Hi :)

I have just started MFP/calorie counting and I aim to drop 3-4 dress sizes - I thought that the 1960 cals MFP allocated me was a lot to eat while losing weight but i have just logged a typical pre-MFP day as an experiment and realised I was eating around 3,300 cals/day! No wonder I have gained so much over the past 12 months!

I'm looking forward to eating more mindfully and feeling healthier over the coming months, as well as being able to enjoy clothes shopping again! If you are looking for support/friendship please feel free to add me!

I will also be doing the C25K - more as an anti-anxiety measure than as a weight-loss tool but happy to chat/commiserate over the joys of restarting cardio as well!


  • Claudine81288
    Claudine81288 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi hope all is well. I Too want to shed 3-4 dress sizes this year i want it to be different than previous years. I hope we will manage to succeed gl on your journey