Cream and Sugar with a little Coffee

mkgabbard Posts: 6
edited October 2 in Food and Nutrition
So I love my morning coffee, in the past it was coffee overdosed on cream and sugar. Now I'm trying to drink it black but it is just terrible. Does anyone have any suggestions to help me bring my sugar content down from coffee but still enjoy it? I drink water the rest of the day, in fact I don't have any other liquids at all besides water and coffee. Don't want to give it up.


  • jenni128
    jenni128 Posts: 20 Member
    I was the same way! I loved my coffee more dosed up with sugar and cream than the coffee itself. Then, like you, i tried it black. YUCK! I found after several attempts at different sugar substitutes I like Trivia. To me it doesn't have an after taste like others do. But after saying that, it is still not the same. I am drinking green tea now in the mornings and even though I still crave the smell of coffee, and the taste of it. I realized it was a sugar thing.
  • I’m not willing to give up my morning coffee, but I hate how bad it is because of the creamer and sugar. Instead of trying to go cold turkey and drink straight black I’ve been slowly weaning myself off of the creamer and sugar. I gradually put less and less in. The first couple times I drink it with less it doesn’t taste as good but I get used to it fairly quickly. After a bit I’ll then lower it again and start the process all over. After a couple weeks I’ve been able to go from 2 spoonfuls of sugar and 2 tablespoons of creamer to one of each. I don’t think I’ll ever get down to drinking coffee black but I’d like to get as close as I can.
  • cedarhurst2006
    cedarhurst2006 Posts: 378 Member
    I used to drink it with cream and sugar now black with one or two splenda. I've gotten used to it~
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    I used to be a hard core 2 big sugars and a lot of half and half cream. gradually weened myself to 1 sugar, and one low fat coffee mate powder. my cup of coffee is now only 77 calories.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I put skim milk in it (which is good for you, calcium, protein, etc), I used to do a packet of splenda but just switched back to regular sugar. I only put a half tables spoon in it, which really isn't that many calories.
  • Are you drinking good, freshly ground coffee or pre-ground stuff in a plastic tub? I found that when I switched from cream/sugar to black that drinking decent coffee made a big difference.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I drink lots of the flavored KCups, and add just a splash of almond milk to it. Ends up being roughly 5-10 calories per cup, and very flavorful.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Are you drinking good, freshly ground coffee or pre-ground stuff in a plastic tub? I found that when I switched from cream/sugar to black that drinking decent coffee made a big difference.

    Oh yeah, that too. I drink freshly ground Kona blend. Yums. If it's crappy Folgers I need a LOT more sugar and maybe even flavored creamer.
  • I switched to Latte a couple years ago. I have my own expresso maker at home. I use really good quality coffee, Skim milk and I don't miss the sugar. !!
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Why don't you drink something else if you really don't like the taste of coffee? How about black tea with lemon and honey?

  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Why don't you drink something else if you really don't like the taste of coffee? How about black tea with lemon and honey?
    Yes, good idea.

    Why is it you drink coffee? Is it for the caffeine? You could drink a diet soda to get your caffeine. I drink coffee for the pleasure of it. It's comforting and warm. But I don't put a lot of sugar or creamer. You don't have to drink it 100% black. Just a little bit of sugar (or splenda or truvia, if you prefer) and measure a tablespoon of creamer. Yep, I measure my creamer.
  • mehaugen
    mehaugen Posts: 210 Member
    Try getting some really good quality coffee beans (preferably freshly roasted), fresh ground, and french press it. Then it tastes delicious just black!
  • FNPTraci
    FNPTraci Posts: 1 Member
    Definitely agree, fresh ground, good coffee is key. Dunkin Donuts fresh ground is smooth and delicious.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I had to start buying creamer in those little cups (got a huge box of them at sams club fairly cheap) and use one a day now and I also got packets of sugar and use two per cup thats the only way I have been able to make sure I don`t over do it on them and still have some flavor in my coffee
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    A naturally flavoured coffee (like hazelnut or caramel) adds taste without calories. Other than that, I usually have some milk in my coffee. Still a bit of sugar, but it's better than spooning it in!
  • Tegan74
    Tegan74 Posts: 202
    As your making it try putting a lil salt in with the cofffee grounds to lessen the bitter taste. I cant say I've tried this, but EVERYBODY I know who drinks alot of coffee tells me that after I whine that I dont like it black cause its too bitter.

    Just so you know, I only drink coffee maybe twice a yr an when I do I put enough creamer and sugar in that is sweet :p
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    first of all are you willing to cut back or give up sugar?
    thats half the battle.

    coffee is something i will never give up, I LOVE IT CANT START MY DAY WITHOUT IT years ago i gave up on sugar so that is not a problem for me, however i love flavored creamers i have coffee everyday and add the individual packs of creamer with no sugar, i am still faithfully loosing body fat and wt i just add it into my calorie intake for the day, there is no need to deprive yoursef just keep trying to find a way to make it so that satisfy your tast buds.
  • msblueyes5
    msblueyes5 Posts: 126 Member
    I was the same way...Now I use a packet of stop and shop brand sweetener instead of sugar because it has zero calories and it has no weird after taste and doesn't containe aspartame :) and for creamer I switched to powdered which is 10 calories a tablespoon.. I love my coffee that way now...however I only drink an 8oz cup of coffee aday so it doesn't bother me too much
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    I drink about 3 mugs (equals 6 cups) of coffee every morning. I have no desire to give it's my last remaining vice! ;) I use DaVinci gourmet sugar-free syrup with some artifical sweetener and just a tad of powdered creamer, only enough to lighten it a bit. It's delicious! The hazelnut flavoring is my favorite. My coffee is about 24 calories per mug.
  • I use K-cups. And I'm not looking to give up my coffee, being the only other thing I drink everyday besides water... I have started to try and lesson the amount of sugar, probably will take awhile for me to get use to it. And it's not the calories I'm worried about it's the actual sugar content I need to bring down. I was using the site to lose weight faithfully last year and had lost 30 lbs when several injuries in a row forced me to stop exercising. Now I'm back on but am once again struggling to get my food proportions and choices under control. Last year I wasn't addicted to coffee because it was a hassle to make a pot for one cup. Keurig has me addicted to a one a day coffee now.
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