PLEASE help me find my mindset again!!!

The mantra 'Just Do It' is the most important one to live by but I, for some reason, can't reclaim that since I let myself go off the track during the holidays. I do 'okay' during the day, keep to my (more or less) routine but after I eat dinner at 5, all I want to do is munch, munch, munch. :( Last night was a very(and I mean very) weak time for me and I need to find my self-control, my positive self-talk, my will-power once again.
Our kids stuff Christmas stockings for us and they included really great tasting quality candy. :( Usually I throw that stuff away but couldn't bring myself to do it. I thought to myself I'd just have a little bit each day and include the calories. Well that lasted 2 days before I polished it all off, then went in search of more. I'm losing it, help??? Please!!!
It all boils down to changing my mindset back to how strong it was. :(


  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    The holidays were fun, it was nice to have time off work, but in my life it's time to get back on the train of "normal routine".

    I know when I avoid pitfalls (as in telling myself a big fat NO) for 1-2 weeks I tend to not want them anymore because I see that avoiding them gets me farther to my goal than eating it. Now, does that 1-2 week period suck, yeah, because my body likes what I did to it when I was eating what I wanted. It will fight you. I might get headaches and fatigue, but I know after that period I'm going to feel fabulous.

    You'll find your control again. Happy New Year!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I've realized I simple cannot have free reign to certain things in my house so I brought in some of that candy/treats to my work and let my coworkers enjoy. I didn't waste it so I felt better.

    Honestly what helped me was getting back into my exercise. For me, when I exercise I tend to make better food choices. When all else fails and the munch urge comes I get up and keep myself busy with something like cleaning/organizing a closet, folding/putting away laundry, playing or brushing my long haired dog.
  • jayemes
    jayemes Posts: 865 Member
    I've fallen off the wagon too. What has worked for me in the past (and I hope works again now) is keeping myself busy in the evenings for a week or two so I don't snack. No TV, no sitting on the computer. I need to break out of the sitting down and eating routine. Instead after dinner I clean, go for a walk, go to the gym..... once I stop doing the same nonsense every night I can watch TV again without immediately going for the fridge
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    Fresh start today.

    You'll make mistakes. You'll make many mistakes. That's OK.

    What can you do better today than you did yesterday?
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    edited January 2020
    Edited my comment because I saw it was already covered :)
  • gallicinvasion
    gallicinvasion Posts: 1,015 Member
    Also, please make sure you’re eating enough during the day! Try structuring in your meals so there’s not so much time to get hungry. If you Pre-log your day of food, including an evening treat of something you love, this could help you get back into the swing of things.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    Well, so far so good for the day. Keeping my fingers crossed for tonight. :/ I'll simply tell my stubborn self that I will NOT have anything after 5:30. 'Ya hear that, self?? Listen up good.' I think if I can refuse to eat after 5:30 at night, that'll certainly help; gotta get my mind back in the game.
    It'll help there's no candy left in the house. :blush:
    Wishing all of you who are struggling with me, the best of luck to turn it back around!!

    I don't think I'd last one night without eating something after 5:30pm. Maybe pre-log to allow yourself 100-200 calories at night for your favorite snack?
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    I think the timing depends on one’s schedule. Some people go to bed at 9pm. I could probably eat dinner at 5:15 and make it through the evening with just some hot tea. But I rarely go to bed before midnight, so I definitely plan for a snack after dinner. I’m sure OP can try her plan and adjust as needed.
  • jasmine_belle
    jasmine_belle Posts: 40 Member
    I totally know where you're coming from. I'm also struggling to get back on track. I thought I'd just be able to click back into place but keep going over maintenance by about 200 calories each day. I hit maintenance just before Christmas so was still new to it and I think my body just loved the extra treats. I'm back at work on Monday so am hoping the old routine will help. Be gentle on yourself, it's not easy.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Well, yeh, the 5:30 idea didn't work last night. Lol I probably ate another 300 cal. right before bed.
    Of course, you all have great ideas and suggestions but when it comes to turning your brain around, it doesn't seem that those work very well. My body listens to a whole different voice. :( The brain is what I need to conquer at the moment so I need to figure out how to get back to "I can do this" mode. *sigh*
    I'd like to think my problem lies in the fact that I still have triggers in the house, leftover from the holidays, but there'll always be triggers in the house if what I truly want to do at the moment, is eat. I need to find that brain switch and flip it back to positive instead of negative.
    Sept. 2018 I weighed 135, by April 2019 I weighed 160. I don't want to do that this year. :(

    The reason I picked 5:30 as a cut-off time is because I know, for me, those are my danger hours so figured if I could just say no more to food, then I'd work through it. But then my no more turned into maybe 1, then I'll have another, etc.

