Healthy Protein Packed breakfast

Hello ladies!
I'm trying to get back on the wagon but breakfast always seems to be my downfall. I usually get up around 7:30am with my daughter, rush to get ready while she drinks her morning milk sippy and we're out the door by 8:30/8:45am. I'd love to be able to make myself a healthy breakfast and actually be able to sit and enjoy it but that won't happen! Usually breakfast means stopping at the bagel shop (I LOVE cream cheese!) or eating lunch at 11:30am but then I snack alot before dinner. Do you recommend anything that I can eat/drink or make a ton ahead of time and grab as I run out the door?

Thanks! :)


  • pammypk1
    pammypk1 Posts: 83 Member
    My schedule it the same way. My bf got me the Visalus protein mix and it works for me with added frozen fruit,pop in the blender grab my cup and out the door!:smile:
  • jamesdelong
    jamesdelong Posts: 177 Member
    I know I am not a lady but wanted to share with you something easy and good.

    I got this from a site (I'm eating paleo style)
    It's a fake oatmeal that I make and deslish!

    The recipe makes two servings.
    1.5 cups of Unsweetened Apple Sauce
    4 tbsp of Almond Butter
    2-3 tsp of coconut milk
    a dash of cinnamon and nutmeg

    Warm in microwave for 30-40 seconds.
    I make a tupperware of this at night and pop it in the microwave in the morning.

    Sometimes I also make a mixed berry smoothie if I am looking for something quick .
    1 cup frozen berries
    half cup of unsweetened shredded coconut
    half cup of almond milk
    (my friend tried it and said he didn't like the texture.. said because of the seeds from
    the strawberries. that's why I like it though.. odd)
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Quiche, boiled eggs, breakfast muffins, muffin in a minute (atkins thing). Those can all be made ahead or super fast and eaten on the go. During hunting season I make my hubby a hand held breakfast that he and all his hunting buddies love. I scramble eggs and bacon together and place it on whole wheat bread dough that I've rolled out into a flat circle. Top with a little cheese and then pinch it all closed. Bake for 25 minutes (ish) at 325 and they can eat them cold or reheat them. This one is fairly high in calories though so you may not want to do it. When they're hunting they're out for hours walking and waiting so often this has to fuel them for the better part of the day. If you need something like that then it's a good option. Of course if you're afraid of fat then you'll want to skip it for sure! ;)
  • rgalanti
    4 egg whites pan fried and then topped with 1/2 cup of with spicy black beans.

    to make the spicy black beans:
    1 TBS olive oil
    1 tsp minced fresh garlic
    1 medium onion, coarsely chopped
    2 TBS fresh cilantro, coarsely chopped
    1/2 tsp cumin
    1/2 tsp mexican oregano
    1 habanero pepper in adobo sauce, finely chopped
    1 28 oz can black beans, drained & rinsed
    sale and pepper to taste

    Sautee onions in oil for about 10 minutes over medium heat
    Add garlic and sautee for 30 seconds
    Add other ingredients
    Add water to just cover beans
    Simmer beans for a good hour

    Put beans in small containers. Keep one container in the fridge, and others in freezer. Use about 1/2 cup of the beans each day on your already cooked egg whites. Top with some cheese if you feel indulgent.
  • kadye
    kadye Posts: 136 Member
    Almost every morning I eat two eggs, 2oz canned white meat chicken breast, a little sharp cheddar and some salsa all scrambled together. It only has 225 calories and 25 grams of protein. I like being able to get a quarter of my protein in breakfast. It only takes about 2 minutes to cook it up.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Go to bed earlier, or prep cold meat and veg before bed.

    Prep a home cooked dinner that can be heated again in the microwave in the morning

    Prep a salad before bed
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    My schedule it the same way. My bf got me the Visalus protein mix and it works for me with added frozen fruit,pop in the blender grab my cup and out the door!:smile:

    I have a shake and fruit for first beakfast too!
  • CzubbyMommy
    I know I am not a lady but wanted to share with you something easy and good.

    I got this from a site (I'm eating paleo style)
    It's a fake oatmeal that I make and deslish!

    The recipe makes two servings.
    1.5 cups of Unsweetened Apple Sauce
    4 tbsp of Almond Butter
    2-3 tsp of coconut milk
    a dash of cinnamon and nutmeg

    Warm in microwave for 30-40 seconds.
    I make a tupperware of this at night and pop it in the microwave in the morning.

    Sometimes I also make a mixed berry smoothie if I am looking for something quick .
    1 cup frozen berries
    half cup of unsweetened shredded coconut
    half cup of almond milk
    (my friend tried it and said he didn't like the texture.. said because of the seeds from
    the strawberries. that's why I like it though.. odd)

    Sorry, I didn't mean to exclude the men! I don't know why I posted to just the ladies! Thank you for your response :)