Christmas Day - how much damage???



  • HeatherLeAnn622
    HeatherLeAnn622 Posts: 45 Member
    Yep. Went over most of this week. I just remember that in the grand scheme of things, I'm STILL overall in a deficit. Any real fat gain is minimal. I have made myself not fall into the trap of "I'll start over at the New Year." Just get right back on track! (do your best anyway) I hope everyone had a great holiday!
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I ate whatever I wanted, still have another meal today. But it's one large meal per day so it's not bad.

    Plus my calorie goal is so high I probably didn't even come close to hitting actual maintenance.
  • makingup2do
    makingup2do Posts: 5 Member
    Almost hit 5000 calories yesterday, but hey, I’m bulking. The cutting comes next week.
  • Hollis100
    Hollis100 Posts: 1,408 Member
    We had Christmas dinner in a restaurant with lots of sodium-rich food. My scale was up one pound today. I believe it'll be down in a day or two. Back to real life for me.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    My Christmas Eve was pretty rough because of Chinese takeout and candy & cookies. But actually, Christmas Day wasn't bad. We're kinda weird and just have relatives over for brunch which was mainly veggie omelets, toast, and 4 types of fruit. Our dinner was a normal everyday dinner of kung pao chickpeas with cabbage. I did eat a lot of Italian nougat (yum) but really, not that overboard and no alcohol. Scale was up 2 lb from Christmas Eve (sodium) and back down this morning.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    You can't really do much damage in a single day, or even in a few days.
  • astidog99
    astidog99 Posts: 20 Member
    I was surprised I was not drawn to the choccies as much as I thought I would be. Yes I have a quality dtreet tin full of just my faves, but last year I rationed them to make them last. this year I will ration them and fit them into my plan.
    Saying that...Boxing day is not a good day to be weight in day- eeeep!!! scales just showing 1lb up from last week, but seeing there has been 2 meals out, Christmas eve butties and pasties and Christmas day I can live with the figures going the wrong way.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    One meal will not make or break your year or week 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    edited December 2019
    I respect and admire all those who limited your holiday eating to 1-2 days!!
    My holiday over-eating started last Friday and ended last night when I threw out all the remaining cookies, Maple Cream Pie, and stuff I knew I'd eat. Six days of endless mindless shoveling, argh. Even though I've felt stuffed to the gills for the past week with sugar and fat laden foods, I'd still open my mouth and mindlessly shovel it in. Pathetic huh? :( I am not proud of myself. :/ And the hardest thing I'm facing this morning is the two-timing of my mindset. Part 1 says This is IT, back to it NOW, but the part 2 is saying Open the DaMn fridge and see what is there to eat.
    Speak UP part 1 so I can hear you better!!!
    Oh and did I happen to mention I'm an emotional eater, as in now all my family have left my home quiet again and I don't know when I'll get to see them again? :(
    Man, I need a 12 step program to conquer this.
    So, all this to answer a question that I could've used 2 words for.....Too Much!!
  • nuzziek
    nuzziek Posts: 69 Member
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    I respect and admire all those who limited your holiday eating to 1-2 days!!
    My holiday over-eating started last Friday and ended last night when I threw out all the remaining cookies, Maple Cream Pie, and stuff I knew I'd eat. Six days of endless mindless shoveling, argh. Even though I've felt stuffed to the gills for the past week with sugar and fat laden foods, I'd still open my mouth and mindlessly shovel it in. Pathetic huh? :( I am not proud of myself. :/ And the hardest thing I'm facing this morning is the two-timing of my mindset. Part 1 says This is IT, back to it NOW, but the part 2 is saying Open the DaMn fridge and see what is there to eat.
    Speak UP part 1 so I can hear you better!!!
    Oh and did I happen to mention I'm an emotional eater, as in now all my family have left my home quiet again and I don't know when I'll get to see them again? :(
    Man, I need a 12 step program to conquer this.
    So, all this to answer a question that I could've used 2 words for.....Too Much!!

