Need to Lose 25 lbs Who’s with me?



  • Back_4_more
    Back_4_more Posts: 92 Member
    25 is my 1st goal for the year. Hoping to have a 2nd 25 off before vacation next summer
  • leil31
    leil31 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in..(leigh by the way lol ) ..I'm on 3 lots of meds all cause weight gain I'm now over weight nothing else can be done because I need them so this is my last shot to try beat it once and for all...I'm going to be healthy eating mindfully lol and using ring fit on the switch...let's do lovely if everyone let me know how you all get on...
  • Weigo2020
    Weigo2020 Posts: 41 Member
    Not sure about tracking everyone’s weight on a graph. I’m using the phone app and I don’t think it has that functionality! Stay encouraged, your hard work will pay off!

    Hi everyone, well the picture was taken 54 years ago, so not me today.....having just had hip replacement because of arthritis, I am determined to lose at least 25 pounds, so I reckon we'll be on this journey for about six months. I began my fitness pal a few years ago, then as usual got busy again, and re started last year after visiting a nutritionist who reminded me of it. I got very busy again this year and let it go again, but am determined, well even as I say that, I'm not sure how determined I am given my history, but it is crucial to lose the weight to help stave off further arthritic events. I wonder if anyone knows how to do a graph with all of our names on it against our weight, public posting of such would be a great help.
    WeiWei2013 wrote: »
    Hey guys I need some camaraderie on this journey of losing 25 lbs. Who’s with me?
    Bren_bcot wrote: »
    25lbs would be perfect. Was pretty shocked to see my heaviest weight this month. MFP worked in the past. Ready to keep this going! Would love to connect with people here to cheer each other on!

    klb6733 wrote: »
    25 lbs would be an ideal weight for me to lose. I'm cutting out calorie filled drinks, calorie reduction and working out 3 time a week.
    Im looking to lose 15, feel free to add me!
    11borntja wrote: »
    I am needing to drop 25 pounds. I do the 17-7 fast. I feel better eating that way. I have a love hate relationship with my vertical climber. Love doing shadow boxing and bokken swords, with my son. He taught me. Try working out at least 5 days a week. At least one hour a day. Good luck everyone.
    Hi Louise here! I'm aiming to lose about the same, but it's stubborn and time to nip it in the bud. I'm just trying good old calorie deficit for a few weeks see how I get on. Would be interesting to follow each others journeys!
    baker348 wrote: »
    25 is what I’m shooting for too! I would like to give intermittent fasting a try.
    caldon4523 wrote: »
    Hi, Im Jim. My goal for 2020 is to lose 20 lbs. I got started early by joining LA Fitness and going on a diet called 14-10 diet. This allows my to eat pretty much anything for 10 hours and fast for 14 straight, I've been on this diet for 1 week and haven't weighed myself yet. I won't do so until Jan 31st.
    Hi everyone, well the picture was taken 54 years ago, so not me today.....having just had hip replacement because of arthritis, I am determined to lose at least 25 pounds, so I reckon we'll be on this journey for about six months. I began my fitness pal a few years ago, then as usual got busy again, and re started last year after visiting a nutritionist who reminded me of it. I got very busy again this year and let it go again, but am determined, well even as I say that, I'm not sure how determined I am given my history, but it is crucial to lose the weight to help stave off further arthritic events. I wonder if anyone knows how to do a graph with all of our names on it against our weight, public posting of such would be a great help.
    WeiWei2013 wrote: »
    Hey guys I need some camaraderie on this journey of losing 25 lbs. Who’s with me?
    Bren_bcot wrote: »
    25lbs would be perfect. Was pretty shocked to see my heaviest weight this month. MFP worked in the past. Ready to keep this going! Would love to connect with people here to cheer each other on!

    klb6733 wrote: »
    25 lbs would be an ideal weight for me to lose. I'm cutting out calorie filled drinks, calorie reduction and working out 3 time a week.
    Im looking to lose 15, feel free to add me!
    11borntja wrote: »
    I am needing to drop 25 pounds. I do the 17-7 fast. I feel better eating that way. I have a love hate relationship with my vertical climber. Love doing shadow boxing and bokken swords, with my son. He taught me. Try working out at least 5 days a week. At least one hour a day. Good luck everyone.
    Hi Louise here! I'm aiming to lose about the same, but it's stubborn and time to nip it in the bud. I'm just trying good old calorie deficit for a few weeks see how I get on. Would be interesting to follow each others journeys!
    baker348 wrote: »
    25 is what I’m shooting for too! I would like to give intermittent fasting a try.
    caldon4523 wrote: »
    Hi, Im Jim. My goal for 2020 is to lose 20 lbs. I got started early by joining LA Fitness and going on a diet called 14-10 diet. This allows my to eat pretty much anything for 10 hours and fast for 14 straight, I've been on this diet for 1 week and haven't weighed myself yet. I won't do so until Jan 31st.