    I'll have to figure out what my maintenance calories would be and start there, plus tomorrow is grocery day and my plan is to purge the house of everything leftover from the holidays once and for all, refill with fresh, exciting healthier foods. That 1/2 box of Wheat Thins is still calling my name. :( But my dh, bless his heart, hid his leftover Champlain chocolate from his stocking. How does he eat 1 piece?? That Santa would've been annihilated within 10 minutes. :(

    Thanks all!!
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    Well, yeh, the 5:30 idea didn't work last night. Lol I probably ate another 300 cal. right before bed.
    Of course, you all have great ideas and suggestions but when it comes to turning your brain around, it doesn't seem that those work very well. My body listens to a whole different voice. :( The brain is what I need to conquer at the moment so I need to figure out how to get back to "I can do this" mode. *sigh*
    I'd like to think my problem lies in the fact that I still have triggers in the house, leftover from the holidays, but there'll always be triggers in the house if what I truly want to do at the moment, is eat. I need to find that brain switch and flip it back to positive instead of negative.
    Sept. 2018 I weighed 135, by April 2019 I weighed 160. I don't want to do that this year. :(

    The reason I picked 5:30 as a cut-off time is because I know, for me, those are my danger hours so figured if I could just say no more to food, then I'd work through it. But then my no more turned into maybe 1, then I'll have another, etc.

    I'll have to figure out what my maintenance calories would be and start there, plus tomorrow is grocery day and my plan is to purge the house of everything leftover from the holidays once and for all, refill with fresh, exciting healthier foods. That 1/2 box of Wheat Thins is still calling my name. :( But my dh, bless his heart, hid his leftover Champlain chocolate from his stocking. How does he eat 1 piece?? That Santa would've been annihilated within 10 minutes. :(

    Thanks all!!

    If evening is a problem, then could you try skipping breakfast, and using those calories after dinner? That’s exactly what works for me. I allot myself 350 calories for after dinner. I usually use it on wine or beer, cheese and crackers, cookies or chocolate. Or like last night—extra pizza at dinner, and then I was full enough that I didn’t eat again. I just love that it gives me that flexibility.

    You would definitely need to know your maintenance calories so you can figure out how many calories you need to aim for to lose weight. I hope you find what works for you!
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    edited January 2020
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    Well, yeh, the 5:30 idea didn't work last night. Lol I probably ate another 300 cal. right before bed.
    Of course, you all have great ideas and suggestions but when it comes to turning your brain around, it doesn't seem that those work very well. My body listens to a whole different voice. :( The brain is what I need to conquer at the moment so I need to figure out how to get back to "I can do this" mode. *sigh*

    Part of "I can do this" mode is is creating an environment that makes the process easiest for us. For many of us, that includes structuring our days in such a way that we have the most calories available for when we are most likely to need/want them.

    I really do get where you are coming from. I struggle with depression and have been out of "I can do this" mode for a long time. I started back up logging recently after about a year off (a very rough year). I didn't come back with an "I can do this" mentality, I just came back and started logging. Now that I'm back in the habit of logging, I'm looking at the little tweaks that make hitting my calorie goal consistently more doable. I have quite a lot of calories to work with right now (1700 to lose 1 lb/week), so it's less critical for me right now how I distribute my calories and I am eating breakfast. But I have, and likely will, go to an IF structure again eventually where I just skip breakfast, because I can tolerate a little hunger in the morning, but not so much in the evening. I'm still not feeling wildly enthusiastic, but I know from experience I don't have to be- I just need simple habits and to create an environment that makes it possible for me to succeed even when I'm not feeling it. Work *with* your body, not against it with arbitrary rules.

    The simpler, and less aggressive, we make it, the better our attitude will be. :)

  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,789 Member
    5:30 would kill me. My daily calorie budget is 2030. I have a favorite 300 calorie smoothie every morning for breakfast, 400’ish for lunch, and 4-600 for dinner.

    Everything else I spend on snacks. That way I get to graze all afternoon, and after dinner, no later than 9 pm (a throwback habit from the GERD days).

    My snacks are smallish: bowl of fruit and cottage cheese, Greek yogurt with sugar free pudding mix (a great idea I learned on MFP!), protein bar (I like the ones that are around 200 calories), homemade beef jerky, hummus with carrots or pretzels, an apple or orange, or a second, less-complicated smoothie. I even buy big packs of deli roasted chicken and roll and eat the pieces. It’s only 50-60 calories, it’s a lotta chicken and it’s surprisingly filling.

    For me, protein is filling and satisfying. It’s so filling, sometimes I leave a couple hundred on the table. Carbs seem to lead to binges. I make up for any shortages on bunco nights. Yikes.
  • blankiefan
    blankiefan Posts: 2 Member
    This is the hardest thing to do. I've had six solid months of being disciplined and then a week "off" at Xmas. I'm also struggling to get back on it despite logging throughout.

    I'm a bit better tonight so far, but I've decided to have no snacks at all - despite having 200 odd calories left today. If I start, it'll never be enough. My plan is to go to bed in the next 1p mins despite it not being even 9pm yet!

    It also helped today that I went shopping and bought a few things in my new size. It was a great reminder of how much I value my new size.
  • ThisTimeNoWine
    ThisTimeNoWine Posts: 9 Member
    I would struggle with a 5.30pm finish each day. One thing that works for me is when I have finished eating for the day, I brush my teeth, this helps me avoid absent mindlessly placing food in my mouth.