I REALLY wanted to write this...



  • ExFit
    ExFit Posts: 28
    HCG: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin... In other words, a hormone that is produced by the developing placenta when a woman becomes pregnant. Levels increase over the first trimester and then begin to decline. Average levels over the course of the pregnancy have been calculated and are used in triple marker screening, which involves analysis of a blood sample from a pregnant woman or pee test.

    It seems that some so-called Doctors out there are selling this stuff promising rapid weight loss, at a very high price ($$$$). this hormone that your body is suppose to naturally produce is injected into you, to make your body believe that it needs to burn cals quicker than it suppose to (In order to feed the "Baby" that is in your placenta, that is not really there). So the Doctor tells you that you have to consume an exaggerated amount of cals the first 2-3 days and then cut it to 400-500 cals while it buns triple that amount, Lol sure it does, with that calorie intake anyone would lose weight. (Oh yea, to this "Doctors" add appetite suppressants) why don't you just killed me?! as i'm sure the maggots eating my body will make me look thinner.

    Though hCG dieters have some leeway in how they spend their 500 daily calories, they're urged to choose organic meats, vegetables, and fish. Dairy, carbs, alcohol, and sugar are all off limits. A day's meals might consist of coffee and an orange for breakfast; a little tilapia and raw asparagus for lunch; a piece of fruit in the afternoon; and crab, spinach, Melba toast, and tea for dinner. If dieters slip up, they're encouraged to compensate by drinking only water and eating nothing but six apples for 24 hours. That's thought to help squeeze out water weight, a psychological boost to help them get back on track.

    The brain needs about 800 calories to work properly! REALLY PEOPLE?!!. The health risk are unknown, even thought there has been some child birth defects off women that have been doing this. Detractors say the hormone isn't some miracle ingredient to weight loss—the restrictive diet is and that is obvious, to most of us at least.

    If you are on it, i would read and research more of it if i were you. Knowledge is power. And this is a Scam.

    P.S: Look up this. Mr. Kevin Trudeau vs. FTC (Federal Trade Commission) <--This is the guy that made it famous just in case you didnt know. here is a link: http://www.casewatch.org/ftc/enforcements/trudeau/book/appeal_ruling.pdf
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    The issue is that people don't really want to put WORK into losing the weight. They didn't gain it overnight, but they surely want to lose it overnight....HCG let's them do that. It restricts their caloric intake to 500 per day....HA!!

    The ones that starve themselves will more than likely gain the weight back once they are no longer ingesting their magic p*ss...they aren't making a lifestyle change. They are allowing some "hormone" to do the work for them....Go ahead and hate...BUT IT'S THE TRUTH.

    Sometimes the truth hurts!

    And I guess that all those that fall for it and spend so much money on it and continue to believe that it is their magic cure won't realize it until they are exactly back where they started or fatter....it's sad.

    People want a quick fix now for everything...they are too lazy to actually put forth an effort. Why should they...there is magic p*ss that makes it easy.
  • kathied41
    If you only consume between 500 to 900 calories a day and add exercise w/o the hormones you will lose. Its not a healthy safe way to do it, just another fad diet.
  • ExFit
    ExFit Posts: 28
    It's Dangerous.
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    if you want to be success at weight loss follow this weight loss tip.


  • ExFit
    ExFit Posts: 28
    if you want to be success at weight loss follow this weight loss tip.



    True Statement
  • stephers0615
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member

    ummm... welcome back, I guess?
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member

  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    That is the most ridiculous diet I have ever heard of.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    I tried it and it was a waste of my time. Did I lose some weight? Sure I did, but I couldn't have beer and didn't even have the energy to do anything during the duration of the diet. Also as soon as I was back on to real food I just went back to my old habits and gained it all back slowly over 1-2 months.

    What did it teach me. I was able to keep up with the diet the whole time I was on it though hard work and determination, but everything I learned was how to maintain an unrealistic diet that I cannot maintain the rest of my life. Calorie counting for life is the only way because you can have real food and live like a human being. With hard work and determination I can lose weight on calorie counting too, and the good habits I learn now will be applicable the rest of my life, not just during some starvation diet.

    Since I've started calorie counting I'm losing weight at a reasonable weight and I'm now almost at the weight mark I hit while trying the stupid get thin quick diet. Only difference, I did it drinking beer and having fun. I don't have any urge to go out and binge and I can live like a normal person. I'm also feeling great working out at the gym and lifting heavy weights to preserve muscle mass. I actually have the energy to do it.
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    That is the most ridiculous diet I have ever heard of.

  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member

    ummm... welcome back, I guess?

  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    what exactly is the HCG diet anyway???

    Webmd has a pretty eye opening opinion of it. It's main use is for fertility, otherwise helping women get pregnant, so NO scientific evidence that it helps with weight loss, and I sure don't remember anyone losing weight when they got pregnant-LOL

    500 calories a day! Now that's laughable.
  • tarcotti
    tarcotti Posts: 205 Member
    I know 4 people (all in the same family) that did this diet. They lost lots of weight quickly and have actually kept it off even though I didn't think they would...I'm not saying its healthy or wise! I thought about doing it, but decided against it because it doesn't seem healthy eating like that for 20 days.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    what exactly is the HCG diet anyway???

    Ladies. Google is your friend.

    I thought that was The Rabbit.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    I know 4 people (all in the same family) that did this diet. They lost lots of weight quickly and have actually kept it off even though I didn't think they would...I'm not saying its healthy or wise! I thought about doing it, but decided against it because it doesn't seem healthy eating like that for 20 days.

    Well no one can go from 500 calories a day up to 1200 without gaining weight. The only way they can keep it off is by not eating, as they have been doing on this diet. I would look for them to explode in growth and fat should they start eating or trying to maintain their weight.

    It's just simple math.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I know, the ONLY safe way to lose weight is to take in less calories than you burn. There is no quick way of doing it, the slower it comes off the more likely it'll stay off.

    Is this true? I know people say it a lot on MFP, but I've never been able to find any stitistics to back it up.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I know 4 people (all in the same family) that did this diet. They lost lots of weight quickly and have actually kept it off even though I didn't think they would...I'm not saying its healthy or wise! I thought about doing it, but decided against it because it doesn't seem healthy eating like that for 20 days.

    Well no one can go from 500 calories a day up to 1200 without gaining weight. The only way they can keep it off is by not eating, as they have been doing on this diet. I would look for them to explode in growth and fat should they start eating or trying to maintain their weight.

    It's just simple math.

    What? That would only be true if they were maintaining their weight on 500 claories a day. If one were losing weight at 500 calories per day, they should also lose at 1200 per day as long as their TDEE was above 1200.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member

    ummm... welcome back, I guess?


    Did it take 3 years to think up that come back?