Anyone tried Grit?

I’ve been looking for the next step in classes, loving combat and pump but need something more now. Too scared to try Grit for the first time, what will it be like?!


  • achagpar
    achagpar Posts: 493 Member
    I too was pretty scared of it... but it’s good. Intense, but good. Just gotta really push yourself. Try it!
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    I love Grit, it's a great workout BUT you need to push yourself hard because the intervals are only short. However you get a full workout done in 30 minutes.

    Does your gym offer Grit Cardio and Grit Strength? They used to have a plyo version too but I don't know if it's around anymore.

  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    edited January 2020
    I tried one online. You can look it up on YouTube
  • amwoidyla
    amwoidyla Posts: 257 Member
    My gym just got Grit within the last few weeks. I've tried Strength and Athletic (Plyo) and I liked Athletic WAY more.
    The transitions are quick, so I didn't really like have to set down the bar/do burpees/pick up the bar/do rows/set it down/you get the drift.

    I felt comfortable modifying some movements and still felt like I got a great workout.
  • jesslifts
    jesslifts Posts: 34 Member
    I do combat and pump and get on pretty well with them, I gave grit cardio a go once and the vibe was completely different, it’s intense and everyone just works to their own speed. I was totally confused! I think if you have a good trainer who explains how to progress in it it would be worth a try but it definately wasn’t for me. I’ve ended up doing less pump and combat and lifting weights (stronglifts 5x5) instead of adding cardio.