss but just some overall health concerns I have, well I got caught up on the gluten thing and started buying alternative foods without it and wow talk about calories! I dunno if they add other things to make it more edible or what but I found myself inching up on the scale,I honestly think the common sense approach of MFP is the way to go,if that is you're honest in your logging(I haven't been lately😔)

    I know what you mean. I’m doing Intermittent fasting and it’s been working, along with whole foods and not cutting out foods and also counting those calories. Like I mentioned in my first post ... it’s hard sometimes with all the previous ways eating in my head, and with falling off the wagon. As long as we don’t give up and just keep trying. 😉
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    Yea and it's like the whole low carb thing,I'll cut out carbs yet still pig out on the foods im "allowed" to eat so sure carbs are low but the cals definitely are not!😆