    Don't feel bad!! I also started feasting last Friday, through the end of Christmas day. Tons. Of. Food. (Especially sweets). I agree that it's hard to jump right back on the wagon, but just do it! I know you can. The scale was up 5 pounds yesterday morning (the day after Christmas). I ate within my allowance yesterday and had a good work out. Today, 2 of those pounds are gone. So try not to worry - even several days of feasting will not do permanent damage! The best thing you can do is move on and get right back to it today. The holidays are meant to be enjoyed. Any feelings of regret will just feed that pesky emotional eating (which I also suffer from). Try to stay busy, go for walk, take a hot bath, and occupy yourself with healthy activities the next couple days while you transition back into your pre-holiday routine. You got this!!!
  • WobblyPickle
    WobblyPickle Posts: 16 Member
    nuzziek wrote: »
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    I respect and admire all those who limited your holiday eating to 1-2 days!!
    My holiday over-eating started last Friday and ended last night when I threw out all the remaining cookies, Maple Cream Pie, and stuff I knew I'd eat. Six days of endless mindless shoveling, argh. Even though I've felt stuffed to the gills for the past week with sugar and fat laden foods, I'd still open my mouth and mindlessly shovel it in. Pathetic huh? :( I am not proud of myself. :/ And the hardest thing I'm facing this morning is the two-timing of my mindset. Part 1 says This is IT, back to it NOW, but the part 2 is saying Open the DaMn fridge and see what is there to eat.
    Speak UP part 1 so I can hear you better!!!
    Oh and did I happen to mention I'm an emotional eater, as in now all my family have left my home quiet again and I don't know when I'll get to see them again? :(
    Man, I need a 12 step program to conquer this.
    So, all this to answer a question that I could've used 2 words for.....Too Much!!

    Don't feel bad!! I also started feasting last Friday, through the end of Christmas day. Tons. Of. Food. (Especially sweets). I agree that it's hard to jump right back on the wagon, but just do it! I know you can. The scale was up 5 pounds yesterday morning (the day after Christmas). I ate within my allowance yesterday and had a good work out. Today, 2 of those pounds are gone. So try not to worry - even several days of feasting will not do permanent damage! The best thing you can do is move on and get right back to it today. The holidays are meant to be enjoyed. Any feelings of regret will just feed that pesky emotional eating (which I also suffer from). Try to stay busy, go for walk, take a hot bath, and occupy yourself with healthy activities the next couple days while you transition back into your pre-holiday routine. You got this!!!

    So with you.... but today (or tomorrow depending on the time where you are!) is a new day, clean slate. I’ve over indulged..... time to clean up
  • BarnardSunshine
    BarnardSunshine Posts: 12 Member
    I can't wait for the holidays to be over (New Years included). It has been over a month of unnecessary amounts of food. I'm proud of myself overall, but the sheer amounts of food (ESPECIALLY sweets at work) all around me for over a month on end has me completely burnt out. The third plate of baked goods given to our department in the last 24 hours was almost upsetting.

    On one hand, I appreciate the time, thought and love that went into them, but on the other... I just wish there would be some cultural shift where people didn't feel the need to bake every single day of the week for every occasion.

    Sorry, I've had a rough day. I've done really well (and really enjoyed Christmas Eve dinner), but I'm SO ready for things to go back to normal.

  • koalathebear
    koalathebear Posts: 236 Member
    Mmm. I hit goal and then transitioned to maintenance in September. December has been a tough month for me - lots of Christmas lunches, farewells, catch up lunches ... then there was a lot of eating on Christmas eve, Christmas Day and then Boxing Day plus lots of Christmas baking and snacks. I ate a lot over a few days - one day going up to around 3000 calories although overall have managed to stay pretty much in deficit. I was doing extra exercise in the days leading up to Christmas and just after. Maintenance weight is 54.6 kg and in the last month the weight has fluctuated at around the 55.4 up to 57.4 kg and then back down again.

    I'm not overly fussed as December is definitely a month of abnormally frequent and high volume eating, even offset as it was through exercise. It's also been extra hot lately - frequently up to and over 40°C (104°F) so I have been drinking a lot of water, so I'm not surprised the scales are looking heavier. Clothing fits fine though and I haven't noticed any "padding" returning :p

    I'm back to a more normal pattern of eating now and the weight is going back down to the proper level. I did enjoy the yummy food and celebrating, but am glad to be back to a normal routine.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,267 Member
    So much good food, so many treats. I never bake cookies any more, but in December, we seem to have 5 different kinds in the house, all at the same time. And pies. And cheeses, meats, breads... Don't even get me started on the delicious alcoholic treats.

    My goal this year was to stop and think about eating, rather than my usual "oh well" mindset. Oh, and to do my best to keep to some kind of workout schedule. In spite of being out of town and away from a gym, we tried to get out and walk in nature. And one day, my oldest daughter agreed to do 10 push ups every time that Netflix was buffering during our Christmas movie (slow wifi at the cabin). She went to the gym with me before we left on Monday, and again today, so I can at least say that I feel like I can say that my fitness stayed on track, even if my eating was a little off the rails :blush:
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    I don’t know...I’m scared 😱
  • vggb
    vggb Posts: 132 Member
    I threw away the rule book and broke the fun meter B)
  • nighthawk584
    nighthawk584 Posts: 2,005 Member
    I ate around 1500 to 2000 more than normal on Christmas day only. I actually lost over a lb when I weighed in today from Christmas weigh in.