

  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    LadyGloria - THANK YOU!!! I just finished 30 minutes of the games you told me about and it was so much fun. I think I was under the impression that you had to complete the low intensity workouts before they'd let you move on, but since that's not the case I am now feeling like I am getting a workout following your plan. Just wanted to thank you again, you're the best :love:
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Wednesday workout done!
    My goal will remain to keep up with my chalean extreme schedule despite school responsabilities.
  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    Checking in for Wednesday... still logging, on day 11 :smile: and working on drinking water. :drinker:
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Meg, you are keeping me accountable on the days in a row. No problem, 150. On it. See you when we get there! And I had blood work at 7am this morning, so I left my lunch at home…so today not as healthy as I could have. Oh well, I still managed to be below calories and almost below on the sodium. I will be packing snacks this weekend though. I do not want a reversal of all of my hard work in one weekend.

    Philosohoe, that bbq sauce sounds delicious. I’ve recently been going organic or very natural with just about everything I can. I personally prefer “Food Should Taste Good Sweet Potato chips” as my low sodium chip. I’ve always thought pita chips were more like crackers. I am totally not a fan of cottage cheese or ricotta, so I’ll leave you to that. Thanks for the information on the other stuff though. I’m always looking for new foods.

    Lttee, that is an awesome NSV! I had a similar one when I went in last week for my annual exam. My doctor also noticed my weight loss and was glad I was doing it “the right way”. It was a nice moment. Almost as nice as today’s comment from my school’s secretary that I had to order new pants because my current ones were about to fall off and were “swallowing” me. I guess I need to get around to that soon because now I’m paranoid that I’m going to accidentally moon someone at work. LOL!

    Danlyn, so glad you had fun and enjoyed it! It’s always good to find something you like and you’re welcome. :-)

    Papillion, woo hoo! Go heavy or go home baby! Keep up the good work!

    10more, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming; just keep swimming, yeah yeah yeah!

    My progress:
    1. Get in week 2 of Chalean Extreme.-did Burn 2 today as scheduled. Woo hoo!
    2. Repeat last week's success with packing lunches for work.-forgot this morning due to an early doctor appointment, will do better tomorrow and remember to pack it and actually take it with me this time. LOL!
    3. Survive the weekend with the entire in-law clan and manage to find semi-healthy choices as they insisted we have nothing to do with menu planning.-would it be completely rude to bring something for just about every meal?
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    I had a grreat visit with my dr too, but it was on the scale and it was down 25.5 lbs since Jan this year even got a hug from my nurse practiciner.
    W3D1 was tough I made it through but it was hard running 3 minutes, may have to repeat this week the way I was huffing and puffing.
    Mak love the treats Happy belated Birthday. I don't have a culinery degree but love to bake and watch Top Chef religously all of them.
    My favorite things to make are new cheescake recipes.
    love to work out with wii will have to get it out again too
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Meg, you are keeping me accountable on the days in a row. No problem, 150. On it. See you when we get there! And I had blood work at 7am this morning, so I left my lunch at home…so today not as healthy as I could have. Oh well, I still managed to be below calories and almost below on the sodium. I will be packing snacks this weekend though. I do not want a reversal of all of my hard work in one weekend.

    Philosohoe, that bbq sauce sounds delicious. I’ve recently been going organic or very natural with just about everything I can. I personally prefer “Food Should Taste Good Sweet Potato chips” as my low sodium chip. I’ve always thought pita chips were more like crackers. I am totally not a fan of cottage cheese or ricotta, so I’ll leave you to that. Thanks for the information on the other stuff though. I’m always looking for new foods.

    Lttee, that is an awesome NSV! I had a similar one when I went in last week for my annual exam. My doctor also noticed my weight loss and was glad I was doing it “the right way”. It was a nice moment. Almost as nice as today’s comment from my school’s secretary that I had to order new pants because my current ones were about to fall off and were “swallowing” me. I guess I need to get around to that soon because now I’m paranoid that I’m going to accidentally moon someone at work. LOL!

    Danlyn, so glad you had fun and enjoyed it! It’s always good to find something you like and you’re welcome. :-)

    Papillion, woo hoo! Go heavy or go home baby! Keep up the good work!

    10more, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming; just keep swimming, yeah yeah yeah!

