do you love your job? if so, how come?



  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    Love my job. Look forward to it every single day!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I like my job very much now, because they treat me like an adult. At my last job they were . . . I refer to it as the 3rd ring of hell.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member

    Aww, in his defense I don't think he meant he actually wants to have sex with them.. I think he just meant it as a sort of compliment, like, he takes them from their mommy-bodies to having hott bodies... that sort of thing. I took it like he does a good job and was being complimentary of his trainees.

    As for my trainers in my gym, they're all pro athletes. They have awesome bodies. If they find me attractive ... then I take it as a compliment. I mean, c'mon I'm paying these people to help me be attractive LOL
    This! I'm a VERY happily married man. Most of the women in my gym want to be MILF's.
  • princessputz
    princessputz Posts: 283 Member
    I do love my job. In a nut shell I am a Logistics Manager/Customs Guru for a large CNC/Milling Machine dealer. I basically import/export freight from all over the world, but my main lanes of traffic are Germany & Taiwan. It's tough, stressful and my hours are ridiculous somedays but I wouldn't give it up for the world. Everyday is different and challenging but I thrive on stress so it works to my advantage.

    To obtain this job I have a Bachelor of Commerce and 3 years industry experience, as well I am currently furthering my education by taking various supply chain, customs, and logistics courses and looking to get my CGA eventually =)
  • ruforreal765
    Nope! that's why I have finally decided I need a change. I just gave my notice at my current work place. I work in an insurance office and it is just far to boring for me because I work with an older women that is a control freak and won't let me do anything! She is not nice at all and I decided happiness is more important in life! I was a waitress prior to this and am used to being around people and this office is just to quiet for me! I decided even after 10 months of trying to make it work and a knot in my stomach everyday from this witchy woman it is time to move on!
  • sara709
    sara709 Posts: 170 Member
    I love my job! I'm a first grade teacher - it's amazing fun.
  • Dave351
    Dave351 Posts: 45 Member
    Was a US Marine for a long time. Loved tactical ops and the commraderie and closeness of those that share that environment. You develope such tight bonds with others when you have to literally entrust them with your life!

    Now I'm an Enroute Air Traffic Controller! Fantastic job! The politics suck but the job itself is incredible!
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member

    I love my job because I can work any 100 hours/week that I want !
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    I love my job because I literally tell people how I feel and I get to do what I love accounting. :bigsmile:
  • pebbles71785
    pebbles71785 Posts: 6 Member
    I work for an air ambulance company as an assistant to the VP. It's fun, everyday is something new, but It seems like i'm always at work and never at home....
  • LosingGrip
    I hate my job, I started of working part time in the main store (Tesco), 8 hours a week while I was at college. That was 4 years ago today, I'm now doing 28ish hours a week, not at college or anything.

    Only thing keeping me going is working for the Police, and that I'm joining the Army in a few months!
  • skinnny1day
    No, I don't love it...I'm currently looking for a sugar daddy :laugh:
  • Autumn15
    I love my job in the education field because it allows me more time with my kids than just a regular old 9-5 would, it's never boring things are different everyday and I work with a wide variety of interesting people. Pay isn't great but as long as I ahve a job that allows me to spend quality time with my kids and keep a roof over our heads I'm happy.
  • CindyWarner
    i got laid off from a job about 5 years ago that I thought I loved at the time. I took many temp jobs and some full time jobs that I ended up not likeing the politics so I left them. It took about 2 years to finally get a full time job that was right for me. In the end the company that I work for now, even though it's the same industry, is more focused on work/life balance. Something I never thought of...... I don't think I'll ever leave.
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Yes, I LOVE my job...I'm a taxi driver...I love driving and meeting people..I meet the most amazing people.....
  • beach_bum_gurl
    I am an ER nurse~ I LOVE my job!

    Each day is different. I make a difference in others' lives. Sometimes, I even help save a life! THAT is the BEST!
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 665 Member
    I love my job , I am a firefighter. I investigate all fires determining origin and cause, I can ride the truck whenever I want. I get paid to workout while I am here. You need 400 hours of Firefighter training and also EMT-B certification, plus 100 hours of training yearly. We save lives, most everyone loves seeing us, and we are a family. Plus its a 20 year retirement so I can retire when I am 46 if I want.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Ok I guess I should play too...I'm currently in office Admin/safety admin for the oil patch. and it's damn boring. I am not challenged in any way. But i get paid well, it's a pretty liberal office, my boss is great, my benefits are great and i'm 15 minutes from home. it's just so mind numbing, i feel like i'm wasting my talent. most of the jobs in my field are for the oil patch, so it's similar. I get paid more than most of them because they really want to keep me...but seriously, i'm fading away. I hate the feeling of my eyeballs rolling in the back of my head all day. the fact that i do sweet f.a. all week, and then Friday I decided to get my poop in a group, and I'm done EVERYTHING by 10am. I'm scared that my brain is atrophying, and if I do get a big girl job one day, I'll be dumb as a post.
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    I totally LOVE my job because I am a counselor in an alternative high school where it is very easy to see that what I do makes a difference in a lot of lives.