"weirdest" thing I ever ate was:



  • In addition to horse, ostrich and freshwater eel, I've ALMOST eaten a piece of raw cow brain. My parents were marinating it in the fridge and when I got home hungry I looked in the fridge and saw what looked like lumpy cookie dough so I took a piece in my mouth. Thank god I spit it out right away - cookie dough is not supposed to be slimy! eek! They don't eat it all the time, but my mother likes it occasionally (eew)

    OMG!!! I won't be going over on my calories today after reading this! urghhhhhhh!! :)
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Am I the only one so far that's eaten brains?

    Growing up, my mom would occassionally get a craving for pork brains. She would scramble them with eggs and eat them that way. You could buy them canned at the grocery store. But I was never a fan. :P

    I was a big fan of head cheese as a child. We ate it on saltine crackers. Then one day I walked into my great-grandma's kitchen to see a whole hog's head sitting on the counter...tongue lolling out. Ewww I asked grandma what it was for, and she said she was going to boil it down and make head cheese. That was the end of it for me. Guess I thought it was just a name?!? LOL
    I like head cheese lol I haven't had it in years but wouldn't say no! :)
  • miadvh
    miadvh Posts: 290 Member
    Hmm, frog legs of course! But also Crocodile jerky, and kangaroo jerky..that my aunt and uncle brought home from Australia. I'm thinking there was another one, but it's been too long.
  • My favourite food is Kibbeh Nayeh, it's a lebanese dish and it's main components are raw beef or lamb and bulgur wheat. It's so delicious. People always gross out when I tell them my favourite food consists of raw ground meats!
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    I'll pretty much try anything. I've had:

    I'll pretty much try food from any culture too and I've made a few trips to the Texas State Fair as well. I've had fried jelly beans, bacon, summer sausage, oreos, twinkies, and ice cream. I love the weird and unusual food :bigsmile:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I'll try just about anything once and have been mostly pleased so far...

    Haven't seen it listed yet so let me add - wild turkey meat. It was not very good. Not only was it tough and stringy but, like most game meat, it pretty much tastes like what the bird eats and this particular one lived in a corn field. Needless to say, hubby's not going to bother with hunting turkeys anymore.

    Other things he killed and brought home - rabbit and pheasant. The pheasant was ok, just not much to it. The rabbit was the best thing I've every had!! Also have had serveral different cuts of deer and moose meat. Probably the weirdest was deer heart. That was quite a few years ago but I remember it being good.

    Would love to try gator and bear meat and maybe horse. Eating dog just seems wrong to me but I'd probably still try a bite.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I guess the weirdest thing I've eaten is Plum Pudding - which has no plums in it. It *does* have suet, potatoes, raisins, currants, carrots, and apple juice (to hold it all together.) Then you steam the heck out of it for a few hours and serve it with a sauce made from eggs and sugar and I don't know what else. My mom makes it for my dad and I every year at Christmas - we're the only ones who eat it and we LOVE it. It's something from his side of the family - the British side. Generally if you're born into the family you like it; if you married into the family you think we're all nuts for liking it. :laugh:
  • A COLD COLD PICKLE with a pack of WILD CHERRY KOOL AID sprinkled on top of it!!!! YUM!!!
  • athough they aren't weird, i used to dip my popcorn in koolaid or even milk when i was a kid! I have no idea why I did but it tasted really good. I don't do it any more I think it would taste really bad!
  • I had kangaroo once. It was at an extremely high end restaurant...one that didn't even have prices on the menu because you had to be a member of the "club" to eat there. I was an obvious guest of a member. I sampled kangaroo and boar.
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