    My progress:
    1. Get in week 2 of Chalean Extreme.-did Burn 2 today as scheduled. Woo hoo!
    2. Repeat last week's success with packing lunches for work.-forgot this morning due to an early doctor appointment, will do better tomorrow and remember to pack it and actually take it with me this time. LOL!
    3. Survive the weekend with the entire in-law clan and manage to find semi-healthy choices as they insisted we have nothing to do with menu planning.-would it be completely rude to bring something for just about every meal?

    Don't think is is rude at all to bring your own food! My family is more used to this when I visit. I am happier and so are they. Good luck!
  • asm0118
    asm0118 Posts: 22 Member
    Wednesday update:

    1) Did NOT run any of my C25K today, it was my off day. Walked 5 miles though! KrisPage---I notice we are on the same week and day! I struggled a little too this time, but I pushed through! Keep it up!!!
    2) Did NOT "officially" log 500 calories burned. However, we were at 448 from our walk, and I actually have to walk about .2 miles extra to and from her house. So it should be darn close to 500! =)
    3) Did NOT eat 1200 calories. In fact was below 1000! I worked a 12 hr shift, until 11am, then went home and slept! Got up, walked, and slept some more!
    4) Took all my Rx today =) Notice myself feeling a little better already!

    Scales not being friendly to me...were showing 171/172, and now the needle is hovering at 174! Grrr!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Whitman - I think you're close to 500, absolutely should count. Glad you're feeling a little better.

    Kris - glad you also had a good experience at the doctor's.

    10more-great job continuing to log, it helps, way to be consistent.

    My check in:
    Excercise every day - check, though I'm beginning to question if I should considering I've been running a fever for 6 days in a row now.
    Stayed in calories, but had to eat a bowl of cereal (currently) to get up there
    Wise choice: don't believe I've made one today. I'm sick, and tired, and ran myself ragged despite that.
  • arailling
    Wednesday update - 1) 6 oz water per day - DONE...3 days in a row!!! 2) Make Lunch for work - DONE!!! 3) Log all Food - DONE!!! I'm doing awesome this week...I also just got my "Biggest Loser Challenge" workout for the Wii today. I'm pretty pumped to work out with Bob & Jillian :) It's encouraging to hear them tell you how you're doing, as opposed to just doing a regular aerobic workout.
  • lisateachawa
    lisateachawa Posts: 166 Member
    oh, I didn't realize that I had to log in each day with you. Sorry!
    Got most of my water in every day- but am not getting enough calories burnt. I had planned on an hour a day and I just don't have the time with all of my extra errands this week to accomplish that. I am taking my lunch everyday to work, but have had food out twice so far (quick dinners). I have gotten my bicycles and other exercises in every day this week. I've lost 2 lbs so far this week - we will see what Friday brings. :)
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Philosohoe – Glad you raised a glass with me :smile: Congrats on your goals today, 12 days in a row that’s fantastic! Quite the puzzle you have with the sodium, keep working at it and I know you will figure it out.

    Whitman1002 – Sounds like you are doing great with your goals! Tell that scale to play nice, or you will hide it (that’s what I did LOL!)

    Lttee – Awesome NSV, I’m doing a happy dance for you. I hope you start to feel better and the fever breaks soon! Take it easy don’t push yourself too hard, we want you back feeling better ASAP!

    Danlyn – Glad to hear the Wii is working out for you and your enjoying the gmaes. Glad to hear you are feeling a little less stress. Good luck to your niece, I know having your support is a huge help to her.

    Papillon22 – Great job getting your Wednesday workout in. Hope things aren’t too busy for you.

    10 more – Another awesome check in – 3 for 3 woot woot!!

    Ladygloria – 150 here we come! Great job on your NSV! Good job with your goals today. Half the battle of the lunch challenge is bringing the lunch, I know LOL! There has been many a day I’ve left my lunch in the fridge. I think brining your own food this weekend would be OK.

    KrisPage – Another great NSV! I’m loving it!!! Great job Kris, I’m sending you big HUGGS!! Way to get through running for 3 minutes, that’s a major accomplishment. Keep it up. Yeah for a fellow baker! I love Top chef too. Never had much of a hand at baking cheesecake, I love doing cakes. I used to do wedding cakes, I really enjoyed that. YAY for more Wii’ers :smile:

    Arailling – You ARE doing awesome this week. Keep it up! You’ll have to let us know what you think of the biggest loser aerobic workouts.

    Lisateachawa – you only need to log when you want. If you want to log a couple times that’s OK with us, if you want to log everyday that’s OK also. Sounds like you have been one busy bee! Keep up with the water and getting your bicycles in.

