Food diary

Is there a way where I can make the app tell me what meals and what exacklty to eat everyday


  • BarbaraHelen2013
    BarbaraHelen2013 Posts: 1,940 Member
    No, because the app has no way of knowing how your days are structured and what sort of foods you have access to, or your personal taste preference!

  • ZoneFive
    ZoneFive Posts: 570 Member
    In MFP you choose your own food, your own amounts, your own timing. Of course if you're new to this, it can be pretty scary and confusing! We can help you along the way, but the choices have to be your own.

    Have you gone through MFP's goal setting? That will give you a starting place for daily calories and a macro split. Then, for the next week or so, try logging everything you eat. Get yourself an inexpensive food scale and some measuring cups and spoons (the scale is the most important), and measure what you're putting on your plate. Keep track of what you usually eat for several days, and you'll start to see where your calories are coming from, and how you can change things up or cut back.

    Then come back here and post about what you learn. Ask questions; there are so many people who've been where you are now and will be very happy to help. Best of luck to you!