Can you ‘bank’ calories?

I often have calories left over each day. Are they just gone or can you say ‘bank’ them and use them for a special occasion or something else?


  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    Yes. People follow their own rules on it, but some do a weekly calorie goal instead of a daily. I personally do daily, and try to get close to my goal every day, but sometimes if I know I'm gonna have a big day, I'll go a couple of hundred under for a few days to help save up some calories.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,598 Member
    Absolutely, I bank calories routinely.

    I did it less often when losing, because it's not great to be much under very often if already losing weight at a decent rate, but would - as Mike said - do it as a lead-up to a special event sometimes.

    In maintenance, it's an important tool to me, though not everyone prefers to handle it that way.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    Yes, as long as you're eating enough each day to feel satiated. If you're banking so many calories that you're constantly hungry, then you risk binging eventually. So while you can bank calories, do it in moderation.
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,204 Member
    Yep, it’s part of my routine. Partly because of my schedule, but partly because it makes my calorie budget easier to manage. I’m a singer and have rehearsals on Tuesday’s. I don’t like to feel full when I sing (I need the space for air, not food!) so I rarely have more than a snack Tuesday’s nights. I also have a supper club every Thursday it just made sense to let those things balance each other out. It worked well enough that I do the same thing at other times based on my plans for a week. It hasn’t affected my loss or my maintenance at all, as long as my weekly calories are on track.

    I think of it as an expanded version of “meal timing doesn’t matter”.
  • fdlewenstein
    fdlewenstein Posts: 231 Member
    I keep track of macros and try my best to meet my daily goal. I look at my overall average for the week, so if I don't meet my macro goal for the day I do try to make it up the next day (or later). Again, its the average I really care about.

    I would say "yes" you can bank your calories depending on your long term goal. I would be very careful. Also, when I have a special occasion coming up I usually fast for 24 hours. Then I'm not afraid of going over my macros. However, I do still plan what I'm going to eat (if this is possible).
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    I don’t bank calories on purpose, but I follow my weekly average intake. This allows variety to my days: one day I might have the time and effort to make every meal at home and make them really healthy ones, another day might be a take-out sushi box for lunch and a big dinner event at a restaurant. I try to balance things out on a weekly level if there are events or other none-everyday stuff there. I still wouldn’t restrict by skipping meals or making them unusually light in order to bank calories for something else, as that always leads me to bad things.

    I have a Fitbit synced up, and the Fitbit app shows the weekly average intake really nicely even though I use MFP to log food.