    I had meant to share with you guys a little NSV I had yesterday. My bowling league started up yesterday, I haven’t seen the people I bowl with since May when last season ended. I was about 174, so I’ve lost 16 pounds since then plus I cut off my hair. I got so many compliments not only on the hair but the loss, it felt fantastic!

    Wednesday check in
    1. P90X everday! – Another no for today. Gotta get out of this habit. All my reasons for not are just excuses, I need to stop the excuses get up and just do it.
    2. Get in 3 non P90X workouts in – Not today.
    3. Bring my lunch and snacks to work every day – This one I did do!
    4th goal - daily check in – I’m here!

    I wish I had a better check in today, cuz everyone else is doing SO well. Keep on doing it everyone!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    lisateachawa--the everyday check in isn't like a "RULE", it's just something that I do because I like the connecting part, the support, the motivation. Ittee likes the accountability. It really is whatever works for you. Good job on your water & exercise goals, and congrats on your loss!

    Wednesday night check in:
    1) Exercise everyday including 2 non-swims--yes on swim 3/7 (#13) Still need to get those non-swim workouts going before the end of the week. Maybe I'll wake up early and do some elliptical before work.
    2) Calories over 1200 & in the green--check!
    3) No meals over 1000 in sodium today & stayed under overall! Woo Hoo!
    4) Did Not Weigh In Today. Didn't even look sideways at the scale.

    BTW--just to go on record, I did ask Ittee if she felt that swimming on her sixth day of a fever was a good idea. She said something along the lines of "probably not, but I'm going to do it anyway because I have an exercise everyday goal." Crazy woman that I adore. I might have to break my streak to keep her out of the pool if she's not better tomorrow. Did you hear that Ittee? Get Better!!

    Ok. Night all and have a wonderful tomorrow.
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Oh yeah, I had one more interesting sodium fact that I learned yesterday that I forgot to share. So I was going through my food diary and I was trying to figure why celery is so flippin' high in sodium. I do a little google-ing, and it turns out celery is indeed one of the highest sodium content veggies, however, it is also one of the highest potassium veggies. The ideal sodium to potassium ratio is supposed to be about 1:1 to stay in healthy bp, but most people's food intake puts sodium at like 3-4 times higher. Celery, on the other hand, has a 1:3 ratio of sodium to potassium, which means, it's actually really good at helping LOWER blood pressure and has been found to reduce anxiety and tension as well. I think I'm going to be eating celery at work more often.

  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Wednesday Check-in:

    1. I'm doing what I can to be helpful with my niece, but I'm no longer letting it consume me. Thanks, MAK, for the good wishes.
    2. Got a good workout in with my Wii thanks to advice from LadyGloria and lttee!
    3. Got to bed at 10 and slept a tiny bit better.
    4. Eating healthy, well-planned meals so far this week.

    All in all a good day yesterday!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    W3D2 was better maybe I wont be doing this week over but next week includes 5 min run :frown: may repeat W3 jsut to build my stamina to get ready for w4 Lord Help ME what have I gotten myself into?!?!?!
    Great work everyone.

    Mak I worked in a bakery in HS and 1st yr college mostly frying donuts but helped decorate some cakes it is fun never anything as grand as a wedding cake though. Cakes are great but cheescake is devine. I have a over indulgent neopolitian cheescake that is sinful and a smore cheesecake that takes you back to girl scout camp. YUMMY!!

    Danlyn other wii fun I have the AE active that has a 30 day or 6 week workout schedule that is a great program with step by step instruction and support it will make you do repititions over if not performed properly great strength training with resistance bands and cardio you wont believe, you feel the burn for sure!! I havent done very much with my wii fit program but the hula hoop and step workouts and running really should look at it for some of the strength and yoga stuff. any other opinions for good wii workouts??
    I have heard the dance games and zumba a fun havent tried them myself.

    "Oh yeah, I had one more interesting sodium fact that I learned yesterday that I forgot to share. So I was going through my food diary and I was trying to figure why celery is so flippin' high in sodium. I do a little google-ing, and it turns out celery is indeed one of the highest sodium content veggies, however, it is also one of the highest potassium veggies. The ideal sodium to potassium ratio is supposed to be about 1:1 to stay in healthy bp, but most people's food intake puts sodium at like 3-4 times higher. Celery, on the other hand, has a 1:3 ratio of sodium to potassium, which means, it's actually really good at helping LOWER blood pressure and has been found to reduce anxiety and tension as well. I think I'm going to be eating celery at work more often."

