Heel Pain?

I've been walking a lot and doing other things like dancing and Wii Just Dance 2. Now the heel of my foot hurts really bad, I've been limping all day, and it hurts when I put pressure on it. I googled it and came up with a few options. Is my best bet to take the day off exercising tomorrow and just rest up my foot? Will going for a bike ride be the best option if I do decide to exercise tomorrow? Should I ice it?



  • Colleen_OBrien
    Colleen_OBrien Posts: 6 Member
    When I was working out a lot my feet and heels would hurt a lot! Are you wearing really good shoes?
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    You may be a heavy heel striker when you walk. You may want to look at getting better walking shoes that have good cushioning in the heels. You may also be getting heel spurs but you'd want to see a podiatrist for that determination.

    In the meantime, until the pain goes away, you definitely want to stick to something that doesn't hurt them. Biking is a good option.
  • ItsMeLori
    ItsMeLori Posts: 346
    You need a good pair of walking or running shoes... Asics have some 55 dollar running shoes. Thats what I get
  • kristinaohno
    kristinaohno Posts: 113 Member
    i wear Adidas work out shoes. I'm currently unemployed and very broke and have no insurance. So, I can't buy new shoes and I can't go see the food doc. I was supposed to go see the foot doc after I went to the ER when my bad foot was acting up. That's the foot that hurts. I ended up spraining it.
  • genie98
    genie98 Posts: 62
    I have heel pain and have plantars facsitis (Spelling?) It is very painful. It can take up to a year to heal. I had it in both feet but it finally went away in one. My other foot is better. You have to have really good tennis shoes and don't go barefoot or wear flip flops if possible. Also, whatever some says DO NOT get inserts for your shoes. I believe this is how my problem started. Also massaging your foot helps with the healing processing and this can be painful as well. Hope this helps.
  • toxiclight
    toxiclight Posts: 6 Member
    Active.com has a page of stretches you can do to strengthen your foot/heel...mine hurts like crazy when I either wear the wrong shoes or don't get enough stretching beforehand. I found taking a day off of strenuous exercise/walking and just doing the stretches helped immensely. That and getting different shoes with better cushioning in the insoles.

    In my experience, bike riding causes less pain than walking or dancing, so if you don't want to miss a day exercising, it may be a good option. Do try the stretches though...heel pain left untended can be unpleasant.
  • lakersfan4life
    lakersfan4life Posts: 322 Member
    i get pain in mine from just standing too long. but thats after having achilles tendon surgery........................ it sucks!!!
  • adrehe
    adrehe Posts: 36 Member
    I have a very similair problem. Mine is caused by my arches in me feet. My arches are very high so if I wear flip flops of flat shoes is gets worse my doctor told me to try freezing a water bottle and putting it in the arch of my foot and roll my feet across it for a few minutes every night to help he said I have fallen arches. But I am scheduled to get cortisol shots soon also.
  • dianediaz
    dianediaz Posts: 53 Member
    Sounds like it could definitely be plantar fascitis. If so, here's a little trick. Freeze a water bottle, like the bottled water kind you buy at the store, 8oz or 16oz is fine. Once frozen roll the arch and bottom of your foot, heel too, across the bottle on the floor. You can do this for 20 minutes. This ices and stretches the area at the same time an feels oh so good. You could do this a few times a day.

    Good luck, hope it gets better soon. :-)
  • duckpond11
    duckpond11 Posts: 197 Member
    I have plantar fascitiis - you could be starting to experience that. You DON'T want it. If you ignore the pain and work through it, it will get worse. Stay off your feet for a little bit, take a NSAID (iboprophen) and ice it every night. Plus do some calf stretches, but not to the point of pain. If it doesn't subside soon you can google some more treatments for it. I've been suffering with it since April, and it really makes it hard to workout.
  • sneezles
    sneezles Posts: 165 Member
    You may also need arch supports in your shoes. I had a pulled Achilles tendon which took 2 years to recover from. In addition to icing with the water bottle you need to stretch your calf muscles after walking or riding. If you have a step you can drop the heel down, with your toes still on the step, and stretch for 30 seconds.

    I wouldn't walk for at least 2 weeks but riding the bike is okay.