The tiny fridge debacle...

tweedabird Posts: 17 Member
edited December 2024 in Food and Nutrition
We are temporarily in a basement apartment. This has been an insane year going back and forth to Mexico for months at a time as my husband is having dental implants done there. (Which has been awesome!) But while home in the states I've gained a good 12-15 lbs and I want to get back to being in control of my nutrition. SO all that being said... we have a tiny little fridge. So it's really hard to stock up on good food like I would have before. Even with a normal size fridge I felt like on grocery day I could barely fit all the veggies and stuff in there.

So does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep veggies or fruit fresh outside of the fridge? or like what produce can even last outside the fridge? Has anyone else been through this??


  • ookoolady
    ookoolady Posts: 16 Member
    Root vegetables like turnips and yams don't have to be refrigerated. Butternut, acorn and spaghetti squashes can sit out for long periods. Apples, oranges and melons can last awhile.
  • vivo1972
    vivo1972 Posts: 129 Member
    A large cool box and those frozen pad things?
  • ookoolady
    ookoolady Posts: 16 Member
    While not as good as fresh vegetables, canned corn, peas, string beans and other vegetables can be nutritious and low calorie options.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 8,043 Member
    I live in Europe where small fridges that fit under the counter are typical. We deal with that by shopping every day or two, not once a week like Americans. If you live in a temperate climate and don't have a lot of wildlife around consider hanging some stuff from the porch or balcony in a mesh bag.

    Apples, pears, bananas, persimmon, onions, onions, tomatoes, avocados are fruit and veg I typically keep on the counter. Though I move pears and avocados to the fridge when I want them to stop ripening.

  • poisonesse
    poisonesse Posts: 571 Member
    I get all my produce from a once a week farmer's market... and while my fridge isn't exactly small, it's a side by side, and I fill almost all the shelves AND the three bins with produce after my weekly shop. I'm fighting with the hubby to get me a second 'fridge for the garage, so can store all my produce in there. While that's probably not an option for you (since there's no room in my garage to HOLD a 'fridge, it's also not gonna float here, either), how about looking into one of those "college dorm room" fridges, just to hold some of your produce? They're inexpensive, and can fit under counters or in a corner, and you can use the top for holding an appliance (microwave come to mind) or as an additional small table. Just an idea...
  • BarbaraHelen2013
    BarbaraHelen2013 Posts: 1,941 Member
    I’m not sure about this! ^^

    I don’t think those tiny under the counter fridges are at all typical in the U.K. these days. 30 years ago, possibly, but I don’t even remember the last time I saw such a set-up.

    I have a full height built in fridge in the kitchen and another American style side-by-side fridge freezer in the utility room (small kitchen).

    That’s a fairly common set-up amongst everyone I know. Having said that, I live in rural England - supermarkets are a drive away (12 miles is closest) and I think you live in a central London apartment, so I’m sure experiences differ accordingly.

    I’d say if space is limited then the only fruits and vegetables that really need to be refrigerated are salad leaves and other salad veg and soft fruits/berries. Root veg (especially potatoes) do better in a cool dark place than in a fridge anyway. Cabbage and other cruciferous veg do fine too.

    I’d also agree that canned vegetables and fruit, for that matter (in juice rather than syrup) are fantastic standbys in situations like this.

    I was always taught that fruits like melons and bananas should never be refrigerated anyway!
  • tweedabird
    tweedabird Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks everyone. Good ideas. If this was a more permanent situation I would probably invest in another little produce fridge but it’s very temporary. But thanks for the ideas. Got the wheels turning a little bit more. 😆
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