    This is very interesting I love celery but it really needs filled with something peanut butter pinapple cream cheese it just has that amazing empty space that must be filled like a boat.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Danlyn-what a fantastic job you're doing !!

    Kris - I love your description of celery needing to be filled like a boat :laugh:

    My check in:
    I did not excercise, however, I'm a running a fever for the 7th day, and been on antibiotics for 4 days, so clearly excercise isn't helping matters in this :sad:
    I did stay in calories, even though I went out for mexican food. Only ate half my burrito and asked for a to go box (yay for lunch tomorrow!)
    Wise choices: yes there was more than one. I called in after working half a day. I was dizzy and feverish and doing myself and students no favors. I went home and rested. Told my gorgeous swimming buddy that I wouldn't swim if I was feeling poorly, and also that I was going to bed early (thanks Philosohoe for understanding, as always).
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Philosohoe – way to go. I love how you and Lttee keep each other motivated and going. What a great support system you have!
    Interesting fact about celery, thank you for sharing.

    Danlyn – Sounds like you indeed have a great day. Glad to hear you are enjoying the Wii.

    KrisPage – Keep up all the great work with C25K. I think repeating w3 to get you better prepared for w4 is a great idea. I love smore anything, so smore cheese cake would be right up my alley. Celery and pineapple cream cheese sounds amazing! I usually do the peanut butter, but I may have to try the cream cheese idea.

    Ittee – Way to go with the eating out today! Hopefully the fever breaks soon and you will be back in the swimming lanes in no time.

    Thursday check in:
    1. P90X every day! – More excuses today but bottom line no P90X today. I have two weeks left of P90X, and I am going to finish the last two weeks strong.
    2. Get in 3 non P90X workouts in – still hanging at 2/3 for the week.
    3. Bring my lunch and snacks to work every day – My manager took us all out to lunch today we have 4 birthdays within a week (including her own) so we had a big ole Virgo birthday celebration. But you will be proud of me I choose Shrimp with Clam Sauce over Summer Squash. The squash was supposed to be like pasta. It was very yummy! I did bring my breakfast, and I had a bar in my desk I had as a snack this afternoon.
    4th goal - daily check in – I’m here, though I wish I had a better check in.

    Tomorrow is my weigh in day. I have a feeling my low workout numbers are going to show thorough. But that will be ok. I've had a few more late nights this week and I am exhausted so I'm heading off to catch some ZZZs.

    Everyone have a great Friday!
  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    Checking in for Thursday... Completed my workout even though I didn't feel up to it and logged. Now to go drink more water :drinker: Have a wonderful Friday everyone :happy:
  • asm0118
    asm0118 Posts: 22 Member
    Thursday Check-In:
    1) I completed W3D2 and improved from Tuesday night! Didn't do as well as I had hoped, but it was also 80+ degrees and muggy as heck! =)
    2) Did NOT burn 500 calories! I was supposed to walk this morning, but we had severe thunderstorms, so I napped instead. Only burned 268. =(
    3) Did NOT eat 1200 calories! In fact, only ate 825. Blah. I will try harder tomorrow! =(
    4) I took all my Rx meds today =)
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    10more--wtg on exercising when you don't feel like it. Not the easiest thing in the world to do.

    whitman--glad to see you're staying on your meds. Good job with that and your daily exercise!

    MAK--Hope you were able to get more rest tonight. Nice work with the healthy out-to-lunch lunch.

    Thursday check in:
    1) exercise everyday including 2 non-swim workouts: check! 4/7 (#14) Today was my 1st non-swim exercise for the week. I woke up half and hour early and did 20 min on the elliptical. I guess I was inspired by MAK's early morning workouts.
    2) Calories over 1200 & in the green--check! Even though I planned for more exercise points than I actually did, I managed to stay within goal because I packed too much lunch and didn't eat it all.
    3) No meals over 1000 sodium--check! In fact I barely went over 1000 for the whole day. Very proud of that one.
    4) DO NOT WEIGH IN ON ANY DAY OTHER THAN MONDAY--check but grudgingly! A couple of my MFP friends had big losses today with their weigh-ins, so aside for being happy for them, I felt like, "I wanna see if I lost anything too!" I didn't weigh in though because of this goal designed to keep me from obsessing. Yay.

    That's it for me tonight. Have a lovely Friday everyone.:happy: