And THIS is exactly the reason...

I wasn't going to start baking cookies yet because they are my downfall. That, and every other sweet thing out there. :( But I started this very thing this a.m. And so far I've eaten about 6 of the dang things. :( No dinner for me tonight.
Sometimes that No voice seems to step right outta the room and lets the Yes imp take over.


  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,525 Member
    Skipping dinner may not be the best bet. A long term program can absorb a few dings here and there.

    You have my sympathy. I can no more eat one cookie than I can eat one potato chip.
  • amy19355
    amy19355 Posts: 805 Member
    plan to include a cookie or two with each meal, and log the calories along with the rest of your food.

    I like cookies. Cookies are good.
    I like food. Food is good.

    log it all, enjoy it all, and don't beat yourself up. Also - make cookies that you don't like and you'll eat fewer of them and have more to give away!

    good luck!
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Christmas cookies are not a "one day" thing. That's the problem with some of the advice above :p
    I just don't make them or buy them. Who can eat "just one cookie" when there are a dozen cheering you on???

    I managed to fit a slice of cake into my day, everyday for a week. I actually got TIRED of cake. CAKE. I love cake. For some reason fitting things in like that makes them less magical, and I'm able to have just one.

    Christmas cookies are best when they’re gifted to friends and family :). I bake cookies every week, eat one or two myself, give the rest away. Fortunately I have a bit of a reputation as a baker, so I’m not forcing cookies on the unwilling.
  • ClearNotCloudyMind
    ClearNotCloudyMind Posts: 238 Member
    Yeah. Me too today. Was doing so well, limiting myself to the sugarless wholemeal mince pies (which fit and are yummy). Then I tasted the shards of my son’s gingerbread house and that was it... I need to either stop baking or slather every bake in chocolate (which I avoid due to migraine). Wish it wasn’t that way but need to accept the evidence of where I am.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Christmas cookies are not a "one day" thing. That's the problem with some of the advice above :p
    I just don't make them or buy them. Who can eat "just one cookie" when there are a dozen cheering you on???

    That is what the OP will need to determine. I don't try to "fix" thing that happen very rarely. I am not too keen on late night snacking because I do not leave calories for it and it can mess with my sleep. On occasion though I will go to the fridge and "pick" at something like leftover pizza and then I will go back again and again until I realize I am just going to eat it all so I might as well just do it. Because this only happens a 4 or 5 times a year though I just log it and chalk it up to being human. If I were doing it regularly or if I thought I would do it anytime there was leftover pizza in the fridge I would have to make a plan for better moderation.
  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. This is why we preach "no bad foods" here. Is 6 cookies a day, every single day, the best thing? Probably not. But one day is not a big deal. Punishing yourself over it is only gonna make it worse. Have a nice, moderate dinner, and come back tomorrow with a smile on your face.

    I've lost significant weight eating big macs, pizza, taco bell, cake, cookies, and pretty much every bad food under the sun. I just have it on ocassion, and try on moderation. But sometimes I overeat on those days. But because I am on track most of the time, it doesn't stop my weight loss.
  • valkyriemfp
    valkyriemfp Posts: 6 Member
    Allow yourself to have a cookie or two, then have dinner and pack the rest away and know that you have a yummy treat waiting for your mornings. When something seems forbidden, it's far more tempting.
    Have to admit though, I was going through something similar today. Easier said than done sometimes, it comes with practice and some days are better than others.
  • sugarcakes38
    sugarcakes38 Posts: 80 Member
    I wish I could keep it down to 6 cookies. You do rock.
  • It’s ok to eat more than you need sometimes. When I eat over my goal I just forget about it and move on to the next day. Skipping meals doesn’t work for me. 6 cookies would not be very filling for me and so if I then made myself miss a meal I would be starving and that would likely lead to overeating the next day. And that pattern of overeat then restrict over an extended period is what led me to mfp in the first place!!

    I refuse to punish myself for eating nice things.
  • nighthawk584
    nighthawk584 Posts: 2,023 Member
    I indulged for the 1st time on Thanksgiving...I sampled everything my sister made including all the snacks and two huge pieces of pumpkin pie with homemade whipped cream. It was one day out of 8 months of strict control....Guess what, I didn't gain anything! Don't sweat it and don't deny yourself a treat every so often. As long as you get back on the horse, you'll continue to hit your goals. PS...I can't wait for the Christmas desserts! :)
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Yesterday is done and gone and I am ashamed to admit my will power didn't improve any throughout the day. :) The terrible thing was I was eating reject cookies, ya know the ones that aren't worthy of giving or serving? That goes to show how many rejects and what kind of baker I am. Lol My mistake for trying something different with this particular cookie recipe. :/ I've made them lots of times before but they are a PITA to roll out so thought I'd be smart and use my cookie scoop instead. Uhuh. It's much easier to try new things with cooking, not so much with baking.
    BUT upside is I got right back to it today and feel just as determined as I did before that 1st bite jumped into my mouth yesterday. (Honest, it wasn't my fault ;))
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I indulged for the 1st time on Thanksgiving...I sampled everything my sister made including all the snacks and two huge pieces of pumpkin pie with homemade whipped cream. It was one day out of 8 months of strict control....Guess what, I didn't gain anything! Don't sweat it and don't deny yourself a treat every so often. As long as you get back on the horse, you'll continue to hit your goals. PS...I can't wait for the Christmas desserts! :)

    How is it possible for you to go 8 months with strict control? My life is too messy for that. I think 3 is about the longest streak I manage before I either choose to eat more one day or life chooses it for me.
  • katsheare
    katsheare Posts: 1,025 Member
    Urg, I hate when experiments in the kitchen fail!! On the one hand, good that there was an edible outcome (I've not always managed that...); and there really is no other hand. One day, one week even, is not horrid in the grand scheme of things (it sounds like your philosophy has already assured you of that!)