  • leil31
    leil31 Posts: 23 Member
    Lol I just meant for ppl to check back in on this and share progress...I'm rubbish at being clear...good luvk
  • Weigo2020
    Weigo2020 Posts: 41 Member
    Wow, it must seem a formidable task to get in shape, I won’t lie to you but Christ will help you through this if you let Him! I encourage you to also consult with your doc and have your progress monitored by him! Nothing is impossible, keep the faith!
    phinners wrote: »
    Me. Christ knows how though. Im on about 25 tablets a day and getting nowhere.but im trying one last time!

  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,460 Member
    I have 12lbs to lose but slowly getting there even though i lose a bit then gain a bit it! Add me if you want I'm 57 married and retired with a doggy hip and back that's why exercise is slow
  • Weigo2020
    Weigo2020 Posts: 41 Member
    Yeah I lose and then I gain like a yo-yo as well so you’re not alone. I’m 41 but not for long and am going through rehab on my shoulders and feet so totally empathize with your plight. For now I’m doing a lot of Pilates rather than straight up cardio.
    annliz23 wrote: »
    I have 12lbs to lose but slowly getting there even though i lose a bit then gain a bit it! Add me if you want I'm 57 married and retired with a doggy hip and back that's why exercise is slow

  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    I’m thinking 20 lbs. but who knows? 🤔 if I get there I may want 5 more. Why is 25 and under SO hard 😭
  • squirley13
    squirley13 Posts: 112 Member
    I’m in! I have lost 93 pounds this year with LCHF, Keto, and IF. I have 20 more so I agree with your game plan. The last 15 they say are the hardest so I need motivation. I have a tendency to be more extreme especially with exercise. Are you saying exercise 5 times a day or a week? I totally can exercise 5 times a day but if so it would be swimming, sauna and yoga added to my more strenuous modes. I want this weight off and want to maintain it for life with the LCHF and IF lifestyle. I have only been gaining since 2003 so I will be so happy to make it goal weight!
  • Weigo2020
    Weigo2020 Posts: 41 Member
    edited December 2019
    @squirley13 Oh wow 93 lbs! You go girl! I love swimming, I swam for 5 straight years with the masters swim team in our area but had to quit to rehab a shoulder neck issue. Now I just do that once in awhile and mostly Pilates. Yeah I meant 5 times a week! There’s no way I can do five times a day while working. I will be kicking it into full gear come January 2, after my last holiday getogether!
  • Mamita_Vibes
    Mamita_Vibes Posts: 3 Member
    Yes, I’m in. My biggest goal is to cut back on sugars! Trying to stop family illness with diet and exercise.
  • Weigo2020
    Weigo2020 Posts: 41 Member
    I know they say sugar is more addictive than cocaine. And it opens the door to a whole bunch of illnesses.
    Yes, I’m in. My biggest goal is to cut back on sugars! Trying to stop family illness with diet and exercise.

  • CaTrinaMendes
    CaTrinaMendes Posts: 7 Member
    I’m with you on this :s
  • VanessaTrotter
    VanessaTrotter Posts: 1 Member
    I need to lose 30 good pounds. Getting back on track to calorie counting. Doing 1200 cals/day
  • andreab861
    andreab861 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm starting on sugar "detox" at the start of the year. Goal is to lose 55 pounds in 2020. Feel free to friend me here. Happy to share food diaries, challenges and successes!
  • RMOMMY0306
    RMOMMY0306 Posts: 2 Member
    I’ve heard this detox helps the body in many different ways. For your sugar detox how long will you do it for?
  • amsarac
    amsarac Posts: 2 Member
    25 pounds for me as well! Starting keto tomorrow. Nervous and excited. Let’s do this!
  • nrazborsek
    nrazborsek Posts: 1 Member
    edited December 2019
    Hi! :) I would really like to lose about 25 pounds (10 kilos)... But I really cannot seem to find the motivation. I have been trying for about three years but it's like this yoyo effect. I mean diets are impossible cuz I end up eating enormous amounts of food and I try to exercise but I mean I feel great afterwards and then if I don't go one day I don't go the next one I start to binge especially now while my house is full of cookies it's really hard and I feel like all the effort before was worthless. And I feel so tired and without motivation for everything... I know it's all in your head but still I am struggling and I feel I powerless... Plz help, any tips, whatever? :S
    Oh and sorry for the essay :$
  • Cspdb3
    Cspdb3 Posts: 40 Member
    I’m in! I’ve lost 39 so far. 20 pounds is a good mini goal. I have been following IF lifestyle. I try to workout between 5-6 days a week for at least 30 mins. I am beginning to add strength training to my routine.
  • Marieskindl
    Marieskindl Posts: 5 Member
    Just read everyone's contribution again, and wow! I feel so sorry and totally empathize with all, pain is just terrible to deal with, so hugs all round, I have followed a top cardiologist's philosophy
    which has helped with health i.e. lower cholesterol, blood pressure, but, my downfall is carbs, and sweets....and lack of exercise. You'd think, I know all this stuff, but still continue with my silly ways. I have lost 12 kilos since sticking to a vegan diet, but still the old habits continue. I;m hoping that posting here and continuing to use the food diary daily will help. All the very best everyone, and rich blessings