The 65 lb weight journey

I am currently 210 and my goal is to get down to 145, my highschool weight. I was in a strength and conditioning class and I managed to loose 5 pounds but am needing to stick with the continuous getting up early and working out but I am struggling to get out of bed early in the morning and need some advice on how to make it easier. I also am struggling to stick to the diet of low carbs but the holidays and birthdays are making it difficult. I need advice on what you eat and what helps you stick to it with a lot of self control. I just need some advice and maybe some guidance because I really want/need to do this.


  • gewel321
    gewel321 Posts: 718 Member
    I think you are pushing yourself to do too much change. Life is about compromise. If you can't get up early go to the gym in the evening (I do Zumba at 6 and my weight training at 8:30 after my son goes to bed). If you want to have some carbs then have some as long as it fits into your calorie goals for the day. When drastic changes are made they are not sustainable. Do you!
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,222 Member
    I would start by saying that you don't need to make it harder on yourself than necessary.
    Is it absolutely necessary to workout in the morning?
    Why are you eating low carb?

    I always work out in the evening since I'm really not a morning person.
    Where diet is concerned, I eat pretty much what I ate before, just smaller portions.

    Find a way that works for you. I won't say it will always be easy, but the more difficult the route you choose, the less likely it is to be sustainable. Small changes, create good habits gradually, and you can get there!
  • Luke_rabbit
    Luke_rabbit Posts: 1,031 Member
    Great advice above.

    Unless you have been prescribed a low carb diet by a medical professional, there is no need to struggle with it. I eat almost 50% carbs and lose weight. Many, many other people here on MFP can say the same.

    Also, don't stress about a far away goal. Make your first goal to lose a smaller amount, like 20 pounds. Wouldn't it be awesome to weigh 190? Concentrate on that.

    Take it slow. Make some MFP friends. Have some fun while you get healthier!