Body Bugg

I am thinking of getting one to track my calorie burn- does anyone have one and can tell me what you love/hate about it?? :D


  • cm2two
    cm2two Posts: 194
    i didnt get one because i didnt want to the monthly expense of having to use it.
  • tigersmoondiva
    tigersmoondiva Posts: 93 Member
    Yeah I really wanted one to but changed my mind because I didn't want yet another sub. Those subs will nickle and dime you to death. :(
  • cm2two
    cm2two Posts: 194
    but that's cause im cheap :)
  • michellejanuary3
    michellejanuary3 Posts: 32 Member
    I LOVE my BodyBugg. I got it in March and wore it for 2-3 months straight (except for showering of course). There is nothing I don't like about it. I now only wear it when I do a new workout to see how many calories I burn but for those 2-3 month, I religiously logged every day and wore it every day so I could get a good idea of how MY body works. I highly recommend it!
  • I used one for about 6 to 8 months, and I loved it! It gives you a more accurate idea of how much exercise you are getting around the clock, and frankly, it's fun to use! The website is a lot like this one, but the bugg automatically downloads to it. Wearing also makes you more conscious of moving more - I called it "feeding the bugg".
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    a lot of people really like the Ft7 Polar heart rate monitor. has a "calories burned" function too. about $135 from sport tek.
  • ukhennin
    ukhennin Posts: 221 Member
    a lot of people really like the Ft7 Polar heart rate monitor. has a "calories burned" function too. about $135 from sport tek.

    You can get the ft7 on amazon for around $85. That's where I got mine.
  • pippyrlz23
    pippyrlz23 Posts: 40 Member
    My husband and mom have them and they both love them. Yes, there is an additional monthly cost but it really helps track things accurately. Also, I believe with the purchase of one, it includes like 6 mos of the website access. Definitely do some research and see if it's something you would like and use. I know that they aren't very much help if you don't use it consistently. Hope that helps a little! :-)
  • I love my body bugg!!!! I use it hand and hand with MFP. You can log your foods on your body bugg but Id rather do it here. I track my calories burned and it has helped me to keep on track with my goals. I would recommend it!
  • breskittle
    breskittle Posts: 75 Member
    I REALLY wanted one too. After researching it I decided to just get a MIO petite.

    I decided not to get the Body Bugg because A.) It is expensive! I was willing to look past the cost of it until I saw B.) There is a monthly fee!

    I don't want to pay monthly to track that stuff. I would rather just throw in a little more effort and figure it out myself. I don't need it that bad. Besides, I don't need to track EVERYTHING. Just my workouts. My MIO works fine for that. And it cost $60. (on sale)
  • CountryDevil
    CountryDevil Posts: 819 Member
    Are you wanting it to trace all calories burned during the day including during workouts? Personally, I am only concerned with the calories burned during exercise and and other strenuous activities, For this I use a HRM and don't have the added expense of the Body Bugg. It's a great product and all, but unless you need all the functions, then a HRM will do you just fine.

    Just my .02
  • The one I am looking at comes with a 12 months subscription - and since I hope to reach my goal by then I wasn't too worried about the additional cost after the first year- I am really interested in getting know my body.

    Thanks for all the responses! :D
  • CAlivinMO
    CAlivinMO Posts: 9 Member
    I love mine! But I'm not renewing the subscription because I've used it long enough to understand my body and how it reacts to my workouts. I use it mostly, now, as others have said, to track calories burned during specific workouts so when it runs out I have some accurate numbers to log in here. I've noticed that the generic calorie burns are off from what I normally burn, MFP seems to over estimate compared to my actual burn.

    The coolest thing about the body bugg is you get to see your "after burn" calories too. You can see how one workout affects your calorie burn for the whole day. Oh, and the sleep. I have a new baby and when I'm wearing it at night I can see how many times I got up and for how long I was a wake vs sleeping (normally I'm a zombie and don't remember). Sleep is important to weight loss. I'd recommend getting it!
  • I bought one and used it for several months. I was losing weight really well with it but then it started to bother my arm. It left what looked like a burn mark on my arm and I had to stop wearing it. I am sensitive to things but I thought I was in the clear after the first few months. But it really does help and you don't even know it's on your arm all the time.
  • tarheelchic
    tarheelchic Posts: 20 Member
    I PURCHASED THE body bugg SP so i could use it with my does not work well with the an android phone. if you have an Iphone it works great with that..... other than that i love it. i quite using it for a while only because it wont stay connected with my EVO...but i'm thinking of buying the watch that goes with it so i can start using it again. it tells u exactly how many cal you need to burn to offset your food. GREAT SYSTEM! hope this helps a little..... ashley
  • Armygirl67
    Armygirl67 Posts: 177 Member
    I love my body bugg!!!! I use it hand and hand with MFP. You can log your foods on your body bugg but Id rather do it here. I track my calories burned and it has helped me to keep on track with my goals. I would recommend it!
  • Armygirl67
    Armygirl67 Posts: 177 Member
    I love my body bugg!!!! I use it hand and hand with MFP. You can log your foods on your body bugg but Id rather do it here. I track my calories burned and it has helped me to keep on track with my goals. I would recommend it!
    Can we use the Body Bugg for tracking the calorie burn without paying the monthly fee ?
    Everything else is easier to log here on MFP.
    Im thinking to buy one that comes with a watch that displays the calorie i burnt, but dont want to pay the extra monthly fee .
  • My niece has the Fit Bit. It has free online tracking. I'm still trying to decide if I want the Body Bugg sp that syncs with my iPhone or Fit Bit.
  • hezzyfoofie
    hezzyfoofie Posts: 57 Member
    I'm bumping this to see if anyone can answer the question of whether you need the subscription to find out calories burned. Can you just connect the body bugg to your computer to receive the data? I'm not concerned about tracking food because I can do that here.