Newbie here...looking for inspiration

Looking for others who can be a great inspiration to me. Recently started a blog here and would LOVE to find others who have started writing about their journey/struggles. Wish all those out there the best of luck you your journey as well! Starting tomorrow so will be back for sure :D


  • littleredd
    I hope you find many people to be inspired by on here.
    I've only been here for a week and I've lost 10 pounds, which I'm incredibly happy with.
    All the best with your goals! (:
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    You will find lots of useful tools and very inspirational folks here at MFP. Make sure to add friends that will be supportive and will hold you accountable. I can't tell you how important it is to drink lots of water, log everythign you eat, and incorporate exercise into your routine. In other words, this should be a change in lifestyle, not just a diet, if it is to work. Good luck to you with your goals!