C section just starting to work out

I need help with cardio but also toning my “muscles” lol , I know it’s almost impossible to get rid of the “apron” over hang belly and I’m obese 230lb so I know that’s a dream but can someone help me with a simple work out 🏋🏼‍♀️ at home I can do , stretching cardio and help with losing arm fat (turn into muscle) and belly fat and some booty stuff to please !! I do eat healthier and I only drink water etc so my diet has been doing good I just am 6 weeks post partum so I wanna ease my way in also because my job require a lot of lifting (over 50lbs) and during pregnancy I lost all my muscle basically, help?!!! I just need something to start to I can do more harder things
-Also I can buy like weights at 5 below or cheaper weights etc I also like dancing


  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Be careful starting back. Start with core work. Look up post partum core workouts.

    Remember your abdominal muscles were cut open you need to make then work again. I had a c section and at 6 weeks went skating. At 5 months I started more intense skating then realized I couldn't do things because my core was so weak.

    So there's my two cents
  • DiisturbedOne
    DiisturbedOne Posts: 1 Member
    Hey girl! Congrats on baby 🤩 im 13 weeks pp from a c section so know how you feel :). Work outs i would suggest for you is a basic circuit to start off with. So you do 3 mins weights 2 min cardio and 1 min abbs So for example, you could do 30 seconds push ups 30 seconds bicep cirls 30 seconds squats. Then repeat all 3. Then move onto cardio so 30 seconds (whatever you can do) star jumps/punching/running on the spot ect then 30 seconds of another cardio then repeat both again. Then same with Abbs 2 different ones 30 seconds each but no repeat. So maybe sit ups/plank on the knee/russian twists with feet on floor etc
    Then you do all that about 2 more times but with different excersizes each time. I hope this makes sense! When you get stronger and better try doing 2 weight options at the same time eg. Lung with a bicep curl. Squat with a shoulder raise etc. But also start off walking that's what i did i walked till i was about 9 weeks pp but if you feel healed and ready then give the circuit a go. Good luck!
  • BexWilliams89
    BexWilliams89 Posts: 1 Member
    I found using a belly band very helpful when exercising after my c section. It gives you so much support. Also, YouTube exercises specific to pp c section. Best of luck!!
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I would highly suggest resistance training if you are cleared to do so. One of the easiest option on return on investment is to go to a gym if you don't have a barbell or the more common equipment for resistance training.

    Also you can't turn fat into muscle. Lose fat through diet and retain some muscle is a pretty reasonable goal from the info you stated
  • mim619
    mim619 Posts: 33 Member
    I was advised to wait till 4 months pp to resume regular workouts after a c section. From 6 weeks to 4 months I simply walked with my baby on me in a wrap. I would talk to your Dr about safe exercises.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    My dr cleared me for basically whatever at 6 weeks pp. I still like to take things slow, I didn't lift any heavy weights during pregnancy either. There was a youtube channel that I thought was nice for during pregnancy... bodyfit by amy I think is what it was called. I did her pregnancy workouts, she also has postpartum workouts if you want to check those out. Otherwise I think weight lifting is the best for improving your body composition. Good luck!