    What kind of cookies? (Illness struck the household in waves perfectly timed to ensure that no Christmas baking happened this year. Which sucks, because if I'm going to have Christmas cookies, I have to make them - they're not really as much a thing here in the UK)
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    katsheare wrote: »
    Urg, I hate when experiments in the kitchen fail!! On the one hand, good that there was an edible outcome (I've not always managed that...); and there really is no other hand. One day, one week even, is not horrid in the grand scheme of things (it sounds like your philosophy has already assured you of that!)

    What kind of cookies? (Illness struck the household in waves perfectly timed to ensure that no Christmas baking happened this year. Which sucks, because if I'm going to have Christmas cookies, I have to make them - they're not really as much a thing here in the UK)

    I made a cookie my mom always made when we were little so it's a tradition. :/ They're simply molasses cookies sandwiched with rasp. jam. They're really very good but a real pain to roll out without the dough sticking everywhere. But this year they came out more like wafers, still tasty though. :)

    I hope your household recovers from the illness!! It's no fun when it goes through every member of the family. :(
  • ellie117
    ellie117 Posts: 293 Member
    Three coworkers each brought in homemade cookies today...chocolate chip, gingersnap, sugar, peanut butter, chocolate chip pizzelles, mini reese cup many cookies. And chocolate chip banana bread.

    I tossed this day up as a loss by 10am. I ate my normal lunch (lean cuisine) and will have a normal dinner. I'm trying to stay calm :)
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I usually try a light dinner like salad or soup on my days where I have indulged...something that fills my belly, but keeps the calories low.
  • katsheare
    katsheare Posts: 1,025 Member
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    katsheare wrote: »
    Urg, I hate when experiments in the kitchen fail!! On the one hand, good that there was an edible outcome (I've not always managed that...); and there really is no other hand. One day, one week even, is not horrid in the grand scheme of things (it sounds like your philosophy has already assured you of that!)

    What kind of cookies? (Illness struck the household in waves perfectly timed to ensure that no Christmas baking happened this year. Which sucks, because if I'm going to have Christmas cookies, I have to make them - they're not really as much a thing here in the UK)

    I made a cookie my mom always made when we were little so it's a tradition. :/ They're simply molasses cookies sandwiched with rasp. jam. They're really very good but a real pain to roll out without the dough sticking everywhere. But this year they came out more like wafers, still tasty though. :)

    I hope your household recovers from the illness!! It's no fun when it goes through every member of the family. :(

    The cookies sound wonderful! The faff of rolling out is one of the things that keeps me from doing anything but drop or sheet cookies (and I have so many cookie cutters!!!) I may try some snickerdoodles if I have time - one of the few cookies of my mom's that I actually like!

    We're mostly better. It hit me last, but the apex of my illness was last week, I'm almost recovered. And while we're hosting, I'm going to spread out cooking over a couple days, so sanity should reign.

    Have a wonderful holiday!
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    edited December 2019
    katsheare wrote: »
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    katsheare wrote: »
    Urg, I hate when experiments in the kitchen fail!! On the one hand, good that there was an edible outcome (I've not always managed that...); and there really is no other hand. One day, one week even, is not horrid in the grand scheme of things (it sounds like your philosophy has already assured you of that!)

    What kind of cookies? (Illness struck the household in waves perfectly timed to ensure that no Christmas baking happened this year. Which sucks, because if I'm going to have Christmas cookies, I have to make them - they're not really as much a thing here in the UK)

    I made a cookie my mom always made when we were little so it's a tradition. :/ They're simply molasses cookies sandwiched with rasp. jam. They're really very good but a real pain to roll out without the dough sticking everywhere. But this year they came out more like wafers, still tasty though. :)

    I hope your household recovers from the illness!! It's no fun when it goes through every member of the family. :(

    The cookies sound wonderful! The faff of rolling out is one of the things that keeps me from doing anything but drop or sheet cookies (and I have so many cookie cutters!!!) I may try some snickerdoodles if I have time - one of the few cookies of my mom's that I actually like!

    We're mostly better. It hit me last, but the apex of my illness was last week, I'm almost recovered. And while we're hosting, I'm going to spread out cooking over a couple days, so sanity should reign.

    Have a wonderful holiday!

    Glad you and your family are on the upswing of things!! Fingers crossed for your sanity :)

    I love snickerdoodles and found a recipe yesterday where you bake them in mini muffin tins, when they come out of the oven you mush the center down and put in apple pie filling. Do I dare make these for Christmas?? Good question. :/
    I swear Pinterest this time of year, is an evil site to visit. Lol
  • nighthawk584
    nighthawk584 Posts: 2,023 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    I indulged for the 1st time on Thanksgiving...I sampled everything my sister made including all the snacks and two huge pieces of pumpkin pie with homemade whipped cream. It was one day out of 8 months of strict control....Guess what, I didn't gain anything! Don't sweat it and don't deny yourself a treat every so often. As long as you get back on the horse, you'll continue to hit your goals. PS...I can't wait for the Christmas desserts! :)

    How is it possible for you to go 8 months with strict control? My life is too messy for that. I think 3 is about the longest streak I manage before I either choose to eat more one day or life chooses it for me.

    I live alone and "semi" retired and cook 99% of all my meals.
  • goatg
    goatg Posts: 1,399 Member
    October came and baking season was ON! 8 pies last month.

    Just resolved to bike more and gain a few. It’s the holidays 🤷🏻‍♀️