Food Scale.. worth it or not?

I am trying to see if I should invest in buying a food scale for meal prepping? Is it worth it or can I live without it?


  • whoami67
    whoami67 Posts: 297 Member
    I bought a cheap one on Amazon. I couldn't cook without it now even when I'm not trying to lose weight. I love that thing.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,191 Member
    Yes, it is worth it.
  • VioletRojo
    VioletRojo Posts: 596 Member
    Worth every penny.
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    Worth it. More accurate counts AND it's even a time saver. Why go get a measuring cup when I can just tare it out and take straight from the contianer.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    Worth it. More accurate counts AND it's even a time saver. Why go get a measuring cup when I can just tare it out and take straight from the contianer.

    Also, fewer dishes to wash :) Put bowl on scale, tare, add ingredient 1, tare, repeat. (Or, put full container on scale, tare, take out what you want.) No need to dirty any measuring cups or spoons.
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    Absolutely worth it!!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    No one can choose for you. It is not required to lose weight. For me, after the initial couple of weeks of getting accustomed to it and learning a few tricks it has been one of the most important tools in my box.

    What it provides me most is peace of mind. In almost 2 years of losing weight my bathroom scale has failed to budge or it went up as long as I was logging accurately and I remained in a deficit I didn't have to worry. The weight loss would always eventually show up on the bathroom scale eventually and it always has.

    Without it there was always the potential I was eating more than I realized and that 3 weeks later I would not see any progress because I was not due any. Now you could say that because I was eating at maintenance I wasn't really losing weight anyway so there should not have been a struggle but just because there is no physical struggle doesn't mean there is no mental one.

    I am not afraid of losing slow but I do not wish to spin my wheels mentally for weeks at a time because I was not logging accurately enough.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    I love mine and use it even without tracking both for cooking generally, and for checking the amount I am consuming. I used to use a scale for baking, and think it's vastly superior to cup measures for dry goods whether one is logging or not.

    I also found it made logging easier and more fun.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    edited January 2020
    It's worth it. A small price to pay for that reliability. Makes logging less stressful in some ways, I don't have to fret over whether I've logged something accurately or not. That said, when I first joined MFP back in 2012, I did not have a scale. And I lost 20 lbs just fine. For me it's not as much about being super accurate, but more so about being held accountable and consistent...
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,987 Member
    Worth it.

    A digital scale will only cost about $10 on AMZN but won't be worth anything in terms of wt loss if you don't use it.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,674 Member
    I don't think of $15 as an investment, but if you do think of it as an investment into your health. I plateaued with 45lbs to go, the food scale (and starting workouts) is how I lost the rest. Eyeballing and measuring cups aren't accurate, and packaged food should be weighed as it's often off. For things like peanut butter and assuming fruit was "small" I was way off. Measuring out oatmeal I was actually under and could eat more. I can't imagine recipe builder without a scale!
  • barbarafburns
    barbarafburns Posts: 5 Member
    I think it is worth it. It took me a couple of days to get use to using mine but now I do not prepare meals without. I even have my family using it for my meals.
  • nighthawk584
    nighthawk584 Posts: 2,005 Member
    edited January 2020
    It's the most important tool I have to stay accurate with logging. I've lost 91 lbs since last April. Would have never been as successful without it! I use it for every piece of food that goes in my mouth.
  • Mov3mor3
    Mov3mor3 Posts: 96 Member
    It's a nice tool to have in any kitchen if you are a cook. It also will help you realize portion sizes. If you are stuck on a plateau, sometimes portion sizes are the culprit. $20 is't going to break the bank, and anything over that is just for brand.
  • imabeevampire
    imabeevampire Posts: 166 Member
    Yes!!!!!! I didn't realise how much 30gs of cheese was until I weighed it 😭😭